Friday, May 25, 2007

Civics Class with Miss
Isabella Pringle

Children! Children! Gather 'round. We're going to sit together in a circle today and discuss the government of our very own country, the United States of America.
Miss Pringle. Now, James, can you tell me who the first president of the United States was?
James. George Washington.
Miss Pringle. Yes, that's right, James. Very good. Hortense, who is the president of the USA now?
Hortense. George Bush.
Miss Pringle. Excellent. Glorianna, please tell the class something about our government.
Glorianna. Our government is a democracy and the people vote and then the people are elected and then they make laws.
Miss Pringle. Very very good, Glorianna. Now if Felix would add to that...
Felix. WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! George Bush started a war! WAAHHHHHH!!!!! George Bush took away all my freedom! WAAAAHHHH!!!! George Bush is hurting me. WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Miss Pringle. Incorrect Felix! You will remain after class and write on the blackboard 15 times:
The people are not victims of the government. They are the creators of the government.
Is that understood?
Felix. Yes, Miss Pringle.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Illustration: Claudia Maurner


Blogger Diane L said...

Exactemente!! Wake up, people!!

25/5/07 10:42 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I am not alone. Thank god. Thank you wise SN Sadge.

25/5/07 1:03 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Many, many years ago, I read an article in U.S. News (back when it was good) by a correspondent who had been in the Soviet Union. He wrote something to the effect that we in the West (at the time) mistakenly believed that the poor Russian people were victims of an oppressive totalitarian government, but from what he could see, people got exactly the government they wanted. People wanted to be taken care of. For example, they didn't want to have to search for an apartment and pay high rent or even have to pay their electricity bill. So the government happily obliged.

That observation always stuck with me.

Speaking of nodes, JM, one thing I'm still learning about and would love to know your take on is planets on the nodes. It's vast a topic to cover here, but what about a few examples? For instance, I know someone whose Scorpio Sun squares her Pluto in Leo on the North Node. What would be your take on that?

25/5/07 1:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oooh pat. Lots here.

Thank you so much for this rundown. Very good illustration of my view. It's so obvious how this society, with its low voting rate, expects to be parented completely. This is the fundamental that will have to change with Pluto in Cap.

This Iraq thing will not be faced. How can they expect to have Daddy just get them out after they so gladly followed him in with the TV spectacular of Operation Iraqi Freedom? It was big game and now they're stuck. Incredibly immature.

The situation is very complex and we can't get out yet. No planets will get us out either. If people would grow up and understand what they got THEMSELVES into we could progress. The Dem Congress will not get us out until the time comes. All of this fake attempt was political posturing. The upside is the further ruin of the Republican Party. People will have to be patient. I wish most of all they would do something productive rather than whining about the government which will change in due time. Moreso if they grow up. This is what we need right now.

I've been thinking about going all the way on the nodes and going into house-sign combos and aspects. I have a close Pluto square myself and it gets interesting, since Pluto rules my South. The rulers of the node signs also tell a lot.

The Sun in aspect will affect ego and personal will-power. This one with a SN in Aquarius is too democratic probably and sublimates her monarchical power and destiny. The natural isolation of Scorpio along with too much group concern could create a lonely person who needs love, admiration, respect and superiority. She needs to stick out and be noticed. Maybe be a leader in some way. Top dog. The Pluto on the North, though, could be magnetic enough a draw. I'd have to see the rest to know the whole scenario.

There is a possibility of the life and death crisis and immediacy of Pluto in aspect. The need to move forward and evolve. I'm studying this.

The aspects are important. they create a good possibility of working it out and tell you exactly where the dilemma can be resolved.

25/5/07 2:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Also, people have dictatorships when they can't govern themselves or don't want to. This is the case in Iraq. Something unique has to be done in time since they are unable to govern themselves and that's where the situation is now. The time for the end of the dictatorship had arrived but left this pandemonium for reasons that will be seen later. Part of it is the vast change ocurring in the ME that these not-so-aware people in the USA don't comprehend. The political naivete is staggering, on the Left included.

On the same hand, is the impossibility of totalitarian rule here. There would have to be extreme decay and loss for that to happen. The attempt by the Christian right failed miserably despite the incredible organization and charismatic leadership. It's over.

As Neptune finishes up, the disillusionment is everywhere with leadership. And the leaders themselves know their failures.

The people will one day have to recognize their role in it all. Democrats are no better than Republicans and this is part of the lesson now, why the Dems are not going to save them at the moment.

We're truly on our own. Fine by me.

25/5/07 2:34 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

WOW, on both points, JM. Your assessment of Iraq is harsh, but unfortunately I don't see how to avoid those conclusions. I'm fond of saying that we can't solve problems until we get to the root cause, but most people don't want to go there, even in small daily problems. It's easier to throw money at it or keep trying different things, then throwing your hands up and saying, "Well, I tried."

As for the Pluto/NN person, boy do you ever have her pegged! I had come to the same conclusion, although missing a couple of your insightful points, since I'm too close to the situation. What I really don't get is the destiny of Pluto on the NN here. This is obviously a control freak, but it does look to me like she's supposed to fulfill her destiny by being in charge of something, and that's the dilemma for me. I don't feel comfortable giving away any more chart details of someone who hasn't agreed to be publicly dissected, but I will add that the Pluto/NN conjunction is in the fourth house. Does that tell you anything?

25/5/07 3:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes it does.

I'm fond of saying that we can't solve problems until we get to the root cause, but most people don't want to go there, even in small daily problems.

And how. You can help us with this. NN in Scorpio in the 10th and the collective understanding of Aquarius. Sun in the 1st. Leadership. That NN is a big big winner. the 29 Pluto the key.

The roots of Iraq are deep for everyone. It will burn until the human race gets a clue. Ending it before this happens is wrong. Won't happen anyway. Scorpio knows how far pain has to go in order to heal. Not that complicated, really. All this Neptunian wishful thinking is involved now.

Pluto-NN in the 4th is a powerful family inheritance, which might look bad from the outside, but within is the lesson of grand emotional knowledge and self love.
The SN in the 10th is hideous authority problems so it could be terrible control from parent(s), but the end result is autonomy and emotional leadership in intimate ways. Either with her own family or what substitutes as one. This is the opposite of yours, where family was the undertow and the world and authority are your bennies. You can teach each other and exchange the baton.

The NN in the 4th is coming home this lifetime. Her ego development depends on total intimacy, not recognition from authority.

I've seen this struggle play out with people who seek prestigious positions with power and money, but find little satisfaction. This one is definitely forgetting about the group and developing the intimate world in privacy. In fact, the search for the treasure in the private world is the story. Guilt about abandoning worldy responsibility could be holding her back, even if she's not out there.

The something will come when she stops looking out there for it. Superiority with Leo is paramount, if only in perception. This is one hard part, since it's not taught right. The elevation of the self above others is needed in this case. True elevation. When Leo finds its special talent, better than the rest, satisfaction follows. If Pluto rules the 7th, there's your answer.

25/5/07 4:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is a good time to elaborate a little on this Iraq thing, since it's hard to absorb.

Metaphysically, there is no right-wrong judgement, nor is it a mistake. It's a logical step in evolution. The cry-babying going on now is normal, but we are stuck and that's that. Everybody involved is stuck. And everybody will get out.

The best feeling in life is to know that we are not victimized by circumstance nor misguided. We are perfectly capable of solving problems if we focus and use all the skills we have. So this fear and blame hold up the process. It's not as bad as people think. When the thing finally resolves itself, people will look back, be glad it's over, and being crying about the present horror. It's all a continuum. Personal joy and success help.

We are there. How did we really get there? How will we get out?

Stop shivering and use your noggins. And stop expecting famous people to save you.

Like neith said:

Wake up, people!!

There's an election coming up. A start would be to look at the current parade of buffoons and think clearly, expecting that someone else will emerge as the next president to reflect our "new maturity". The developmentally disabled child we have now should be enough to teach everybody. And the children trying to get there currently should be taken by the hand and led home.

25/5/07 4:26 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Someone just sent me this link, and while it's a little off-topic, it seems somehow appropriate:

It's no accident that it's the Cradle of Civilization that's going all to hell.

OK, JM, you just have to write a new node book! After the chapters with the requisite "NN in Aries, SN in Libra" material (which you've already done) and breaking it down by house and sign, you can take the study further with planets on and in aspect to the nodes. Your interpretation was amazingly right on, stuff I hadn't thought of, and it goes a long way toward explaining why I rub this person the wrong way and trigger her worst behavior.

OK, so wanna try another one? I just can't get my mind around the variables here: Uranus and Jupiter tightly conjunct the SN in Libra one degree shy of the 12th house cusp (this person is a late Rising Libra).

25/5/07 5:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Gosh the very conversation i had earlier with my mother. You get what you've earned.

Lazy and irresponsible wellllll.

The few of us who have been trying to hold it all together have been shifting to each other, smaller circles that work better, return some support and letting go of all the rest.

Tho she did opine that building a large shredder could be a possibility - just a little cleaning up of the sweet cancer asc gemini mother!!! she was not thinking paper products.

25/5/07 6:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

and i agree Pat a Node book with this metaphysical depth transcends astrology. It could be a wonderful tool for many.

25/5/07 6:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's no accident that it's the Cradle of Civilization that's going all to hell.

I would love to explore this in depth.
I'm on dialup so I can't get videos, though.
The Pluto in the GC is part of rocking the cradle. We must do some articles. This is your area of expertise. You know how I keep mentioning the downturn in worldwide violence and I think this is all connected along with the 29 Pisces. Futility.
Tseka and I were looking at some astro factors in the ME and there are some big connections. The hundred minds could figure this out easily!

Talk about the rub. My sister has the exact opposite nodes by degree. The worst behavior is usually the key to the best. The opposite node thing is fascinating. Usually beneficial in the long run.

Oh this is fun! The Libra one is a real toughie. When the ASC and South are the same it's a repeat of karmic stuff and a feeling that things are impossible to work out. Like Saturn conjunct the south. A very very hard one. This is easier.

I would imagine this one would get so so so weary of kissing asses that the end would come in a big way with a Jupiter-Uranus release into freedom.

Very interesting. A lot of possibilities. She would attract people who subconsciously push her away to find this freedom. Instead of release with solo ventures at the North, if the planets were there, the agony of interpersonal sacrifice to no avail would push her to liberation. This could be awful, as relationships would appear to be great, but then drive her crazy with the underlying unrest of Jupiter-Uranus. Wanting that expansion but not knowing how to go about getting it. The learning is through these relationships, however, until enough is enough. No telling when that will happen, if ever.

No matter what, the SN in Libra is trying to flee the other ultimately, even if they stay in relationships. It looks like she's relearning the thing with her own desires coming first. The hardest thing of all for the SN Libra to do. But the Jup-Uranus give her the opportunity. Keeping her eye on the exit sign is a good idea. If she knows she can be free, then she can have the Libra rising connection successfully. She has to be in the driver's seat.

25/5/07 6:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The few of us who have been trying to hold it all together have been shifting to each other, smaller circles that work better, return some support and letting go of all the rest.

I think this is the exact key to our political future.

25/5/07 6:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

a Node book with this metaphysical depth transcends astrology

I love love love this. In the last days I'm beginning to realize the difference. Astrology has always been only a part of my integrated knowledge. The synthesis is the answer for me and the connection to the reality I'm experiencing. There has to be an immediate connection.

This is why Blogland has a unique place where all the branches can synthesize quickly and easily.

25/5/07 6:23 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Correct- as homeopathy is just one tool in my bag of tricks.

But the bag itself holds patterns of similarity and i'm slways looking for more.

25/5/07 6:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The cross currents will find one another as long as we put them out. I don't think there is much to worry about. The knowledge wants us. We just have to be willing. We do need to focus, I think, though. Patterns form automatically.

Anthropologically, it appears that smaller groups govern themselves better. I think that's what we are headed for and why we have this breakdown in Washington. We will have no choice but to gather together in small local units to govern ourselves. Pluto in Capricorn knows that these small supporting beams are necessary to hold the thing up. It's top heavy now.

I'm actually excited about marrying the metaphysical with the political. It can be done gradually.

25/5/07 6:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

One of the main problems is rerouting the oppressive tendencies, resentment against authority, and victimization to enthusiasm about building, creating, and progressing. The choice is ALWAYS there. So maybe we need new leadership that does this. Encourages genuine optimism. Excitement about doing.

25/5/07 6:38 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Interesting analysis of the Libra SN, JM. It sounds plausible. Unfortunately, I don't this person well enough to know about personal and intimate relationship style, but you could be right. Incidentally, Saturn is in Aries in the sixth house in this chart, too wide to be considered conjunct the NN, but still an interesting placement. Michael Lutin probably would say that fulfillment here would be found through leadership and service to humanity, but even that's complicated by Saturn in Aries, which is not necessarily concerned for the common good and has trouble with self-discipline.

I'm reading Barbara Hand Clow's book on the shift in human consciousness. Some of it is wa-a-a-a-a-ay out there, but it addresses a lot of what we're discussing here. I just read a section about her theory that some part of human consciousness became extinct as a result of a cosmic wave that hit the Earth in 1998.

So Tseka, maybe your mom gets her wish and there is a sort of cosmic shredder.

25/5/07 6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthropologically, it appears that smaller groups govern themselves better.

That makes sense. A like-minded friend and I have discussed this for years, that the US is too big, has expanded too far, and thus, as Yeats wrote, "The center cannot hold. The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity." He was writing in different time and place but it applies here, too.

Excellent analysis on Iraq in this particular post, jm. :o)

25/5/07 6:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Now you tell me!!! Saturn in aries. Very very interesting.

Michael Lutin probably would say that fulfillment here would be found through leadership and service to humanity, but even that's complicated by Saturn in Aries, which is not necessarily concerned for the common good and has trouble with self-discipline

Michael is wrong. You are right. This is a selfish destiny. It just got easier to analyze.

More in a mo. Very very good.

25/5/07 7:05 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

"So maybe we need new leadership that does this. Encourages genuine optimism. Excitement about doing."

This makes total sense, and is the antidote to the media spewing fear 24/7

I think this is what JFK did to some extent. "Ask not..." etc. The civil rights movement and the creative movements, the space program they all generated a lot of enthusiasm for a new society. A participatory society.

25/5/07 7:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Great quote from Yeats, joe!!

The distribution of power is off for the size in the USA now. Pluto will fix this. The center needs reinforcement. It starts with the individual which is why I think Blogland came into being. The people's forum.

Love that quote.

25/5/07 7:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The reason for the media breakdown was just this. The alternative that has come. Pluto opposite our Mars in Gemini did this. destroyed the credibility and power of the traditional media, no matter how it appears.

It's our responsibility to take this precious gift and moment and use it.

The lesson of Pluto in Sag is just this. Faith and optimism. It's here believe it or not. Look at us.

We Sag types, and especially Pat and her Saturn, are called into action whether we like it or not!

25/5/07 7:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think JFK and RFK are going to grow as models in the near future.

All of this is prep for Uranus in Aries, since the political creature is under the rule of Uranus. A lot of things will gel.

I read Barbara hand Clow and found her work full of imagination and entertaining at first. Then the torturous complication lost me. I can see how your wonderful Pisces-Aquarius combo would enjoy the theorizing, Pat. I'm a simpleton when it comes to astrology. It's almost empirical really. Well it is for me.

25/5/07 7:20 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

I read Barbara hand Clow and found her work full of imagination and entertaining at first. Then the torturous complication lost me.

I just skip over those parts :-)

25/5/07 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what worries me about learning astrology. When the quincunxes and sesquisquintiles start coming at me, I glaze over. I never was very good at math... Is that what you mean by the tortuous complication?

25/5/07 7:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't do that!!! I'm learning, though, as my old age is joining me. Limited time and all.

25/5/07 7:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I was referring to skipping just above!

And Joe!!!!! OMG in heaven!!! Haven't you learned from Winston Moonbat? You don't need that stuff. Not at all. It's only repeats of what is always obvious without a whole lot of excruciating mind bending mathematical poppycock.

25/5/07 7:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Torturous Complication

Everywhere and totally unnecessary. Some love it and they should do it.

I don't know why people drive themselves into chasms of pain and confusion, worse than what already exists. Astrology provides a clear and simple path through the maze and answers to the puzzles all the way. You just have to look at it the right way. Some people like the torturous route, though, but I doubt they have answers for anyone else.

25/5/07 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, that stuff is what strikes fear into my heart, until I recover my senses and remember the immortal sayings of Winston Moonbat. :o)

25/5/07 7:41 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Tho she did opine that building a large shredder could be a possibility - just a little cleaning up of the sweet cancer asc gemini mother!!! she was not thinking paper products.

ha, ha, ha! That's so great especially considering the source! Not that i don't agree with her of course . . . :-)

25/5/07 7:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

LOL!! Good 'ol Winston. Good man.

Seriously joe. You are learning so fast. You have the thinking patterns that get it. Most don't so they labor over these unnecessary details.

When you get to the point of actually reading charts, you will be able to see the geometry naturally. Desire will make it so.

Fear begone!!!!

25/5/07 7:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...


We started the day in a shredding mood!

25/5/07 7:46 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

That's what worries me about learning astrology. When the quincunxes and sesquisquintiles start coming at me, I glaze over. I never was very good at math...

Me neither!! That's why I love all the great astrological software like they have on Astrodienst 'cause figuring it all out by hand so to speak always gave me a headache! I'm not one of those astrologers who believe that handdrawn charts teach in the making of them . . . :-)

That being said quincunxs aren't so bad - just think of opposite signs & look to the sign on each side of the opposition: Scorpio to Gemini like your ASC & Sun!

25/5/07 7:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm not one of those astrologers who believe that handdrawn charts teach in the making of them . . . :-)

Nor am I, of course.

Quincunxes are fun and easy. I plan on going there soon. You'll love it joe. Then you can throw around the words with your Saturn in Gemini and know exactly what they mean!

25/5/07 7:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Has anyone noticed the Gemini butterfly fluttering around???????

Full Moon in Sagittarius coming and Sun in the GC with Pluto. Learn now or forever hold your pencils!

25/5/07 8:06 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Has anyone noticed the Gemini butterfly fluttering around???????

No kidding! Neith noticed it about a week ago.

I prefer "inconjunct" to quincunx. It's an easier image to grasp - and sure is easier to pronounce!

We're currently having a big one, by the way. While all this Saturn-Neptune stuff has been going on, Saturn and Uranus have been inconjunct. Very interesting, because Saturn and Uranus are co-rulers of Aquarius, and Neptune is in Aquarius, in mutual reception with Uranus. Quite a three-way!

As I see it, whatever we've tried to build over the past year that has followed the old paradigm (Saturn in Leo) has been immediately dissolved by Neptune in Aquarius, which has been acting to strengthen the collective and the individual's proper place in it. Meanwhile, with Uranus in Pisces inconjunct Saturn, we know we don't want things the way they are, but we don't yet what we do want, much less how to get it.

25/5/07 8:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

gotta say thanks all, i was so frazzled earlier just stopped at the computer to IM my son then all this wonderful conversation perked me up. A little juice, ya'all feed me so well. Thanks.

25/5/07 8:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You are so right pat paquette. I'm a big fan of quincunxes and this is a good one. I completely agree with your analysis, Uranus being in Pisces, especially and the continued confusion. Well stated. It's also a time for experimentation mentally and I think we are all doing a good job.

This seems to be a prelude to the Saturn-Uranus opposition just up ahead. I just got the bumps thinking about it. This "quincunx". Glad you brought it up. It all leads to the Uranus in Aries square pluto when we will find direction.

I think this is a good phase. I also get the acting part of Pisces-Leo with the Hollywood type shenanigans that have been political theater. We need a better show and real thespians. The show is awful and the people know it. Operation Iraqi freedom. Jesus.

25/5/07 8:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Thanks extended to you my juiced up Honey Bun!

25/5/07 8:58 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

We need a better show and real thespians. The show is awful and the people know it. Operation Iraqi freedom. Jesus.

HA HA HA, JM! Yep, this one's a real stinker. People are walking out of the theater.

25/5/07 9:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The more I think about it, the more I see the value. The dissolving of boundaries of Saturn-Neptune and the innovation of Uranus percolating.

It couldn't be any other way. We need this no man's land, The confusion, the breakdown in leadership and the continuing lesson of Iraq. Nothing will be resolved for awhile. The alternative has a chance to breathe and find it's way into "reality". We are responsible. It's a good thing these leaders are so lost.

There is a lot of collective advancement going on. Too soon to see the results.

25/5/07 9:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yep, this one's a real stinker. People are walking out of the theater.

LOL!!!!! I want my frikkin' money back!

25/5/07 9:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha Ha Ha
I think we all want our money back.

25/5/07 9:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm absolutely horrified at the pre-presidential show. I never could have believed such losers. It's beyond fear. It's pathetic. Not even tragic. Embarrassing maybe. Are they kidding? I hope so. And people still afraid of Bush? Why they ever were is beyond me.

Part of this madness. they don't know what to be afraid of.

25/5/07 9:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah!!! I can't afford the 55 billion to put another jackass in the white house!

25/5/07 9:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh, and how many extras are playing terrorists???

25/5/07 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Theatre of the Absurd. :-)

I just can't watch, clap, or participate. I came up from the underground and give the collective my best, now I'm back to the ground, old man/woman sitting by the fire, chanting a song, poem, prayer. Or, as Stevie Winwood sang:

"And I’m gone, gone, gone, I don’t care
’cause I’m gone, gone, gone, I don’t care
It’s where I’m from, I’m on the road again"

26/5/07 4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Be a wayfarer."
"Make a gesture."
"Live an ordinary life in a non-ordinary way."

That sums things up for me. Again, I don't know what planet that squares. Both math and geometry are way out of my compass. :-)

But I loved the Civics Class. Hi, Miss Isabella! :-)

26/5/07 4:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Isabella's class is part of the 2007 version of an Irish Hedge School. :-)

26/5/07 5:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got that right, Sige, about the hedge school! Wow, not many people know about those. :o)

26/5/07 7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Joe, Hedge schools are part of my family lore. My mother's family left Ireland ahead of the famine, because of the Penal laws, because they wanted their children to go to school. And be Roman Catholics too, of course. ;-)

26/5/07 9:26 AM  

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