Friday, December 15, 2006

A Slight Contrast

Jupiter and the Earth
This is the actual size difference between the mighty giant and our home. Apparently the earth is a highly valued planet in this solar system. Beautiful, gracious Jupiter along with Saturn and his gorgeous rings, protect the earth by drawing harmful objects headed our way into their own orbits. They keep us safe.
I don't care what expert is proclaiming the evil of man and his destruction of the planet. It isn't so. We people are inside and can't see it all. But we're part of an entire system just like our own bodies, where the battle goes on nonstop between the forces within, trying to maintain the whole in an equilibrium.
The earth is far older and wiser than we, her creations, are. We serve a purpose as we struggle within a larger context we really don't quite know. Woman/Man is equally good and bad. S/he will learn as time goes on.
Jupiter and Saturn are there to see us through.
All year next year they will be in a magnificent trine, protecting us as usual, but with an added ease and harmony. I thank you both. Much appreciated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful concept to meditate on, jm. :o) Your perspective on these kinds of things is always refreshing. I probably would have always been influenced by the notion of Saturn as a "malefic" had it not been for you pointing out his role in my chart.

15/12/06 6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovely jm. You gave me much to envision. Thank you!

There's much to do today, but stopping in to see what gift you've offered is always a happy moment for me.


15/12/06 7:49 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

JM what lovely thoughts to awaken to this morning. I could just hug you. I love the story of Jupiter and Saturn protecting Earth.

Your words ring with the wisdom of Hel the graceful union of complements, as we slide into the days of Ullr and set the course for the next rotation of the jule (wheel).

15/12/06 7:51 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

A beautiful contemplation, jm, our cosmic tour guide.

15/12/06 10:45 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Saturn the teacher, the traditional malefic. Teachers are demanding, but even when their personalities are off-putting (which could make them, depending on the area of learning, poorer teachers), they may have something of real value to convey. I've wondered if the "malefic" quality is largely our own reactions to this aspect of life, and if we could choose to have a different relationship to it.

15/12/06 11:45 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Jupiter and Saturn, a representative of space and a representative of time.

15/12/06 11:49 AM  
Blogger jm said...

These are beautiful beautiful comments. It's the grace around me I've longed for and now have. Thank you all.

probably would have always been influenced by the notion of Saturn as a "malefic" had it not been for you pointing out his role in my chart.

I'm proud of this accomplishment joe. You have so much Saturn and to work with it is to love yourself.

The malefeic and benefic parts are not in the planets themselves. They are neutral. I think astrology with Pluto in Sag is in crisis too. Changes are needed.

Your words ring with the wisdom of Hel the graceful union of complements, as we slide into the days of Ullr and set the course for the next rotation of the jule (wheel).

You've added so much tseka by bring Hel into my consciousness especially with my middle name of Helen. She makes more and more sense as this all progresses. This holiday is something different and special. Amd the wheel is one of my most important personal symbols.

A beautiful contemplation, jm, our cosmic tour guide.

Thank you kad.

15/12/06 2:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've wondered if the "malefic" quality is largely our own reactions to this aspect of life, and if we could choose to have a different relationship to it.

Of course. All the gods and symbols are manmade. Still being made. Look at the 1000's of different interpretations of the myths.

For me when I have hardships on a Saturn transit, it's not malefic. It's not intended to hurt me for no reason. I'm still in a lot of Pluto pain now but that's the price. I already see the great gains.

Predicting and fearing are a way out of participating and influencing. Understanding our power.
This whole ordeal in our society has been about giving away power, Seeing mythological strength in small insignificant people. And not seeing in themselves. Frustrating to witness.

I have no idea where this notion of a hopeless punishing life took hold. What a waste. 90 years of doing nothing to make a great life? It helps not to chase money and also not to obsess about the oligarchs who do. The less we desire the more they can steal without harming us personally. Karma will come to them.

My 95 year old aunt is now almost paralyzed and still she was at the last reunion wanting to live and see what's happening next. She's always enjoyed herself despite the setbacks. And she cherishes life. She's said so. Wants to do it again now.

She is unconcerned with money as well. Lives in the same small apartment she did 50 years ago. Mostly she loves books, ideas, and communication. These things, of course can't be stolen.

I still think the answer is the mindful life like astrid said. Making our own reality within. Identifying with the self.

15/12/06 2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm wrote: I'm proud of this accomplishment joe. You have so much Saturn and to work with it is to love yourself.

You ought to be proud of it. Before you illuminated my chart for me, I always had so much trouble understanding why I was somber, quiet, older than my years and overly responsible for my age. I kept comparing myself to others who are/were sunnier and more outgoing, and was constantly told by adults to smile more, act happier and more carefree.

The knowledge you (and others) have imparted has done wonders to ease a lingering sense of inadequacy for simply not being able to be happy-go-lucky (Moon in Cap, Saturn in the 1st, etc.)

Yet I have a wicked sense of humor at times-- perhaps not so unusual when you recall that Saturn is the patron of comedy, at least per Dan Furst. :o)

15/12/06 8:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yet I have a wicked sense of humor at times-- perhaps not so unusual when you recall that Saturn is the patron of comedy

Really!!!! I didn't know that. I DID know that Caps are among the funniest I've run across.
I think the sense of the awfulness of it all gives them the edge and knowledge to really see the humor. There's a fullness to it.

You are very very funny. Your comments are also among the most readable of all. Well written. Natural editing.

Before you illuminated my chart for me, I always had so much trouble understanding why I was somber, quiet, older than my years and overly responsible for my age. I kept comparing myself to others who are/were sunnier and more outgoing, and was constantly told by adults to smile more, act happier and more carefree.

This is so good. It's what I hate about societal pressure and what I love about astrology. It also helps to see why others do what they do.

The lingering sense of inadequacy you mentioned is it. If everyone could conquer this our governments would reflect it. Self respect. Degradation is the name of the game and I don't like it.

This is why I'm on a crusade to use astrology at its best. This is so encouraging joe. I had almost given up trying to figure out how to best share what I've learned. I know it's possible now.

15/12/06 8:51 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

This is why I'm on a crusade to use astrology at its best. This is so encouraging joe. I had almost given up trying to figure out how to best share what I've learned. I know it's possible now.

Don't you dare give up sharing your unique & valuable perspective on astrology with us!!! This post is outstanding! The balance between the disciple & focus of Saturn and Jupiter's urge to explore & expand form the basis for the creative process, IMO. And with them square in my chart, they wouldn't let me ignore their relationship without resolution.

Since we started our online discussion on various blogs about astrology, I've been a very happy camper. And all the other voices chiming in have only added richness & depth to this glorious experiment. Many years ago when I was preparing to start College, we were encouraged to get a true liberal education . . . and that's what I feel we're contributing to collectively here! :-)

17/12/06 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*applause* Well said, Neith.

And all this is what has kept me interested in the subject at hand, whereas the tone at the Doom'N'Gloom (tm) astro-sites are a turnoff and an impediment to learning.

17/12/06 8:43 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Bravo both of you!!!!

whereas the tone at the Doom'N'Gloom (tm) astro-sites are a turnoff and an impediment to learning.

Excellent point. Sometimes people sincerely want to know. And I love your title. may I use it?..."Doom'N'Gloom." Perfect.

I also got incensed today thinking of the arrogance of those who proclaim to know so assuredly mankind's destiny or anyone's for that matter. I though the question mark was the sign of real learning.

This really has been a liberal education with much more to come.

17/12/06 7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you may use it--not that it's that original! :o)

18/12/06 4:08 PM  

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