Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Parallel Universes

Physicists are now acknowledging what mystics and other imaginative people have always known. That there are other planes of existence beside the 3-dimensional world we live in. I feel this way about the increasingly hard to bear political reality I face every day. It's only one level in a multidimensional organism.

As the complete governmental manipulation of the public accompanies the virulent plague of human destruction now manifest in the Middle East, I feel a compelling urge to pursue a parallel path, and I am coming to believe it's the only real chance for redemption.

This is my home for now, this troubled earth, but it's spinning in a vast mysterious system that merits exploration now more than ever. There is an alternative reality, I have had glimpses, and therein might be a path to possibility currently unimagined. Perhaps even slightly improved.


Blogger Diane L said...

Oh now, THAT has some very, very interesting possibilities!!! When I was a small child, I kept hunting through my birds-eye maple blocks, looking for the one that was the key to another place . . . it really, really bothered me I couldn't find it! :-)

26/7/06 9:07 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Want to see if the image I added to my profile shows up when I post a comment here . . . :-)

26/7/06 11:40 AM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG! I love it! Can you moderate this and have it appear when you want it?

26/7/06 2:12 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

To a certain extent. . . under comment settings, there is a place to say yes or no to letting images appear by comments. I unchecked that on my blog when Pat P commented on her photo showing up on a comment she made . . .

Now - how do you get the quotations you copy from one comment to another to appear in italics?! :-)

26/7/06 2:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Exactly on top of the comment box is a line that says:

You can use some HTML tags and it gives you 3 choices.

For italics you put the < > with the i in front of the quote, and at the end, but at the end, you add a / in front of the i.

try it

ps. The b will give you bold print.

26/7/06 3:09 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Now that too simple . . .

Now - how do you get the quotations you copy from one comment to another to appear in italics?!


26/7/06 3:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...



I am a firm believer in simplicity. The answers in general are usually right before our eyes and we give ourselves(and others) headaches trying to complicate it all. One little clue is sometimes it.

26/7/06 3:22 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

I am a firm believer in simplicity.

That concept is one I have been preaching for years . . . it's just boggles my mind how much most humans desire those complications! Could it be the more complicated something is, the more important it seems to them?!

26/7/06 3:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

YES! A resounding YES!

Could it be the more complicated something is, the more important it seems to them?!

A gigantic YES. And the smarter they think they appear. That's where I got bogged down on some of the ridiculous treatises at Astroworld and other astro sites. I got caught up in the nonsense myself trying to look smart. I am, of course, but I don't have to go through all of those gymnastics to prove myself to a bunch of ego deficient crybabies.

The same thing with music. I like sparse constructions and so much of the shit out there is so overstated I can hardly breathe from the lack of space. Jazz musicians run scales all night and it's unbearable.

Here is a favorite quote from Arthur Schnabel:

The notes I handle no better than other musicians. But the pauses in-between the notes...ah, that's where the art resides.

Simplicity terrifies people. The in-between. The glorious potential of empty space.

26/7/06 4:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Unfortunately, with this dastardly human flaw, people feel a sick warped sense of safety when bombs are being dropped without pause. It means something is happening and they don't have to do anything to fill the void. Just wait till the excitement ends and they feel the emptiness again. They scream bloody murder for peace, but do they REALLY want it? What will they do for excitement? Pick a fight, probably. They crave the chemicals of combat. Hypocrites. I'll believe them all when they show me some genuine kindness.

26/7/06 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simplicity does terrify people. Why else have we the mass-produced sameness, hundreds of identical products being churned out year after year? Why else are we subjected to the same strains of apple, potato and tomato sitting on store shelves? People want consistency. They want monochromatic green lawns. It's all unhealthy in the extreme.

Monocropping, or the practice of planting one single crop in a field, renders plants prone to disease and pests. That was one reason the potato famine hit Ireland so badly. Mixing crops, or interplanting species, assures better survival for everything including bees, butterflies and birds. Monocropping serves only the interest of the corporate "pharms": it's economical, it's easy to harvest and it's easy to ship in all directions.

It means something is happening and they don't have to do anything to fill the void. Just wait till the excitement ends and they feel the emptiness again.

jm, you just described Borderline Personality Disorder. :o) It's like buying stuff to make yourself feel better momentarily, or overeating, or any other compulsion. It never addresses the root of the problem, which is... *drum roll*


26/7/06 7:28 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

You two are so right . . . what's frightening to me is how common it is. So do you think there are more "healthy" people in proportion to the "unhealthy" ones than say, 50 years ago? I will tell you I have this niggling feeling that has changed little over time. There are more people on the planet, we are far more aware of what is happening globally than ever so it just may seem different. The Internet allows those of similar interests to find each other & communicate over great distances - such as we are doing here! fun, huh?! :-)

26/7/06 8:21 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Here is a link to the Astrococktail Newsletter. There are several internal links to other newsletters in it equally informative.

This one, entitled “Dark Days: The End Of The Beginning” is about more long-term issues, especially those facing the United States, now that it’s progressed Mars has gone retrograde and a unique Saturn-Moon race looms in the future. The Middle East still figures large, but since 2000 the planets have been telling a continuing story all by themselves regardless of current politics, which we ignore at our peril…

26/7/06 8:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe, that is so fascinating about monocropping. Can you believe this is the first time I've heard the term?

The squelching of individuality and spontaneous choice is indeed unhealthy in the extreme. It's one of my big criticisms and I've been searching for the root of this behavior. Why do we say we want individuality, but when it's there, we stomp it down and make it conform? Or does the person desire the conformity more than the individuality? Big social problem.

How in the hell do we fit into this hideous society? I haven't yet.

do you think there are more "healthy" people in proportion to the "unhealthy" ones than say, 50 years ago? I will tell you I have this niggling feeling that has changed little over time.

I think the niggling is right, neith. But on the same hand, things probably aren't much worse than they've ever been, either.

Jeff Greene in his Pluto book breaks it down into about 75% followers, and 25% more evolved. I think the 25 might be even less. Maybe we are improving but it's at too slow a pace to be perceived in our lifetimes, or even our history so far.

26/7/06 10:40 PM  
Blogger Donnie McDaniel said...

I may be wrong, but I think it was Thoreau that said: Simplify, Simplify.
Words to live by.

27/7/06 12:14 AM  
Blogger jm said...


You are so right! Thoreau is the man. Thank you so much you Louisiana crawdad-eating genius!

27/7/06 12:45 AM  
Blogger Donnie McDaniel said...

See we are not all that "Southern Comfort" that hollywood makes us out to be.

27/7/06 3:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And therein lies the paradox: we ought to simplify, simplify our own lives, while appreciating the diversity in our natural and social environment.

27/7/06 4:56 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Hey jm - my copy of Betty Lundsted's book arrived . . . I've only read a little but wow! She's good! It's very sad that she isn't around any more to continue writing. There is a third book by her on cycles that I may see if I can track down.

Catch ya later. . . :-)

Good trick, huh joe . . . ever considered how many paradoxes are contained within each of us?! Amazing that most humans are still functioning . . . probably due to denial! :-)

27/7/06 1:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neith, lets read the Mercury/Mars conjunction and the square, which I have, and discuss it.

Joe, paradox is right. I love that word. Gilbert and Sullivan wrote a wonderful song about that in Pirates of Penzance, which I sang in one summer, and the word reminds me always of that delightful song.

You have a Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius and you are especially attuned to sharing ideas with diverse people, from highly different backgrounds. It's in the 7th house of relationships so your urge leads you to people way different from yourself. Usually people like you enjoy being around an ethnic and racial mix. You also see wisdom in others and realize that something can be learned from everyone.

Now with Pluto in Sag, we have the opposite occurring, where people are resisting this exchange to the point of murder, both literal and figurative, as what sometimes happens on the blogs. Your contribution, given your setup, is especially valuable.

27/7/06 3:34 PM  

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