Shooting for the Stars.
Let Freedom Ring!

Full Moon in Sagittarius! A moment of splendor and magnificence. The thrilling sensation of living and the spritual ecstasy of the jubilant. We've arrived.
This is an important event. The last Full Moon in the sign of religion, philosophy, and exotic lands while Pluto is still in Sagittarius. And conjunct the ruler, Jupiter, no less. Next year at this time, Pluto will be at 0 Capricorn. New sign, new phase.
The Moon's position is especially significant for this country who has a 12 degree Sagittarius Ascendant according to the Sibly chart, just where this full Moon(10 degrees) with Jupiter(15) will occur. And so it appears that this nation is struggling for her independence again as she frees herself from European domination to establish her identity. The fall of Tony Blair and the recent visit of the Queen seem to be part of it. This is the first time Pluto has crossed the USA Ascendant in her history.
Let's go back a bit to September 11, 2001, as there are some very interesting connections. Saturn was at 14 degrees Gemini and Pluto, at 12 Sagittarius on the USA Ascendant, very close to these Full Moon and Jupiter degrees. The destruction of the World Trade Towers symbolizes just that. The end to the international trade relationship the USA had with the world. Appropriate for Sagittarius. But it gets even more interesting after a peek at some other factors. The NN was at 3 Cancer exactly conjoined with the USA Venus-Jupiter conjunction. The SN at 3 Capricorn was conjunct transiting Mars exactly opposite. Pluto and Jupiter rule big money deals, foreign investment included. Something has changed. The shift at the World Bank is telling.
The US, with her SN in the 2nd house, has a destiny of fighting fear of poverty, releasing her material grip, and learning the lessons of financial gain through sharing, cooperation, and ethical merging with others. The falling of the Towers, as the Tarot Card illustrates, was the end to the destructive bondage and the planting of seeds for a new trade relationship with the planet, and a transformation of our internal financial structure in the coming years. The Venus-Jupiter, along with the Sun and Mercury (ruler of commerce) in the 8th house, indicate healthy exchange and cooperation with other nations. The NN in Leo there is the true Ace, with America in its destined leadership role yet to be formed. The Saturn transit through Leo has been a step up. Right now we are witnessing what's wrong with our country, but eventually the people will see something right again.
Pluto will enter Capricorn soon and will be headed directly for the opposition to this Venus in Cancer and the start of the transformation of our material relationships, and release from our own bondage to ourselves and our collective greed. Wars of territory and resource control can't stop until all the people recognize the real source of the problem.
This beautiful moon is shining on the Sagittarius-Pisces square the planet is currently experiencing. Sagittarius is about judgement, moral right and wrong. In Pisces, judgement no longer applies. It all just is. So here we stand with our troubled world wondering who is to blame. Who done who wrong? Or the real question.
Is it really wrong?
My direction as this Full Moon illuminates is connected with the political story in America, as well as my personal faith and trust in the correctness of my life and its symbolic events. I was uninterested in politics for many years, but as Pluto came to my Moon-Jupiter in the 9th, I was drawn back in. These people make me very uncomfortable, but instead of running away from them, I've decided to stay in society and try to see them from a detached perspective. They do what they are supposed to do, and our evolution will proceed slowly as always. I'm not going to get trapped and pained by their brutality and lack of awareness. They simply can't help themselves. Nor can the society as a whole. What I've found is more good people than I had imagined, and this is where I will put my strength and energy as I contribute to my country and try to influence its positive development.
So there, Full Moon on my Moon-Jupiter in Sagittarius!
Illustration by Isabelle Bent
Happy full moon on your moon-jup
Here's a little something for that 10-11 sag degree from the Jule namnsdag
Lydda lazy/ villain (interesting that lazy and villainous are perceived as same eh?)
Barar a funeral bier carried by horses.
The 19 degree is the Alexander- one lesson of the spirit. The point where we close out the old, look upon the lesson, open and integrate to the next cycle. We are on the bridge.
Maybe our ancestors knew a thing or two?
It has always stunned me that George Bush has his Nodal connection to that point.
Yippee Skippee!! The most expansive Full Moon of the year is one the scene and jm is energized & going full speed ahead!! If you have a chance, read Lynn's post on the US economy:
burst bubbles and us chart
It has always stunned me that George Bush has his Nodal connection to that point.
When I read this, it occurred to me that if we ignore the personality & look at the results, GWB may quite inadvertently be the bridge . . . more than once in my life, I've run into individuals whose persona challenged me to make necessary changes. This has nothing to do with what they had to say, believed in, etc.
Hi everybody, just wanted you to know my hard drive died, so I am without a computer at home. I can only use my work connection for certain things but I wanted to say something and not just disappear.
Wish me luck! :o/ great post, btw, gives me a lot of hope! :o)
OMG!!!! Tseka! Neith! I agree about the nodes and Bush.
Neith, I can't believe this. You are the 1st one besides me.
it occurred to me that if we ignore the personality & look at the results, GWB may quite inadvertently be the bridge
I couldn't agree more. I stopped hating him long ago. NN in the 11th too.
Lynn's artice is excellent. The same theme.
Joe, there you are!
Wish me luck! :o/ great post, btw, gives me a lot of hope! :o)
You got it!
You can't imagine how happy I am to see this, neith and tseka. It is all about the victim role I believe is the only answer. Complete freedom from this. We created Bush's leadership, along with everything before, and we will create the future. They weren't just sent to torture us by some monolithic power trying to destroy. And all the nonsense about the demolishing of our government. It needs this phase. We are collectively trying to evolve. It's in the chip.
The evolution is slowed by this fixation on others and feeling less than them. Our leaders are no more than us, and certainly no more powerful. Oh how I wish this could be understood.
They R us! Might as well make the most of it.
more than once in my life, I've run into individuals whose persona challenged me to make necessary changes. This has nothing to do with what they had to say, believed in, etc.
Gotta repeat this one too.
Yes, indeed -- disengagement from the personalized, often defensive, response (Moon) in order to get the lesson and growth, the enlarged viewpoint (Jupiter). An ongoing challenge for me, with Cancer Moon in 9th.
Gonna go out to the hill overlooking the city and see Moon and Jupiter rising together.. Take it in, folks, wherever you be.
I remember one of my first posts at AW was about my perception of GW Bush as equivalent to a Salish "sacred clown". What the Sioux call the heyoka. The clown was allowed all manner of freedom to "awaken" you to the truth. Including murder. They had all sorts of antics; walking backwards, acting disgusting, they magnified and mirrored the faults so no one could ignore the "truth".
The clown is sacred and held above all law for it is one of the most difficult paths of all the healers. They come into the world remembering and take on this role as sacrifice for the good of all.
I once believed that George Bush did have the power of the Clown but lacked the sacred memory....yet that smirk....does it in fact suggest something else?
2008 we begin again...whew.
It occurred to me that this Full Moon is in kissing distance of my SN in Sag . . . when tseka & i hit upon a similar perspective, it may be that SN chiming in. The sensation is usually one of "well, of course!" Gotta work for the NN in Gemini info . . . :-)
GWB as a sacred clown?! Now there's a thought . . . :-)
hey all! so in love with this fertile community...hallelujah!
I've always thought that GWB looked like Alfred E. Newman and people would poopooh me for saying so, like don't taint poor Alfred, but....
from tseka:
I remember one of my first posts at AW was about my perception of GW Bush as equivalent to a Salish "sacred clown". What the Sioux call the heyoka. The clown was allowed all manner of freedom to "awaken" you to the truth. Including murder. They had all sorts of antics; walking backwards, acting disgusting, they magnified and mirrored the faults so no one could ignore the "truth".
so I re-post something I found and contributed several posts ago:
"The Fool is an alchemist who holds fire in one hand and the upside-down cup (emotions) in the other, She unifies feelings (water), with energy and vision (fire) to create original and innovative ideas (steam). Fools use their multiple talents to generate abundance and frutifullness…bringing creativity into useable matter." - Angeles Arrien
Always held that being open minded means not simply holding 'liberal' (i.e. 'open minded' in the simple, commonly accepted semantical sense) views but exploring everything with consideration and thoughtfulness, especially those ideas which run counter to our own, especailly the ones that aren't comfortable and easy....
I know y'all will give an 'amen!' to that around here... That's why I love it here!
JM, you are so brilliant!
Thank you for opening the floodgates to all this!
Pd. Thank you very very very much for your comment. It is the exact puzzle piece I needed and beautifully expressed.
Tseka, this is one of your best comments ever. Your description is so accurate and full of truth.
They come into the world remembering and take on this role as sacrifice for the good of all.
He is the sacrificial lamb and I always knew it. His 12th house. His life destiny number. 33. The martyr. It doesn't matter if he remembers or not. He just is.
I couldn't speak of this before, but maybe the people are ready, even though they will continue the victim role. Underneath, I think the collective knows the truth, sometimes a hard thing to bear. Very very few can digest the truth that you just stated, but ve vill see.
Thank you, too, very very very much.
Meristem, I love that alchemist quote. I, myself, am stunned at the opening of the gates and what is pouring into me from outside. A big surprise. A veritable flood of wisdom, my nourishment.
Always held that being open minded means not simply holding 'liberal' (i.e. 'open minded' in the simple, commonly accepted semantical sense) views but exploring everything with consideration and thoughtfulness, especially those ideas which run counter to our own
I so agree with this and have witnessed the failings of the liberals and progressives just as much these last years. Everyone is confused.
This is why I love the metaphysical perspective, since it transcends our limited and often petty, narrow minded, judgemental thinking. I am so glad to find others to share this with.
Sometimes I feel slightly embarrassed at my repetition of these perspectives, but maybe that's what's required. It's so obvious how strong a symbol Bush is in our collective psyche and I feel the urge to understand it fully in this last segment before we begin again, as tseka knows.
Alchemy is involved in everything, as far as I can see. Nothing is what is seems. Our vision CAN penetrate the layers.
This is so good.
Gonna go out to the hill overlooking the city and see Moon and Jupiter rising together.. Take it in, folks, wherever you be.
Perfectly SPLENDID, pd!! The backdrop for this moon is amazing - an almost deep purple rather than blue, and the moon is orange as it comes up. Jupiter is brilliant of course! thanks . . .
Deep is a good word for it. Does everyone feel it but some just don't notice?
And splendid it was -- first spotting three orange spots through the trees on the top of the ridge to the east, not sure if I was seeing house lights. Slowly but surely rising, lighting up a thin cloud just above that turned darker, followed by another thin dark cloud that passed across Moon's face.
One of the best moonrises I've ever witnessed, as my photographer neighbor (sans camera)and I spoke of travel and the sea.
Oh yes, and to cap off the evening, I punctured several spiny moonflower seed pods from last year and lobbed them into a patch of bare ground. Couldn't just take in the beauty and wonder ...
sigh beauriful
It was a beautiful moonrise here too. One of the best.
Pd, as long as I've been an astrologer I've never heard such a good definition of the Moon-Jupiter combination. Exquisite.
A robot in Blogger has shut down my publishing mechanism.
Please excuse the loss of the latest post with a conversation I was hoping to continue. We still can as soon as the robot finishes his investigation of the situation, which will be shortly. Publishing will resume as normal and The Real World will return.
Oh, and a test of the new nonlinear clock is underway. It could be confusing for a "minute".
Normality is around the bend. I think.
testing the non-linear. Whoo boy, by way of robots no less....
What a day! On top of everything else.
So it's the vagaries again. Blogger's spambot is locking blogs all over erroneously. Apparently it can take awhile to get it fixed so I'm in for the long haul and cleaning house. Plus problem solving requiring extra effort.
The vacation police have come through, although I do have the next node article to prepare.
It's a great test of being stopped in one's tracks and being flexible. It's a good thing Sagittarius is so mutable and rolls right along with the program.
Maybe the robot knows something.
And this is so funny. My Tarot card. The Hanged Man. It coincides with another situation just like this. Waiting patiently. My curiosity leads me to wonder if both situations will get resolved simultaneously.
How cruel life can be with Mars in Aries!
One lesson always waiting to emerge is about this linear thing and the unimportance of importance. There is nothing to say that I can't say tomorrow or last year, according to this time warp.
Publishing sure is a blast, though! Beats vacuuming.
This is just how i've been feeling for the past few months. Pressing on the barn door. I've got plans, energy and enthusiasm for something other than what i'm doing. It was all lined up, nicely started and is now sitting waiting for my return. My energy is drained away on a daily basis on something i apparently have to finish first.
And i'm not alone. A lot of people i know feel as if they were swimming along merrily then the lake froze.
As to google's robots, well what can we expect from THE super data mining company. They have lots of ground to cover.
I am amazed at how blogging has become so huge.
When i built my first website about 10 years ago it was unique to own one.
vacuuming ick. Ma pauvre bebe.
Toilets too. But, life is not always what we want it to be. Sigh. Glad it's done though.
A lot of people i know feel as if they were swimming along merrily then the lake froze.
Yup. Oddly, when I returned here to the computer there was a missed call on the other issue.
I've been acutely aware of the finishing that has to be achieved first. Especially right now, when it seems as though the opportunity for reaching my lifelong goals is right around the corner.
The lesson of obstacle is an important one. I always wanted to deal calmly with frustration and take as many events as I can in stride as the natural continuum. I think how we handle adversity and the the things we don't like is a major part of the key to success.
It was all lined up, nicely started and is now sitting waiting for my return.
Yes. But imagine the relief when the nod to go ahead without interruption finally comes.
Oh that feeling of having to finish something first. I'm sure it's part of the end of the Pluto transit. I had to stop completely in my tracks to deal with the transit to my Moon-Jup. Then Venus, and now Uranus. Next Mars, the beginning. I want to be fully prepared.
I just noticed something fascinating. Sept. 2. Pluto stations and goes direct exactly when Saturn enters Virgo. And exactly when Venus retro in leo stations and goes direct.
This is absolutely amazing. After all the struggle of Saturn in Leo, the finale will have Venus in Leo for two months. A gift for some. I think I'll bookmark this little event in my mind.
August will have Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in a blazing fire trine.
Could that be when our next pres comes in from the wings?
At least I can still see the clock in one of its parallel lives... it's only a few minutes off "Real World" time as far as I know, not that it matters. And its other life, in JM's music sanctuary, is somewhere, ticking away, even if only in ether and memory for us here, now. @;-)
Sitting here, sun streaming in, birds outside busy, cat off somewhere, JBK still asleep. Finally "home." But.
But. This life may all change come next Tuesday.
There might be another move involved, or a partial move (ie, one of us moves, the other visits and vice versa).
Once I said I wanted to "Live the liminal" (live the threshold experience) and I think this is one of moments of 'be careful what you wish for' ?! @;-)
shhh. bad mojo to say much more. ???!!! ~~kj
The robot still has me locked but I found an alternative route. He still has the music sanctuary, but I'll be getting that back too.
We shall see.
Thank you cosmos with all you protective entities for my circuitous Mars-Neptune conjunction and my entirely Uranian tangential mind. What would I do without you all!
Gets me out of every jam.
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