Sunday, January 07, 2007

Saturn, Leo, the Sun, and the Rulership of Men

The United states of America has its North Node of the Moon in the sign of Leo, indicating an ultimate destiny of great leadership. The influence of the Moon, through the node, with the Sun of Leo, bring the blend of masculine and feminine required for the role.

It's no mistake, nor is it happenstance, that the rise of women to power is happening now, as Saturn is transiting Leo, restricting and diminishing the excesses and abuses of male power and domination. I know it's difficult for people to see this restraint, but it's occurring and will become more obvious as Saturn finishes the crossing of Leo at the very end of August this year. The Sun in Leo will be at the exit, and then the Sun will go into Virgo to accompany Saturn into her sign for two and a half years. All perfectly orchestrated.
We are in the last retrograde now and the lessons are being absorbed.
On January 19, there will be a New Moon in Capricorn (Saturn), and on February 2, a Full Moon in Leo, repeating this theme. Some interesting developments are on the horizon. Right after this lunation, Saturn will oppose Neptune, dissolving a lot of what's left of this hubris and abuse of position. A women will be instrumental in the process for the first time.

When the last President, a Sun/Saturn in Cancer was elected, Saturn was retrograde in Cancer. He also has a Leo rising. The perfect one for the time and lessons needed for the nation. In perfect harmony with the planetary motion. Late next year, the planet Mars will go retrograde in Cancer completing this phase as we go forward with both the feminine Cancer qualities, and the tempered masculine Leo ones combined. The 29 degree Cancer Moon of the 110th Congress is also a major factor. This points to an improvement in leadership, despite the great difficulties that always accompany experience.
Even the Sun in Cancer our country has, is a blend of the two great polarities. Eventually it will be achieved. It's very exciting to be a part of history being made. The more confidence we have as individuals, the more effective our leadership will be. Already, the people's voice is being heard. Our national elected officials will have to heed the call.


Blogger jm said...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said newly empowered Democrats will not give President Bush a blank check to wage war in Iraq, hinting they could deny funding if he seeks additional troops...

Watch what happens as this Saturn retro continues and gets to Neptune.

P's got 3 planets in Taurus squaring this, with the Moon in Scorpio forming the grand cross.

7/1/07 1:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My greatest hope with the new events unfolding is that people will find something interesting in the present and cut down on all this prediction and fear of Pluto in Capricorn. Fear of the present naturally induces this fear of the future. The diminishing of the 2012 obsession would be fantastic.
This would free up strength and energy.
It's possible. The present is full of wonder.

Of course, women are on the spot. The hot seat. All those burnt brassieres just rose from the ashes.

7/1/07 2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those burnt brassieres just rose from the ashes.

LOL! good one, jm! :o)

7/1/07 4:40 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Another great one JM.

Dunno about those burnt brassieres rising from the ashes tho. I'm content to let 'em lie along with the draft cards and the AARP memberships. When people want to throw off the shackles with a little match as symbolism - OK.

I'll take the kids around the new speaker as the image i want to wire into the chip of the American public. Just consider old "press hard Newt" (what he told his hospitalized wife when he presented her with divorce papers) and the image he wired into the country. Well those "south shall rise again" southern-boy (et al) religious chants of women as chattel or whatever...are being drowned out.

We are not listening.

Oh and by the way all those "cookies" and all that pork has been so disastrous to the waistlines of so many, check 'em out. Time for some nice balanced diet. The image of a dynamic 66 year old grandmother holding the gavel in the seat of power has just got to be good on so many levels.

7/1/07 4:46 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well JM, fellow flapper (toilet) repair person , I've had my washing machine on it's back - a few holes in the drain from the pump- Dern rodents. Anyway it reminded me of an incident that taught me a lot about how we make assumptions of what constitutes a role model.

When my son was 2 he came running in, "come quick, come quick"

His dad had the washer on it's back. The thing was old and i constantly had it tipped over repairing something. How it was when you were poor and had cloth diapers.


"That's not his job"

Turns out because i was the usual repair person my son had some idea that fixing washers and repairing the electrical on the Saab was women's work. Holy....were my eyes opened!!!!

7/1/07 4:58 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Well those "south shall rise again" southern-boy (et al) religious chants of women as chattel or whatever...are being drowned out.

We are not listening.

YES!!!! Nothing like feeling like the "little woman" to raise the hackles on this woman's neck . . .

Anyway it reminded me of an incident that taught me a lot about how we make assumptions of what constitutes a role model.

LOL!!! We both do what ever needs doing according to strength & expertise. I have another Sag woman friend who was the repair person in her household . . . much better at it than her Leo husband.

7/1/07 5:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've never tackled a washing machine. I'm impressed!

The image of a dynamic 66 year old grandmother holding the gavel in the seat of power has just got to be good on so many levels.

It hasn't even begun to register. Shock and awe it is. There is so much to this and so much ahead. It's absolutely amazing that she didn't even enter politics until after her family was raised.

She just busted through the door into the boss's office and said, "Hey, buster! I'm in charge of the money and you might not be getting any!"

She's the only one I've seen that isn't afraid of this schmuck. The door is open now and it's our move. I think women are stunned and fightened right now, but I'm moving right ahead. Very very important event.

It's her moment, she's empowered, and she will be fascinating to watch in action. The time has come and the forces are aligned. It's a great time for all women.

It will be something to watch Bush and her together. I think he will like this on some levels. Maybe he'll even rise to the occasion and get a full sentence out.

7/1/07 7:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh and by the way all those "cookies" and all that pork has been so disastrous to the waistlines of so many, check 'em out.

We've come a long way,baby!

From Dennis Hastert to Nancy Pelosi. That's quite a difference in girth!

7/1/07 8:48 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

From Dennis Hastert to Nancy Pelosi. That's quite a difference in girth!

The woman is quite elegant . . . and a joy to watch in action. I keep catching glimpses of her on the news, and am cheering her on!

Fear of the present naturally induces this fear of the future. The diminishing of the 2012 obsession would be fantastic.

So important! Goes back to Saturn & not learning that what he wants is for us to be truly & deeply fearless. Had one of those discussions with myself in the middle of the night last night about living life NOW. Getting all tied into knots over "What ifs" is so nuts.

7/1/07 9:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So important! Goes back to Saturn & not learning that what he wants is for us to be truly & deeply fearless.

beautifully said neith.

I think some of your anxiety is a prelude to what all of us are getting now. This woman has opened up a new path and it's time for us to drop the fear and hesitation, do what we really want with our lives. It semed so sudden, but it really wasn't. This is the big event of the time. I'm thinking about all that I have to get serious and do now.

Getting all tied into knots over "What ifs" is so nuts.

Isn't it ridiculous?

It will take a minute to adjust, but Pelosi will be in the limelight now for some time and she is going to kick ass. Get better and better. As this continues I think the women of this country will get braver and braver. Osmosis does work. And she's a symbol of the time. We are ready.

8/1/07 6:04 AM  

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