As Pluto heads back to the Galactic Center for the last time, turns around, and goes into Capricorn, the lessons learned are now up for consideration and will be for awhile as the human family uses the new knowledge for the next phase. Sagittarius governs philosophies and how much people practice what they preach. All signs indicate a political awakening in the United States, and if ever there was a time for honesty, this is it.
The above model of capitalism places an elite ruling faction above the oppressed workers, with what I often perceive as virtue expressed as inherent in the common man. I don't think this is so. I think the system comes from man's basic greedy, competetive nature, although sharing and cooperation are also in the chip, hopefully to be used when the time comes. As resources dwindle, this might be necessary.
The complicated economic worldwide web is a product of man's entire history as he settled into agricultural life and the accumulation of commodities. The world depends on this system for survival and it is an expression of the human condition as it stands now. All of us are contributing members.
So the solution is not the destruction of the corporate hierarchy. There is no real separation. If power were taken from the elite and handed to the people, the same hierarchy would be built. Exactly the same. The system is there for reasons and the improvements will take evolution and clear thinking, experimentation, honesty, and genuine desire for equality. Plus, most of all, human beings grappling with their greed.
The bitter complaints against the corporate structure are everywhere. There is no doubt that corruption is rampant, but here is where the hypocrisy is evident. In this country many people detest the situation but consume all the products of these entities with gluttony. Even when faced with choosing a small business with higher prices, most will buy at the cheapest rate. So why do you think these corporations evolved? Could it be to satisfy the demand for cheap commodities? Who is feeding the beast?
But the most blatant hypocritical act to me is the investment in mutual funds. Well intentioned Americans still prefer making a fast and easy buck, no matter how it's obtained. On one hand, they preach about the destruction of corporations, while the other hand is grasping evey dime they make from the corruption and greed. Progressives included. Even when there are options, such as choosing more ethical companies to invest in, most people won't make the effort. There is no way on this green Earth that the problems will be solved until this awareness comes fully into focus and the responsibilty is taken up by every single individual participating. Every dollar spent. Too much effort?
We shall see.
Oh very good, jm. You have nailed this one. I too have developed a dislike of the mutual fund system & am planning on moving the money we have in those to a locally owned bank. At least that way the money stays somewhat in the community - though it's hard to say.
I also very much agree with those who complain about the corporate greed then run down to Walmart to buy something. But then it's been my observation that most humans don't think things thru unless forced to.
My Aries rails about the agribusiness system and the low cost of food plus the foodstuffs that are imported from countries with far looser pesticide laws. There does seem to be a growing awareness at least here in the blogosphere about the consequences involved there.
Neith I am thoroughly delighted by your response. I feel like my needle's stuck in the groove on this one and it's so vitally important. Just the awareness is all I ask for.
I did just that. Took all my money out of the funds several years ago.
At least that way the money stays somewhat in the community - though it's hard to say.
It's a step. The local community will be more involved in the upcoming political game, so the money should be going there now. All the energy crying about greed and corruption could be rerouted just a little and progress would be made. There is always a solution.
"If power were taken from the elite and handed to the people, the same hierarchy would be built. Exactly the same. The system is there for reasons and the improvements will take evolution and clear thinking, experimentation, honesty, and genuine desire for equality. Plus, most of all, human beings grappling with their greed."
Another way to put it is that if all wealth were to be suddenly redistributed equally, after a bit we'd still end up with rich people and poor people.
"Even when faced with choosing a small business with higher prices, most will buy at the cheapest rate."
Hmm. I sometimes deliberately choose to pay a bit more, etc. But I think there is a certain amount of unawareness going on. I know people to whom the whole topic is news.
Another way to put it is that if all wealth were to be suddenly redistributed equally, after a bit we'd still end up with rich people and poor people.
Beyond any shadow of a doubt. The destruction of the system is not worth the effort as it stands now.:)
You can see the pattern in every family. The hierarchy. The rich and successful ones and the "poor relations".
One of my main points. Try to understand the system as it is now, then work from the bottom up at egalitarian distribution. It cannot be forced. It has to come from natural desire, and in every culture worldwide, the hierarchy is in place for social order.
There are some small island societies, however, where reciprocity is habitual to maintain order, and some where giving is rewarded, so it is ingrained in the cultural behavior. Good thing to study.
Simply, people have to really want to share, and if they search themselves, they might be surprised at what they find.
Most people give away what they don't want. There are the rare ones who give away things still precious to them. Some might call these souls suckers, but who really knows?
When my mother and her family were starving, my mother received one piece of bread. She was literally famished, but she didn't eat it. She waited until she got to her two sisters, so they could share it. Hard to believe.
But then I've heard countless stories of people in wartime who stole and even murdered to eat, and who didn't share anything with anyone.
So many impulses are at work in humans. Not an easy task to control the whole shebang. The corporations are the tip of the iceberg.
Hey!!!! I just noticed your new thingy, kad! I like it.
LOL! I've been using it for a while now.
And thanks. I think I'll keep using it for a good while more.
What's missing from your essay is a look at the *consciousness* that creates the system. The Old System is based on a heavily conditioned conviction of Lack - the "Trance of Scarcity" as writer Victoria Castle has named it (www.tranceofscarcity.com). This conviction of Not Enough creates a drive to compete for More.
You're right to point out that a sudden distribution of wealth to The People would quickly re-create the same hierarchy -- but I would add, it would definitely happen *if there were no change in consciousness.*
As Einstein said, you cannot solve a problem from the same frame of consciousness that created the problem.
That change in consciousness is what we're about these days, whether we're aware of it or not.
The instigating question is, What are your REAL needs, and what are your FALSE needs? How are your Real needs met? When your Real needs are met, handled, taken care of, how do you feel about your False needs?
Another important factor in the Capitalism hierarchy that is not part of the post's graphic is the fact that in American law, Corporations were given "personhood" in the 1870s at the behest of railroad barons. Thus there is little or no liability or accountability for the humans who run the corporations, make decisions and hold stock.
Changing this situation will be crucial to changing how capital works. If every stockholder and middle-manager were held legally liable for damage done by a corporation, there'd be a lot more transparency and self-oversight of ethics and practices, wouldn't there?
"Socially responsible" investing would become a legal imperative.
The Old System is based on a heavily conditioned conviction of Lack
Good point. I think often of what drives the gargantuan hunger and thirst of the human, even after his basic needs are met. The void. Could it really be changing?
That change in consciousness is what we're about these days, whether we're aware of it or not.
I'm interested in more on this Joy. It does seem like awareness is increasing and I'd like to know where you see evidence of it.
I do think that changes in consciousness go on subtley and are beyond usual control, so not being too aware of it might be a good sign.
From an astrological perspective, my view is that the outer planet transits of the last quadrant of the wheel are an indication, along with the upcoming Uranus in Aries and a new cycle of survival skills.
Any input from your experience would be valuable.
Maybe the time has come to put some of this into practice, so these forums are a way to get coordinated.
Another important factor in the Capitalism hierarchy that is not part of the post's graphic is the fact that in American law, Corporations were given "personhood" in the 1870s at the behest of railroad barons.
Yes, but this was beside my point. I've looked at this factor and I don't think it's as significant as some say. I think the problem goes deeper, which is my main point.
The disconnect between the upper levels and the lower is closer to my theory. The basic fact that governments grow out of the whole collective, so changing things at the top, athough it must be done, will not be effective until people identify with the whole, and see how they are complicit. The pitting of the elite against the commoners is the problem. The commoners are just as responsible for the situation in their lust for cheap commodities at any cost, other than money.:)
Here's an example of what I'm getting at and why I'm against too much emphasis on the corruptness of the corporations to the exclusion of the deeper problems.
The ethical problems will be faced in time, legally and otherwise.
But people profess to be against war, and particularly the war in Iraq. How much of the money they put into their mutual funds goes into the manufacture of the products used to wage this war?
They say the are vehemently against Big Pharma. How much of this money goes into that racket?
Ideally they should know where the money goes exactly, but do you really think they will track it, even if they could?
The point is the responsibility ultimately lies with each individual and the tendency to blame the government is as old as the hills, and so far isn't working well. The same syndromes keep re-creating themselves. So that change in consciousness you mentioned could be the ticket.
Point made and received...
I've been dragging my feet on this one but now is as good a time as any for me to act. Bye-bye, mutual funds. Thank you for your conviction, JM and et al. for this clear discussion.
As Einstein said, you cannot solve a problem from the same frame of consciousness that created the problem.
The life of Nobel is a case in point: inventor of dynamite, named 'doctor of death' in his lifetime, but also established the famous peace award (I admit I recently watched a PBS special on explosives).
Intention does make the difference, but frame of consciousness greatly influences the effect of those intentions.
OMG, nathan. I'm so glad you commented. I felt nervous about going this far, and this is only a start on trying to come to grips with why the world is so disappointing to so many. The passing off of culpability is just as dangerous as what the actual governments are doing. The leaders are an end result. A symbol. Until individuals look at their own wrongdoings honestly, we won't progress. Microcosm, macrocosm.
I just blew after the last few years of taking in the incredible whining about authority with no real attempt to understand why the human family is in this predicament. All the Liberal rhetoric about the children of the world and war rings false to me, when they are enjoying the fruits of all these horrors. When each one lays down his own greed and covetousness maybe the arms will be laid down.
The moral superiority is one of the biggest problems. People look at our president and hate him with all their guts thinking they are so much better as they live in all this luxury, overfed, filling plastic bags with commodities every minute, and mostly unwilling to do what really needs to be done to make the world a better place.
I crusade for awareness, that's all.
Why? All I ask is why? The REAL reasons. Why are we in this corporate stranglehold? Don't tell me it's because of these elite evil men, and everyone else is innocent. Victims. I've reached my limit. And if people run from the facts as usual, so be it.
There are so many instances of hypocrisy, I don't even know where to begin. The Christian Right, for example is the lesser problem simply because they are so obvious. When that happens, you can work with it. It's the hidden hypocrisy in all of us that undermines the creation of equitable societies. People have to face the truth of how much they are willing to give up to have this. If they would just look around the house at everything they possess created off cheap labor everywhere in the world, it would be a start. We've all contributed to the oppression. Just look at it at least.
It stuns me, this world.
Thank you nathan. Thank you so much. You have no idea.
"Just look at it, at least."
Bravo, JM!
Not much to add to your words, other than 'yes,' but I'll try!
At this age, I realize what my life has boiled down to is survival. There isn't much difference between clearing off yet another acre of rainforest for the sale of its timber (survival for the people clearing the land) than when I step into Walmart to shop as a middleclass American, even if I do spend the extra $$ for organic grapes. I mean, even Tyson chicken now sells 100% organically fed chemical and hormone free chicken, which of course I buy, all the while realizing that yes, it's still Tyson chicken and they got that extra dime from me and somehow I'm supposed to believe that they're 'nice' to the chickens before I eat them. I still buy Tyson, I still eat chicken. I hope they're aren't too many hormones, but then again, at this age, what could some extra hormones hurt?
It's crazy. Flat-out bat mad horror/comedy house mad crazy.
There is great comfort however in at least knowing (that awareness you speak of) that it's nuts and I'm in it all up to my neck. I am as entwinned in my culture and time as anyone in any culture in any time.
And those who don't know? I hope I've banged my last wall, but knowing the Aries blood, I doubt it.
JM said: All the Liberal rhetoric about the children of the world and war rings false to me, when they are enjoying the fruits of all these horrors. When each one lays down his own greed and covetousness maybe the arms will be laid down.
That's why I had to leave the world, finally, to itself, as best as I can. The left, the right, all banging drums, few with the self-awareness I'd hoped we'd reached by now as individuals or a collective. It's still "us v. them." "The Middle Way" mostly a dream. So, me, I'm gone back to dreams. To the art, the myth, the journeys, the swirl, the animals, the color, the sun, rain. Bells. Music. Words. Something might come of that, yet.
hope they're aren't too many hormones, but then again, at this age, what could some extra hormones hurt?
It's crazy. Flat-out bat mad horror/comedy house mad crazy.
I hear ya!!!!! Loud AND clear!
It's still "us v. them."
They do seem to be stuck in primitive mode.
{{{{JM}}}} good to hear you laugh, my friend! :-) :-) :-)
"That change in consciousness is what we're about these days, whether we're aware of it or not."
I'm interested in more on this Joy. It does seem like awareness is increasing and I'd like to know where you see evidence of it.
(blinks eyes)
Let's see -- Live Earth concerts break record for online attention with 9 million viewings.
Google "consciousness shift" and get 2 million results.
Rent DVD "What the Bleep Do We Know?!?" and visit its website, especially its forums.
Read, view or read about "The Secret."
Check out www.worldchanging.com for the tech, social, community & economic solutions that are out there, succeeding and breeding, under the media radar.
Have a look at http://www.noetic.org/publications/magazine.cfm "Shift", the magazine of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Check out www.bioneers.org.
Walk into any New Age bookstore.
Read Gregg Braden's book "Awakening to Zero Point."
Shop at a farmers' market - investigate the Slow Food movement - watch Oprah -- listen to Democracy Now on the radio - notice the had-it-up-to-here anger of the citizens of every country, especially America, with the culture of lies and greed --
I'm a little nonplussed by your question because my life has been so motivated by tracking and participating in the changes in human consciousness for the past 30-odd years, I'm left wondering how it can not be seen.
I always like evidence from the corners I'm missing.
Thanks for this extensive list, joy. And the enthusiasm.
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