Tuesday, November 07, 2006


The palace of the arithmetician in charge of counting the votes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wonderful thought and image, jm. Thanks.
I was at my neighborhood polling place just after it opened at 7 AM, and it was BUSY. And I seemed to detect a certain quiet joy in the atmosphere. I overheard one man who'd worked the graveyard shift, and was voting before going home.
It was a scene that renewed my faith. And I'm glad that I did something -- making some get-out-the-vote calls on Sunday, on what was a gloriously warm and sunny day.

7/11/06 9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and carrying on the last thread a bit -- I heard last evening a radio report saying that the military newspaper "Service Times" had called for the removal of Rumsfeld from office. EXTRAORDINARY!!

7/11/06 9:45 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Do the rainbow's colors represent the votes streaming into the palace to be counted? :-)

Just for fun, here are Sabian Symbols for a few of the aspected longitudes on November 7, 2006. I have no idea if Sabian Symbols are useful, but the imagery is nice.

For Saturn and Pluto:
#25 Leo: A man, alone, daringly crosses the forbidding desert on camelback.
#26 Sagittarius: A flagbearer distinguishes himself in hand-to-hand battle.

The images suggest that adaptive and agile contention surmounts challenging and restricted circumstances.

For Mars and Uranus:
#11 Scorpio: A drowning man is rescued, brought back to the crowd.
#11 Pisces: Seekers for illumination are guided into the sanctuary.

An emotional breakthrough after a period of tension. Perhaps a renewed appreciation for the individual or individual life as part of whole society.

For Mercury and Neptune:
#18 Scorpio: A winding road leads through glorious autumnal woods.
#18 Aquarius: At a masquerade, urged by the girls, the last man unmasks.

A autumnal respite offering transcendence of ordinary thought patterns. The present path is nonlinear, but there may be rewarding transitions along the way. An end to a secret, a role revealed or released, an illusion or deception removed.

7/11/06 12:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm glad you got involved pd.
I always believe things work out right. I feel much better about our electorate than in the '04. I think there's been a positive change. Even I got involved and that's hard proof.

I do think that a return to equilibrium is in the cards for this country.

Do the rainbow's colors represent the votes streaming into the palace to be counted? :-)

Great thought. All I know is that Central Control is nowhere in plain sight.

An emotional breakthrough after a period of tension

This is definitely happening with all the Scorpio. I imagine some joy of relief will follow.

At a masquerade, urged by the girls, the last man unmasks.

That one's nice. Saturn/Neptune.

Beautiful interpretations, Kad.

I sense a difference from the last election as if a painful awareness has been incorporated and even an increase in will. The last one was much like the tsunami where people were swept away by circumstance and now I feel a more solid grounding in the electorate. A long way to go, but this is a start.

7/11/06 12:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The equilibrium is already appearing. Here are some interesting observations.

Republicans are complaining about voting irregularities as loudly as we are today.

Here's the bottom line -- no one trusts those machines anymore.
The silver lining to today's problems is that it seems to be hitting Republicans as hard as Democrats, which gives hope that we'll see a bipartisan commitment to reforming the system.

This is coming. Bipartisan effort in Congress, the end to the extreme polarization. Apparently voter turnout is huge.

Last election no one was aware of this. This time it seems to be the major story. Not only is election reform in the cards, but participation in the democratic process is now much more wideapread.

I feel an overall optimism, guarded, of course, and tinged with tragedy, but that's about normal.

7/11/06 1:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...


The Rumsfeld thing is significant and speaks of our USA Mars retro progression which will change our military behavior. I think we will be going more to self defense mode after this disastrous war of aggression timed perfectly with the transit.

What I think will happen is a lessening of the glory around war and the heroics of killing people. The military has lost its glamour in this country and there is further to go as the progression sinks in.

It's all so fascinating.

7/11/06 1:17 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Just for fun, here are Sabian Symbols for a few of the aspected longitudes on November 7, 2006. I have no idea if Sabian Symbols are useful, but the imagery is nice.

I don't know how useful they are either but I like them - and these do resonate with what's going on.

I feel an overall optimism, guarded, of course, and tinged with tragedy, but that's about normal.

same here . . . :-)

7/11/06 1:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neith. Glad to see this is not drowning you.
Elections are like going in for surgery. Too much for one day to handle.

I wonder if voting should be changed to spread over more time, although now we have that option. People need to be encouraged to use it. I wonder why they don't but insist on repeating the agony. I voted a week ahead by mail and I'm sailing today, although I do have a headache!

Denver is doing the bellwether thing again. Big news about voting problems. Voting reform will be a major thing on the agenda finally.

I think the turnout is a large part of the problem today. Overwhelming.

7/11/06 1:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Reports from around Virginia early Tuesday indicated an extraordinarily high turnout for a midterm election, with perhaps 65 percent of registered voters expected to cast ballots, state elections officials said. That would double the midterm turnout in 2002.

Whatever happened to that Hitlerian dictatorship we were supposed to have here?

7/11/06 1:51 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

I voted a week ahead by mail and I'm sailing today, although I do have a headache!

So did I . . Washington State has quite a few counties that have gone to voting completely by mail. We still have 2 polling places for the entire county but my guess is over 60% vote by mail. Remember we had that god awful gubernatorial election in '04 where it took months for the decision to be made. So we have a head start here on election reform.

As you can tell from my latest post on my blog, I'm ready to explore something besides politics!! :-)

7/11/06 1:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's fascinating neith. Washington is supposed to be one of the four bellwether states, along with Colorado, Florida, and I forget the other. 60% is fantastic.
That's a perfect way to be involved in the political reality but out of the fray.

7/11/06 2:04 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I'll be leaving in a few minutes to visit my parents. My father's a reticent man. Years after I moved out, I discovered that our father and I had compatible political sympathies. So, on election days, I make a point of visiting and going to the polls with him. It gives us something to talk about, other than his wanting to have grandkids and would one of his children please get with the program, and would I ever want to go back to school and become a scientist or engineer.

Moving along to tomorrow! :-) A relatively rare transit of Mercury to the Sun. NPR reports: "Wednesday, one planet will quite literally have its moment in the sun. The planet Mercury will slowly slide across the face of the sun for about five hours on Wednesday in a rare transit that won't happen again until 2016.
     "The transit means that for those who are prepared, Mercury can be seen in broad daylight, appearing like a tiny spot moving across the sun."

There are links to upcoming live webcasts.

I found a Lynn Hayes post about it.

Mercury will continue to be square Neptune tomorrow.

Also noteworthy, the upcoming New Moon will be conjunct Jupiter.

7/11/06 2:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So, on election days, I make a point of visiting and going to the polls with him. It gives us something to talk about, other than his wanting to have grandkids and would one of his children please get with the program, and would I ever want to go back to school and become a scientist or engineer.

What a beautiful and touching statement kad. The perfect mixture of feelings around parent/child.

Most of my family has always agreed politically, except for a brief period when my millionaire brother went mad for jesus.
I come from a very active progressive family on both sides.

I think this Mercury passage is amazing. The retro in Scorpio is digging deep for solutions and going back to repair something. The incredible thing is the illumination of the Sun, the bringing to light of a longstanding hidden problem in the collective psyche. very very auspicious.

I think this is a turning point. Mercury is bringing us a message from the Plutonian depths.

7/11/06 2:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What is fascinating about this upcoming lunation is the repeated pattern. Out of phase still. So the New Moon in Scorpio will be full in Sagittarius (Jupiter/Pluto).
Full and conjunct Pluto.
New in Scorpio and conjunct Jupiter.

Do you think a message is coming in before Jupiter goes on to Sagittarius?

Honesty, hypocrisy, extremism, hope, and faith to start with.

7/11/06 2:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The culmination will be when Jupiter crosses Sagittarius to join Pluto next year very close to the Galactic Center. The resolution of the transit. The blending of underworld power with earthly administration. Brothers making up for a moment. Even embracing.
I certainly do like metaphysics.

7/11/06 2:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I associate rainbows with Jupiter in the hope element, but also Neptune in the water and breakup of light.

Next year there will be a dance between Uranus and the North Node in Pisces, and Jupiter. Lots of Jupiter/Neptune but with solidifying Saturn to make it real.

I expect some realization of the things we've been hoping for.

7/11/06 2:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So I have two words for this upcoming Moon in Scorpio days before Jupiter goes into Sagittarius.

Release and rejoice

7/11/06 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Texas politics can be as nasty as anywhere else...in fact, if you're prepared to sit back and not get riled up about it, you can actually get a lot of laughs about it. But I REALLY wish Kinky hadn't gone ahead and run for governor. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected and he's really pulling the votes away from the Democrat. The governor will be re-elected with less than 40% of the vote. And that ain't right. (as Kinky would normally say.)

However, there is a race for state legislature going on that is a model for rational campaigning, focusing on real issues and without any mud-slinging. It's so nice. Hmmmm. It's two WOMEN running against each other. Wish the men in this state were as passionate, calm, intelligent and capable as these two women. I was listening to one's ads and started agreeing with everything she was saying. And I didn't even find out she was the Democrat until yesterday.

"They" say that negative ads galvanize the voters more than positive ads. But there was a new study released this week that said people pay MORE attention to positive ads.

Don't know about you guys, but I totally don't even hear those negative ads anymore. Just tune 'em out.

7/11/06 2:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Casey, I haven't even seen one of those negative ads. Not one!

What a great report! Thank you so much. I think you're on to something about the positive ads. At least now as balance. Lots of people are tuning them out. They don't titillate like they once did.

Good news.

7/11/06 3:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I meant of course tuning out the negative adds.

7/11/06 3:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The more I think about it the more I think this Merc retro in Scorp is bringing out the criminal element for release. Everyone today can see the blatant mafioso MO of this administration. When it's no longer hidden it's like the vampire in the light of day. Bring on the Sun and the Mercury retrograde!

7/11/06 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another question from me...

With Jupiter wrapping up his year in Scorpio, will his influence in my natal sign fade as he approaches Sag, or is it more like flipping a light switch?

7/11/06 5:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hard to predict joe. Sometimes in the very late degrees some last minute guideposts appear concerning the sign being exited. There usually isn't a light switch change. The sudden big events can really happen any time in a transit. Most of it is subtle though.

Why don't you track it and let us know. In fact I think we all will have news reports as Jupiter goes into sag.

7/11/06 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm, I had the USA progressed Mars retrograde in mind when I pointed that out about the Service Times calling for Rumsfeld's head. I suppose you and others here are familiar with the piece in the Oct/Nov Mountain Astrologer -- "America's Mars Does an About-Face," by Bryan Trussler. I thought it was good reading when I devoured it a week ago.
I'm not gonna get into details about it now though.
Happy post-election to all.

7/11/06 6:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Happy election to you too pd!!!

Isn't it wonderful!!!!!!

8/11/06 12:34 AM  

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