Astrobabble with Winston Moonbat

All you starlovers are going bananas as I've heard it referred to. You are doing exceptional work and many are impressed. The executive office on Jupiter's 61st Moon has taken notice and will be contacting you shortly with an offer.
I can't stay more than a nanosecond right now, since I'm far too busy with the Saturn-Uranus quincunx. It's frightfully interesting and I will have a great deal to report. I'll be back down in a little while to give you my latest update.
Meanwhile, avoid sesquiquadrates and do keep up the chatter. We like it tremendously out here. The volume is perfect. And enjoy the Galactic Center! Great place.
I think the Universe just delivered the sign we've all been waiting for.
Let's go!
Instead of "Let's go!" as a hyperlink, I should have used the word "splat!" Sorry, I can't stop giggling like a five year old. :o)
Hilarious! And I think you're right about the message joe. It seems oddly lighthearted. Absurdity arise!
Good comment:
Why do the sparrows hate america?
Interesting fact.
Saturn has been in his 1st house bringing him into reality and diminishing his persona. It's just about to conjunct his Venus. The Moon was there when the Gemini bird dropped in.
Talk about birds being messengers.
To add to the insult, the man wiped it with his bare hands. I always knew that family lacked class and was out of its element.
And later, as we might surmise, he shook hands all around with his dirty fingers. Sheesh. Clueless and classless!
Joe!! God! What a bird will do. Or doo.
I can't imagine where else his hands have been.
Wouldn't it be something if our next puppet could speak English?
Of course, Neptune is stationing exactly opposite his Venus at 21 Leo and it doesn't look too ideal and dreamy.
After yesterday evening's discussion on quincunxes, etc., I wanted to say I appreciate your assurances that I'm "getting it."
In fact, I just recently finished a triad of books that don't fit neatly into any category, although they're often billed as children's/young adult novels, or else fantasy/science fiction. The first is The Golden Compass, followed by The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. Anyhoo, one of the main players is a compass-like contraption called the alethiometer, from the Greek for "truth" and "measure." You can get an idea of what it looks like by going
here, since, predictably, someone has already started making a movie of the first book.
Now, I am going somewhere with this! :o)
What's interesting is, to read and use the alethiometer, the student must labor over the myriad meanings, which extend outward exactly the way the planets, houses, aspects, etc. do.
Interestingly, this is the way I'm learning it. Not by rote but by associations.
Joe this is fascinating. It could explain your exceptional grasp. The associations are what make it experiential, I think.
You don't need that much math. I only need a few aspects to read a chart. I use mythlogy a lot for association and I think the storybook way of seeing it gives that added dimension to our lives as well.
I know I look forward to discussing astrology with you.
I look at the chart as a sort of mandala that reveals itself to me. I don't tell IT what it is. So preconceptions and too much picky math get in the way.
When I first learned I used dot matrix printouts that were mostly empty space. It was in these spaces that the person was found and the story revealed. I read charts differently from the very beginning, and this way, it took less detailed learning. It's seeing and sensing just as much. There is a real connected story/myth in every chart and it can be perceived if you want.
I think vast advanced knowledge is in every brain and it finds receptors in current reality when we want it.
A longtime companion of mine was interested in metaphysics but knew nothing of astrology when I met him. He was so interested that we were able to have many many discussions. When I first talked about the 12th house he knew exactly what it meant. Exactly, no doubt. He had Sun-Venus-Pluto there. He knew it better than anyone I'd known and of course taught me that much more. He talked about the 12th house from then on. I was riveted. These experiences are my education. I also think it was a moment of big recognition for him too. The naming of what he knew but never articulated. This is what makes me love astrology. It's real application.
He lived in an alternate reality in his 12th house. Genuine. Like George Bush, deep in the 12th. Somewhere else. Alone.
Granted I studied the details and they were easy to comprehend. In the beginning I read about 12 hours a day. I was entranced in another dimension. I lived and breathed astrology for several years. At first synthesis of the charts was difficult, but after several more years the skill developed. I did feel, however, that I already knew the science and it was finding the present incarnation.
I use the charts at Astrodienst but I don't like them. They lack focus. Hard to read and get the feel. You might try different chart styles. I think this makes a world of difference.
Sometimes the wheel with equal chart sections and the MC/IC in perpendicular is easier. Then you can blend the other, since that is revealing too. The chart that speaks to you is the best, but you have to really listen.
Another important thing is to focus on the astrologers you love as guides. This varies with everyone. I used to go to new and used metaphysical bookstores and browse. The books find you. But most important is what you bring to them.
I think astrology is the best companion I've ever had. Never boring.
'Scuse me for poking my nose into your conversation y'all, but I have 2 cents, or 20.
Joe, I love this:
What's interesting is, to read and use the alethiometer, the student must labor over the myriad meanings, which extend outward exactly the way the planets, houses, aspects, etc. do.
Interestingly, this is the way I'm learning it. Not by rote but by associations.
And truth often makes itself known thru symbols and associative thinking so, many levels here!
Which segues nicely to jm's words:
I think vast advanced knowledge is in every brain and it finds receptors in current reality when we want it.
I've often said to people, when having discussions about religion and spirituality that god/gods/goddesses/Great Spirit (insert your choice here) speaks to each of us as individuals in a 'language' that we can understand (whether that be a religion, spiritual practice or other way of communing with higher truth-astrology, etc). Some folks get that, others give me blank stares. Anyway that's what I associate with y'all's conversation here.
And JM, I'm so glad to have a little knowledge of your own journey and dance with astrology!
Thank you for sharing that.
I believe books (and indeed all teachers) come to us when we need them. But saying that here I feel like I'm stating the obvious.....
jm wrote:
It could explain your exceptional grasp.
Exceptional grasp? LOL, I'm glad YOU think so! :o)
The associations are what make it experiential, I think.
Now this I will agree with.
Meristem, I've no idea if the author of those books has any knowledge of astrology, but the analogy to learning astrology and learning the alethiometer was just perfect.
What's really amusing to me is that the main character, Lyra, can read the alethiometer with ease despite never having cracked any books or received any lessons. It's a state of grace, as we later learn, that allows her to read it so effortlessly.
believe books (and indeed all teachers) come to us when we need them.
It's always good to articulate this. Right now this is especially so as Pluto leaves Sagittarius, the sign of higher learning, spiritual guidance, and basic knowledge of cosmic relationship.
I've been doing this for 40 years and I've never seen such a dramatic upturn in interest. The results are yet to come in. The Net has spread the word and people who would not otherwise absorb the knowledge are doing that now. More than we know. That's why I'm staying here for the moment.
The basic feeling is here now, an awakening, so that when we go into the Capricorn years the new relationship with the earth will develop from this with the added spiritual dimension.
Beautifully orchestrated exactly on time.
It's a state of grace, as we later learn, that allows her to read it so effortlessly.
Yes, Yes, yes, yes. And a zillion more yesses on the above.
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