Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pisces and the 29th Degree

Deep in the land of metaphysics is a place reserved for the brave. The one that knows this simple fact: no one is anyone else's victim. Each person is his-her own victim and when implicated in wrongdoing it's a playing out of the inner role, even when circumstance seems otherwise. We are drawn into these contracts for lessons in evolution. Each one is responsible for the events in the individual life.
Early this week at Raging Universe, there was one of the most fascinating discussions I've ever encountered on this subject. An accident "victim" has a highly educational account of her experience.
The War in Iraq is no different and the lesson is the last one in a series, since the invasion occurred when the Sun was in Pisces at 29 degrees. Pisces is the ultimate in lessons of victimization. Complete understanding and forgiveness of the human condition are the aims. The conflict will continue until the lesson is absorbed to the satisfaction of the cosmos. Who is the real perpetrator? Aren't we all implicated as the cradle of civilization continues to explode and burn? Will revenge against George Bush, the Neoconservatives, the Democrats, the Republicans, the mystical conspirators, the multinationals, and the elite truly end the problem? In fact, the sharp finger of blame slows up the process. And it really doesn't know where to stop.
Of course on some levels people see crime and must administer punishment, but the metaphysical realm reveals another story. This is why judgement, punishment, incarceration, execution, and revenge have done little to help stop human criminal behavior. "Thou Shalt Not Kill", they admonish, yet killing is business as usual. Whose fault is it?
The truth was clear when John Kerry said the words, "stuck in Iraq", and the country had a psychotic episode. We ARE stuck in Iraq and more truth is trying to enter as the North Node and Uranus transit Pisces. The NN will leave in December, going on to Aquarius aiding collective knowledge and cooperation. It will join Neptune, an auspicious moment, in spring of 2008. Then Uranus will cross the 29 Pisces point and go into Aries for a brief time in May 2010. It will station and back up at 0 and return in March 2011, exactly when Neptune enters Pisces. The NN will be in Sagittarius, in the Galactic Center once again. A lot to absorb as we figure out who is really to blame.

The war in Iraq is a story of futility, chaos, and the complete uselessness of this kind of resolution of resource and territorial conflict. Or should I say "terrortorial"? It's a lesson for this country, who is used to being the winner. We have lost and can't get away from the devastating scene. We have to face it. We've lost more than a physical battle. Hopefully, we've lost enough to reroute when this ends and our Mars retrograde progression continues. Then Uranus goes into Aries and the collective political system will be ready for renovation and innovation. Right now, the people have not seen and felt enough to make this possible. They will.

In the meantime, whoever can realize the problem of culpability, and can stop accusing individuals of causing the human moral breakdown, the sooner we will stay out of further Iraqs and go on to more evolved ways of solving conflict. It looks like violence is starting to cause more trouble than its worth.
The 29th degree holds the full lesson and here we will be until we start again at 0 Aries. Take a good long look.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm, this post does seem to relate so much to the lessons I need to learn. Maybe because I have Mars retrograde at 23 Pisces? My last post, last night, got lost, but it related to your comment about diffusing/deflecting aggression. I think I responded that this is difficult for me, because it doesn't always satisfy my own aggressive desires. I was thinking that the airsoft dream allowed me to be aggressive, but without doing harm -- maybe in a kind of humorous way.

Today I came across this in Marie-Louise von Franz's book on alchemy:
"In all the struggles of lie there is alays that one thing which is beyond the struggle;. . . it is as though you were standing on the mountain above the thunderstorm. One sees the black clouds and the lightning and the falling rain, but something in one is above it all and one can just look at it. In one way you are in it too, but in another way you are out of it. On a humbler or more minor scale, you have reached it if in a storm of despair or in a destructive dissolving attack of a conflict you can keep a sense of humor for a second. . ."

23/5/07 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then, in relation to our Chet Baker conversation, I came across this by Joseph Joubert:

"For an expression to be beautiful it must say more than is necessary while nevertheless saying precisely what it must. This too much and the enough must be united, there must be abundance and economy. The narrow and the wide, the little and the much, must be mingled. The sound must be brief and the meaning infinite."

23/5/07 5:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't tell you juju, how important this all is to me.

diffusing/deflecting aggression. I think I responded that this is difficult for me, because it doesn't always satisfy my own aggressive desires

Do I ever know this one. I have a Mars-Neptune conjunction which is the same thing. I have had big troubles turning aggression inward.

I like von Franz very much. this is the kind of metaphysics I'm referring to. Metaphysics is really advanced. It's not philosophy, not religion, not entirely intellectual. It's a unique recognition of truth. I call it fact. It revolves around the individual destiny and what that means in terms of life's events. When it's really grasped, it's unthinkable to blame anything or anyone outside the self.

The main advantage to this view is the possibility of correction if one is so inclined. You cannot change the outside circumstance. It might appear that way momentarily. Only yourself. Then circumstance reflects the change. Being the opportunist I am, this was right up my street.

So if an earth quake comes, you know this is outside yourself. but what determines who gets caught in it, who lives, who dies, or who escapes it entirely? This is what metaphysics answers. If you do get caught in painful circumstance, you got yourself there for reasons.

In one way you are in it too, but in another way you are out of it.

Exactly. I think this is what kadimiros refers to as the witness inside of us. There is an absurdity to it as well. I have always laughed at myself.

23/5/07 6:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh my god. That quote. I don't know this genius. I must read more.

This too much and the enough must be united, there must be abundance and economy.

My wise father said, "enough is too much". One of his best. I recognized the truth immediately.

This is amazing.

23/5/07 6:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The sound must be brief and the meaning infinite.

I can do it.

23/5/07 6:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A person cannot pay lip service to metaphysics and then use astrology and the other branches to blame people or countries they don't like. It unnerves me as a lover of the science. The information is there as a directional map to a safe destination, like all travelers want. One also cannot wait for the future to correct the present horror.

The astrological map is a translation of the cosmic order at the present time in relation to the self.

So a war, or any painful event, is not some manmade mistake. It can't be undone. It is present reality as a guidepost to the future. What one does with the present reality determines this future.

23/5/07 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well tonight my kid shot the tv with his airsoft gun, losing, in the process, use of his two favorite objects. Yikes. Well maybe this will get me to work on giving him the discipline he needs. Though at the moment I'm tired and it just seems like another hassle.

23/5/07 8:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This airsoft gun is proving to be harder than thought. Boys will be boys.

23/5/07 9:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Muriel Spark, the strange writer, must have been a metaphysician. Her book The Driver's Seat is one of the best illustrations of the victim role from this perspective. A fascinating read.

An old film called The Servant with Dirk Bogarde defines the reality of the servant-master role, and how it's often reversed.

The childish idea that a few wealthy elite run the universe with the masses as slaves is so very silly. Unfortunately it creates unnecessary fear and feelings of entrapment, and prevents a logical look at socio-political reality.

24/5/07 2:20 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Most people I witness with relationship problems and other hardships feel victimized and focus on the other. They often even go so far as to think they're innocent when things go wrong.
As soon a you start analyzing yourself, the others start changing in perception. They lose power. You begin to see the patterns that attract these people and events.
As you progress you start to see the perpetrators as pawns in your own game, in your quest for growth and advancement.
When full realization comes, you see the perpetrator as your ally in helping your evolution no matter what the details of the events. You are in charge. Few can do this.

This is purely from the metaphysical standpoint, not for everyone. There still have to be those who play traditional victim roles for now. But gradually, one by one, as individuals evolve, we will have better societies. We won't need such extreme external devils to point us to ourselves.

Take Iraq. The obvious is the American invader, the bully, victimizing the Iraqis. As metaphysical analysis develops, it could be that America was drawn into Iraq's karma, a long one of civil unrest and domination from without and within. Maybe they wanted to resolve it and picked the USA as a player. Maybe we want to get out but can't as we're stuck under their control. Just possibilities. People say it's the greedy corporate elite controlling this, but of course, in the big picture, they aren't. They are victims just as much. Greed eats itself.

So are the commoners victims of the elite or are the elite pawns of the masses, who really don't want that position?
Neither, of course.

The metaphysical gives an entirely different slant to reality, not always easy to take. But the traditional victim-perpetrator roles are self perpetuating. No exit. One wrong begets another.
Even the ability to perceive the metaphysical perspective of shared responsibility is an alternative that might fuel progress. No guarantee. But it's in the chip for a reason.

24/5/07 2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In all the struggles of lie there is always that one thing which is beyond the struggle;

That is so true! When I was going through my crisis I felt like the bigger part of me was in the eye of an hurricane. There was total peace, clarity and safety.

Then when I recognized my victim role and released it I felt an inmense sense of freedom. But the question came, so how do I define myself if I don´t do this way of being anymore? I felt
this vast vast emptiness and sadness, like being lost. That was the biggest surprise.

24/5/07 2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

diffusing/deflecting aggression. I think I responded that this is difficult for me, because it doesn't always satisfy my own aggressive desires

this made me think of Aikido again: taking energy (aggressive in this case) which is directed toward you and redirecting it, deflecting it or channeling it in a different direction. TRANSFORMATION of energy--one must be very conscious and very present to be able to do this. A challenge, to be sure. But I find myself using this technique when people are passive-aggressive with me; I do my best to recognize it and then purposefully not play into that dynamic (it takes two to have a dysfunctional tango), but instead diffuse or redirect the energy pattern, dissolving the game. Often it works. It's when we realize that another person's "stuff" isn't about us that we are able to step out of the game and not participate in the shadow play. We don't have to embrace and internalize the Victim archetype, but we have to recognize it's existence in order to tranform it into gold. We all have the Victim in our internal council of Archetypes, it's universal. And like you've been pointing out, jm, it is on a collective level that we are working with this energy to help it evolve in the grander scheme.

And jm let me just say, nay exclaim, girlfriend:
I am so glad that you are transmitting your wisdom and perspective unabashedly! It needs to be put out there and the more people who are fostering an ability to see from a Metaphysical perspective, the better (I've been struggling with this in my own sphere, personal and work). We need teachers and truth-sayers. Hearing Truth is like hearing the most lovely, transcendant and effortless music.............
And you are so eloquent and see from very high up on the spiral. It is breathtaking.
Thank you!

And I feel humbly grateful to juju and analysa for sharing their stories, their intimate personal experiences.
There is so much beauty here!

Greed eats itself.

more oroborous imagery

Send in the Clowns!
"The Fool is an alchemist who holds fire in one hand and the upside-down cup (emotions) in the other, She unifies feelings (water), with energy and vision (fire) to create original and innovative ideas (steam). Fools use their multiple talents to generate abundance and frutifullness…bringing creativity into useable matter." - Angeles Arrien

24/5/07 7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, great stuff from everyone, analysa (your name feels like a very feminine version of analyze -- maybe a softening of the analytic without jettisoning it) and meristem (well lots in your name too -- merry and plant life and the stem as transition from roots to flowers -- the spine of life). And of course all the wisdom from jm.

As to diffusion, my ex-husband, who has passive- aggresiveness down to a fine art, accused me of manipulating him and said my friends should be warned. When I told him I'd be sure to warn them, he got all embarrassed (because he knew he was so off they'd think he was wacko) and apologized for the first time in maybe 10 years. This seemed a total aikdo move -- just letting his accusations carry themselves into absurdity. But I'm not generally too good at this -- tend to be combative with anyone who ruffles my feathers the wrong way.

Also, jm, funny with the Joubert quote -- I didn't really like the book, which is a series of short meditations, and was going to give it away. But decided to open it randomly to give it one last chance and came on the too much and enough.

I want to check out the Muriel Spark book and I think I watched The Servant years ago, but may have to see it again.

thanks meristem, for the alchemical fool. That unification of fire and water. Apparently when they dug my well, there was a big explosion because of buried gas. (And sadly today I heard of a bunch of miners killed in Siberia in an explosion)..

Yesterday I checked a book out of the library "The Alchemy of Healing" by Edward C. Whitmont, a Viennese doctor/ Jungian/homeopath and the first section I turned to was one on drama.
He writes "The word drama (derived from the Greek drao: to do some great thing, to offer sacrifice or perform mystical rites) denotes that which is being done: action represented on stage of the "theatron. That companion word is derived from theoein: to behold, to witness with awe and wonder, to attend the spectacle of the gods (theos) as the spectacle of life. That which is essentially unrepresentable is made visible and meaningful in and through human action and experience."

24/5/07 10:12 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yesterday I checked a book out of the library "The Alchemy of Healing" by Edward C. Whitmont, a Viennese doctor/ Jungian/homeopath

Great book Juju, also his "Psyche and Substance"- Essays on Homeopathy in the Light of Jungian Psychology

Archetypal patterns - good stuff.

24/5/07 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad the book meets your approval tseka. I wonder if it might be okay to email you for a possible homeopathic consultation. Seems like it might be in my stars right now....

24/5/07 11:31 AM  
Blogger jm said...

My god. Where do I begin?
I get the distinct feeling I'm getting somewhere.

There is so much inspiration in these comments I feel like the generosity of Sagittarian knowledge is fully available. The universe gives. I'm going to settle down with a cup of strong coffee and absorb these, and of course, comment.

Heavens. Jeeze.

24/5/07 1:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I did make a tiny prediction that the Sun in Gemini and Mars in Aries would fuel idea exchange, and so they are!

it takes two to have a dysfunctional tango

Heheh. I could have said the whole damn thing in 8 words!

this made me think of Aikido again: taking energy (aggressive in this case) which is directed toward you and redirecting it, deflecting it or channeling it in a different direction. TRANSFORMATION of energy--one must be very conscious and very present to be able to do this

This way we can value and use adversity. Welcome it. The real key to fearlessness. Again back to the internal ally that also recognizes the need for all experience. Let the cowering begone. As I grow, the spiritual warrior grows with me, my Aries ASC.

We don't have to embrace and internalize the Victim archetype, but we have to recognize it's existence in order to tranform it into gold. We all have the Victim in our internal council of Archetypes, it's universal.

Best approach. On some levels, the victim is necessary, but recognition is wise. I've always instinctively rejected this role because of the fear, confusion, impotency, etc. It feels bad, so I usually choose a more dominant role within myself. I want to get right on it and solve it.

Instead of automatically responding, I think we can instantly choose the role we will play in interaction.

We need teachers and truth-sayers. Hearing Truth is like hearing the most lovely, transcendant and effortless music.............

Thank you from the bottom of my well, meristem. You've helped me contact my courage. Moons in Aries are known for that.
I've never spoken up like this before. New territory.
What a joy to see you.

24/5/07 2:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

But I'm not generally too good at this -- tend to be combative with anyone who ruffles my feathers the wrong way.

This is natural. when I first arrived in Blogland I was getting stoned in the village square almost daily. I would post a comment and my heart would race in anticipation of the backlash. I worked on not responding to the idiotic ones, which were many, and the ones simply trying to hurt me gratuitously. Finally I had my fill and started Raging U where intelligent mature discourse quickly evolved. It must be a territorial thing, and certainly pointed out the source of the problem. Mine, that is.

I still have to struggle with violent response to emotional violence. The first impulse is to fight back, I think. But self master and alchemy try to teach us to make conscious decisions along with the feeling response. I think it's just a matter of practice. But sometimes a good knock-down drag-out is healthy. Maybe.

action represented on stage of the "theatron. That companion word is derived from theoein: to behold, to witness with awe and wonder, to attend the spectacle of the gods (theos) as the spectacle of life. That which is essentially unrepresentable is made visible and meaningful in and through human action and experience."

This is fabulous juju. Thank you so much. I never connected the theater with god, and this brings the whole thing together. Why I feel what I do in a theater. Indescribable awe. It took me long enough get this, but never too late. Thank you again.

I think this is why I love the concept of the thespian, my dream image of myself. An actress as a vehicle of the truth and translator of the gods.

This is one reason I'm so pained at the pantheon of image only plastic doll wannabe actors this country worships and throws all their money at, yet in small theaters around the nation, real thespians are at work. On the streets and everywhere, actually. How attention and money fit in is tricky for the truth.

This is wonderful.

24/5/07 2:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And finally, on the alchemy. I think this is the key to many things, most of all the nodes. Probably the best way is to transform the South and use the substance at the North to make a complete unit.

Great great ideas. I'm rich. And headed for the laboratory to my alchemical beakers and flames.

24/5/07 2:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

just letting his accusations carry themselves into absurdity.

Good thinking.

24/5/07 2:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

".....tseka. I wonder if it might be okay to email you for a possible homeopathic consultation. Seems like it might be in my stars right now...."

Juju thank you for your faith, homeopathy is a wonderful art of healing. i would be pleased to receive your e-mail.

My life clicked into the spin cycle a few days ago, days are a blur with very little time available.

With jm's indulgence perhaps i can leave a couple of paragraphs suggesting two book titles and a link for an online pharmacy that would be helpful to those interested in homeopathic self care?

My favorite book for self care. Trevor Smith is one of the best IMO.
another with nice photos that show examples of the remedy source and the people whom the remedy suits.
a place to purchase homeopathic medicines.

24/5/07 8:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hope everything's manageable, tseka, and that there is plenty of help. At least the spin cycle gets out excess moisture. And it's superior to the ringer.


24/5/07 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Marie-Louise von Franz! Yes! I have marked up copies of "The Feminine in Fairy Tales," "Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales," "Alchemy," "Creation Myths," and "Shadow and Evil in Fairytales." I love her work. It's a bit dense, but she's right there!

Oh, Oh, I need to spend this weekend re-reading. Thank you!!!


25/5/07 4:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For an expression to be beautiful it must say more than is necessary while nevertheless saying precisely what it must. This too much and the enough must be united, there must be abundance and economy. The narrow and the wide, the little and the much, must be mingled. The sound must be brief and the meaning infinite."
~~Joseph Joubert

Oh my. Could there be any better advice for a writer? :-) :-) :-)

25/5/07 4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

24/5/07 2:22 AM
Well said, JM!


25/5/07 4:30 AM  

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