Monday, June 04, 2007

The Real World is Back!!

I'm unlocked and free. Didn't take long. Also didn't work too well. Can't mess with Uranus.

This pretty much illustrates the creative world I live in, with the bird deleted, and minus my 25 total feet of work table, and, of course, the computer. The nearcomplete dissaray, the silence, except for the sounds I make, the color, the warmth, the life. Airy, too.
If anyone is under the influence of the Saturn-Neptune opposition, it is I. Saturn. 22. Leo. 5th. True to all of my major transits, the station is occurring right on the spot. In 4 weeks, Saturn will arrive once again.

Outside my world is what has been referred to as the "Real World". This confuses me, even with my exceptionally sharp and logical mind. I've always detected a certain psychosis in the goings on, with the babbling towers and the fundamental pandemonium. The strange human behaviors. Maybe there's music in it that I'm unaware of. There must be rhythm.
Everything's got rhythm.
But I still wonder. Is the Saturnian world the true and necessary real one, or is the Neptunian one, the one which should be faced?
Well, as you can imagine, harsh realities have arrived on my doorstep, almost as if to taunt my creative fantasy domain. What to do? Should I board up the windows and bar the doors, or should I open the portal and step past the bleakness into possibility? Isn't it really the same fantasy world? My world? Certainly I can abide the dirty streets, the screaming motorcycles, the shrieking anxiety, the roaring agony, and the overall jumpiness. Nothing to it. I've got Saturn to help me out. Or Neptune. Baffling, to say the least.
Illustration by Stephen Costanza


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And our clock! We'd long admired the clock, which lived in a shop at the edge of the ocean in Rockport, Massachusetts, one of our favorite haunts. When we decided to move back to the Midwest, we thought maybe we'd see if we could buy the clock and taken it with us. Lo and behold, the clock didn't work! But the owner of the shop graciously offered us 50% off his asking price, and because we loved his broken clock, we figured that was an offer we couldn't refuse.

So we brought the clock home and now it is here in front of me and also in JM's music sanctuary! It is a magic clock. It tells us its time, which isn't necessarily the world's time.

Whatever that is. @;-) ~~kj

1/6/07 4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The saturn/neptune oposition squares my saturn in the fifth - natal saturn conj moon; both 21 degrees and both in scorpio. I have had some breakthrough in the creativity area, but also heavy restrictions in my life right now.
I am a fairly new reader of your blog, jm - found it through a link from lynn haye's blog. I have been meaning to comment for a while, first to tell you how the circuitous nature of your posts, with their diversity of subject matter and image, gently draws one in.
I am also very intrigued at the brief comments you've made that Pluto entering Capricorn may not be as harsh as nearly every other astrologer I've come across is predicting. I hope very much that you will elaborate in the near future. (Unless you have done so, and I missed the post - as I stated, I'm a fairly new reader)
Thank you very much for your visually lovely and thought-provoking blog.

1/6/07 5:27 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

KJ and TM good to find your words this morning. Great story about the clock.
Welcome to Raging Uni tm. Saturn /moon in Scorpio is something i would like to hear more about.

1/6/07 7:16 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Saturn/Neptune. Reality /Illusion. Separate? Everyday, JM, when you put notes to paper, breathe sound into tones fill the room with vibration from those instruments, your own body included that little line between Reality/Illusion disappears. Healing wholeness results.
But then i would say that the music is just as alive as the tree. When you break it all down to the infinitismal the spaces between matter just as much as the pulse that zip through, connect. The organising principle is thought to be around 3% of system (i lean toward a number much smaller. We certainly give a lot of attention to that tiny amount. Silly humans...i'm sure this is what delights Winston Moonbat so much about we humans.

Perhaps the opposition merely lets us see the our role in healing the separations. The great tuning device.

And the exact hits do grab our attention. I awakened early, just past 4 feeling a bit dizzy, a whirling sensation that made me sit up. It passed off quickly. As i was eating my breakfast reading Astrodienst there it was- the exact Pluto conjuction to my sun.

1/6/07 7:22 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

PS fellow traveler, that exact Nep/Sat coming up is smack on my pluto 21/22 think we should sing "June is bustin' out all over"?

Rethinking this early am wakeup call it could have been Mars exact square to my Uranus...What a day.

And barely begun.

1/6/07 9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your last post, “Shooting for the stars, let freedom ring!” and “The real world”, just about sum up my last few days. Dreaming of what is to come in the near future and being hit by the real world, (had a not so nice business meeting yesterday), makes even living on a paradise island a drag.

Still, last year Neptune gave me such bright visions of the future to come, that I felt I was walking on clouds. First came the harsh reality, from Saturn, when through the internet I discovered all the political sites, to which I was glued, day and night, for nearly three month, I was so enraged and in disbelief about the whole world order. I felt so small and powerless. The whole thing is just going to implode. I was stuck in the energy of the inferno. But not for long. Soon came Neptune and through dreams and meditations I was guided and told about the role I was to play. I was thrilled!

jm said “ Anthropologically, it appears that smaller groups govern themselves better. I think that´s what we are headed for ... We will have no choice but to gather in small local units to govern ourselves.”

Would love to hear more from you jm how you see that playing out.

1/6/07 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another note, how many north node / south node combinations are there? Is it 144? I think you need to publish your material on this, I can´t make 144 copies!!!

1/6/07 9:17 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh the comments. They've been so substantial and nourishing lately. Beyond my expectations which will influence my thoughts on prediction.

There is so much to respond to here, so I'll progress at my uusal turtle pace one by one.

the clock is significant. Which time to follow?

1/6/07 12:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tm, thank you for this wonderful, beautifully written comment. So full and emotionally dignified.
Welcome to Raging Universe.

You really know me with your 5th house Plutonian Saturn and I identified with your words.

I have been meaning to comment for a while, first to tell you how the circuitous nature of your posts, with their diversity of subject matter and image, gently draws one in.

This is very important for me as an artist. I'm often torn between dazzling expressive presentation or subtle and gentle invitation. The way you said this made it clear. The subdued attraction is best. Thanks for this pointed insight.

Another accuracy is the circuitous route(my words, too) of my Mars-Neptune conjunction which I thought only I could follow! It won't change its convoluted nature and I never know where it's going. Another pointed reminder to just be myself.

I don't predict. I don't see any reason to, since I basically like living without knowing, and I trust the future. The present keeps me busy. I prepare for my own transits, though, for years, without predicting specifics.

The other astrologers are usually wrong, but as far as Pluto in Capricorn goes, I have no idea how bad or good it will be. Surely both will happen. I think it depends on our own charts and each reaction will be different. I question their motivations and always proceed with caution in feeling other's dire predictions. They are talking about their own fears.

I'm an optimist. I have all the horrors others have, and more with my SN in Scorpio, but I don't view life as bad primarily. And I definitely don't feel victimized. The transits as well. There is a solid and logical integration in the whole sum of experience and nothing can be deleted. The sequence is what it is. No regets.

The laws of science dictate this. There is too much possibility to say whether or not a transit will be as terrible as the other astrologers are saying. A lot of it is projection of their own issues with authority. These problems abound, and the transit will be bad for them. Certainly not everyone. A person can have a good life anytime, anywhere. Utilizing circumstance for benefit is the key.

I would look at your own chart. I will be talking about this more, but you Saturns in Scorpio are especially affected with this Saturn-Pluto arrangement natally. The Moon-Saturn in the 5th is an incredibly strong urge for self realization and expression. Lots of fears and lots of deep satisfaction. A profound search for love and seld confidence. The Saturn block has to be addressed and the deep urges of Pluto. The square did some of this, and now the Pluto in Cap will do more, so this you can prepare for.

I will continue on this upcoming transit, but as hard as things could be the years of trine to Uranus in Taurus look good. Also Pluto and Saturn are more compatible than some of the other combinations. No matter what unfolds, my view is a positive one and that the events are leading to the Plutonian evolution, so I accept things. Use them for my growth.

I think it's important to learn confidence so the scary predictions can actually be used for this purpose. Learning to ignore them and love life anyway!

And welcome again tm. So glad you finally commented.

1/6/07 1:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Good afternoon Dizzy One! I think Mars in Libra is prone to this, so Uranus squaring is a good bet, You, joe, and I all have this Mars in Libra seeking balance and getting thrown off course from the self.

The organising principle is thought to be around 3% of system

Fascinating. I'm going to consult Winston on this.

that exact Nep/Sat coming up is smack on my pluto 21/22 think we should sing "June is bustin' out all over"?

In the key of A flat.

Get your balance. it's going to be a wild ride!

1/6/07 1:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Analysa, you just descibed with uncanny accuracy my path on the Internet as well, through the political horror and on to the creative joy.

I was glued, day and night, for nearly three months, I was so enraged and in disbelief about the whole world order. I felt so small and powerless. The whole thing is just going to implode. I was stuck in the energy of the inferno. But not for long.

So well said. The energy of the inferno is our SN screaming release.

Anthropologically, it appears that smaller groups govern themselves better. I think that´s what we are headed for.

I've been giving this a lot of thought, analysa, and actually would like to see political salons where theories can be discussed.

The trend here in the USA has been moving toward local consumerism and I think this is the big sign. The restaurants in Aspen, Co. are refusing to ship water from Italy! That's a start! The Green Police are on their way.

But I do think the local product emphaisis will lead to all kinds of smaller governance.

144 copies! LOL!
Come to me my future book. I think I'll use the Neptune for some hocus pocus to lead me to my publisher.

1/6/07 2:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As far as the Saturn-Neptune go, the main thing I learned from writing this post is that my view of fantasy and absurdity will always accompany me in the world. So reality is subjective. It's MY reality. The blank canvas is always there around the next bend. The bubble of mine that was supposed to have burst 30 years ago has not only thrived, but it has reproduced. It's a good thing Saturn is around.

You're right, tseka, about the oppositions and integration. They might play a threatening game with each other, but I doubt either one will win, as they see-saw into infinity. In the end they desire each other, and want the game to go on forever. The playground never closes.

1/6/07 2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks jm for all those great insights this week.

I see where the Universe has a huge bag of goodies coming your way!

Everybody have a beautiful weekend.


1/6/07 3:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Analysa, thank you so much my Across the Great Waters new friend. I love your insights.

And the truth!!!!

I see where the Universe has a huge bag of goodies coming your way

My hands are open, but my NN in Taurus is ready to grasp and hold!

A great weekend to you too. Looking forward to all that's coming.

1/6/07 5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Another accuracy is the circuitous route(my words, too) of my Mars-Neptune conjunction which I thought only I could follow! "

I have to say, jm, that at first I didn't 'get' the nature of your blog - by no means was it straight astrological commentary,as I expected.(a la everyone else) But I found myself checking back for the images as well as the education. Then it clicked for me - that spiraling in that was going on. A little 'ah-ha' moment. What amazing balance.

Yes, I had begun to wonder if much of the 'predicting' regarding Pluto entering Capricorn, was a reflection of personal fears. That mirroring of the inner universe outward.

jm wrote: "you Saturns in Scorpio are especially affected with this Saturn-Pluto arrangement natally. The Moon-Saturn in the 5th is an incredibly strong urge for self realization and expression. Lots of fears and lots of deep satisfaction. A profound search for love and seld confidence."

On many levels, especially the past 3-5 years, circumstance has forced me to confront multiple, core-belief fears (natal saturn/moon conj). I had to decide, on a very basic level, whether or not I trusted Life, the Universe, God, et al. If I had been asked, I would have answered 'of course'; but when the test came, I wasn't living it. Once I was forced to confront my core mistrust and fear, I realized it was all my own attitude - how/what I chose to view. And I could choose differently.

The confidence is an ongoing work, and love, well, I have big love in my life; just maybe not in the guise I would have required when I was in my 20's.

Thank you, tseka, for your welcome.

and thank you, jm, for both your welcome and your generous insights.

1/6/07 7:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tm, this is all so interesting. I think the nature of this blog is basically an expression/celebration of life, from my perspective, of course. The creative aspect of the human is what I celebrate, and astrology is only part of my mystical experience.
I'm a musician and an astrolger and they are the same. I'm also easily bored which explains some of the expansiveness and skipping about.
Sharing knowledge and learning are just as important to me, as well.

You are so articulate and poetic.

I had to decide, on a very basic level, whether or not I trusted Life, the Universe, God, et al. If I had been asked, I would have answered 'of course'; but when the test came, I wasn't living it. Once I was forced to confront my core mistrust and fear, I realized it was all my own attitude -

That explains my mission. How self respect is the key and how our view toward life and god determines our social interactions, which could use improvement in general. I'd like to help with that. Plus I'm curious about what's going on in other people's worlds.

Moon-Saturn conjunctions are fascinating and powerful. You could teach us about the experience. the core mistruct is one of the basics which is designed to lead the person to a genuine rock solid unshakable trust ultimately, not dependent on others or outside circumstance.

The Saturn in the 5th I know, and part of the path to trust is releasing ourseves to see who we are, getting past embarrassment and humiliation. A sense of personal significance independent of praise or criticism. The worst part of this is self criticism.
There is often a lot of talent with the 5th house placement.

I could talk endlessly on the Moon-Saturn. The sorrow turning to joy eventually. Sorrow through the family, often the mother, especially in Scorpio. What to do with it is the life destiny.

All this predictive stuff is personal. Hatred of authority is self loathing. People who don't have enough discipline to govern themselves so they give away their autonomy and power causing great resentment. I wouldn't trust them to predict for me. You could easily see from their charts. Saturn problems. Pluto problems. You are advanced. Your Saturn problem has brought you inward to the source and the solution.
Moon-Saturns have the Saturn logic to help them with their own analysis and emotional healing. I could listen to you forever.

I am a crusader for self determination and responsibility.

1/6/07 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KJ I love the story of the clock! What comes to mind is my magic calender at home. It is a beautiful Cape Dorset Inuit art calender from 197-? This year is the first year it matches reality...Howdy, Saturn and Neptune!

1/6/07 8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've missed being here since I have been away. Almost there! Have a lovely weekend everyone, and thanks for all the food for thought

1/6/07 9:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Chrispito! The Sag Rising traveler. A lovely weekend to you too, wherever in the galaxy you might be.

1/6/07 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from tm...
Yes, “personal significance independent of praise or criticism” – I have been working with the I Ching for about two years now, and that seems to be the core message. Staying on your path irrespective of objection or acknowledgement. Going within to find Truth, and that truth within being your final authority.

Moon-Saturn – lots of sorrow in my family over the years, all of it now lightening. Or perhaps, I am now riding it lightly. Certainly big mother issues – both with my mother and myself as mother. I am now mothering my Mother as I share caretaking duties with other family members. And my daughter has been the greatest teacher of my life – she has truly held up the mirror to me (all of that scorpionic anger that must be dredged up and looked at) and taught me how to love.

My apologies for responding at this late a date (I am glad the thread was still open) – I have been away from my computer for a few days. (family stuff keeps popping up – I have been watching my great-nephew while my niece takes a 4-week class)


8/6/07 7:21 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Tm! Wonderful to see you.

The I Ching is my bible. It's my sole source of advice and it never fails me. I love this book completely. I'm curious about your use of the great book. Your technique.

all of that scorpionic anger that must be dredged up and looked at) and taught me how to love.

What a beautiful statement. No wonder, since yours is in the 5th house of love. It makes me feel so good to know people are using these hardships consciously and willfully. In the 5th, they are especially the route to self significance.

No apolgies required for time around here! That's the joy of this communication. We can respond in our own time, not the traditional clock. I get frustrated with ordinary talk because of this. People are too rushed and often don't get the full gist. Here we have all the time in the "world", and can give much more thought to everything. Totally love this.

Come whenever you want to.

8/6/07 5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Qualification - I use "A Guide to the I Ching" by Carol Anthony. I have yet to pick up a translation of the source - I think about doing so, but have been satisfied so far with the Guide. I toss coins to find the appropriate trigrams, with commentary. Sometimes I will ask specifics, mostly just ask for what I need to look at, or "what am I not seeing".
I used tarot for many years, still occasionally will do a one card draw, but the Guide/I Ching's approach, is so inexorably clear in illustrating the damage to the Self when life is approached from a power/control attitude.
The way of being in the universe that is illustrated/exemplified so very nonwestern, so not result oriented has, more than anything else, taught me to look at, and dissipate fear, as life situations throw up to me my most basic survival fears. I came across this guide at just the needed time, through Terry Lamb's web page.
I would love to know what source you use, and what your approach is.
All are tools, all will only show a part of the elephant.
But the I Ching shows a more complete one than anything I've yet come across.

10/6/07 1:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've been consulting the I Ching for a very long time. I even used to get my hexagrams with yarrow stalks, but I use coins now. My book is the Richard Wilhelm translation in German translated into English by Cary F. Baynes.

I don't ask any specific question, but I seek advice when I have a major dilemma, or just want to see what is REALLY going on. I wait until I've sorted it out and pretty much have come to a conclusion, then the book verifies, but in such a deep and emotional way for me. And sometimes it adds additional insight I missed. Already, my humility in not asking it to solve my problems is part of my reverence. Thus, it respects me and gives me what I need.

I also do one card draws with the Tarot, but it's not at all the same magnitude of experience.

All are tools, all will only show a part of the elephant.
But the I Ching shows a more complete one than anything I've yet come across.

For me too. I don't know why exactly, but it's always been so. There is a non fluff, non hocus pocus element that is unique to the book. Great combination of feeling and intellect. But it is stunning how specific the lines can be in relation to a situation.

The I Ching has a maturity about it for me and I feel ready to face myself and take responsibility when I read it. I believe it was used by Confucians, and their philosophy included social responsibility, one of my underlying struggles. How to walk my spiritual path in society. The I Ching has this aim. There is a clarity and a simplicity that I love as well. And grace.

Because people have never guided me properly, I had to have a reliable source of help. The I Ching is it. The beautiful part is, it's me helping myself through gorgeous language ancient teachings. Quite an achievement for words on paper.

11/6/07 4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm, Love reading your thoughts and sharing about the I Ching. ‘

“And sometimes it adds additional insight I missed.” This is an always scenario for me.

No, the Tarot, for me, does not have the encompassing exactness, the accurate wholeness, of the I Ching. I do miss the visualness of the Tarot sometimes, which is why I do the occasional one card draw.

“not asking it to solve my problems” – it seems to me the I Ching steers you in that direction naturally by always turning your attention toward your wholeness.

“There is a non fluff, non hocus pocus element that is unique to the book. Great combination of feeling and intellect. But it is stunning how specific the lines can be in relation to a situation.”

Exactly – It always places me within the big picture, while turning me gently to the specifics of where I need to ‘see’.

Thank you, jm, for sharing your relationship with the I Ching with me. I see that relationship reflected in the peace and encompassing acceptance of “what is” that permeates your blog entries. That particular slant of creative combination of wording and wisdom with your astrological insights, must be present because of your long relationship with the ‘great book’.

Little ‘ah hah’ here. I’m sure now, that that is the reason I have been ‘drawn in’ to reading raginguniverse on a regular basis.

Thanks again – I’m going to catch up on the past few days.

13/6/07 4:20 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I see that relationship reflected in the peace and encompassing acceptance of “what is” that permeates your blog entries.

This is one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever said to me.

I think I've just united with this in myself through the blog. Or at least have started articulating it. It's what I want most, and the connection to the I ching is something I never thought about, yet has been part of my whole adult life. What is, is enough, and logically leads to the future. Nothing can be deleted. How could it be otherwise? Why do most grab for so much more? That which never will be there. Or detest where they are now? If one can't recognize where she is, then she'll be lost when she gets "there".

"Peace and encompassing acceptance of what is".

How I love this. Thank you tm. You are a master of words.

13/6/07 3:23 PM  

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