Thursday, December 25, 2008

An Unusual Christmas Treasure

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
A Real Santa Claus
Today, as you might know, much of the world is celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, saint and redeemer, rescuer of humanity from its sins. Never mind that no one knows for sure whether or not the birthday is accurate. It's the thought that counts. He was bony, strict, and frugal according to all reports, and familiar with denial and suffering, so he could have been a Capricorn. Might as well be.
I've noticed a different vibration this year, and although money is tight, and dire predictions circulate, there's been a sort of odd "oh well" optimism in the air. Not a delirious dance of jubilation with gift wrapping crackling madly, ribbons flying like UFOs, but some kind of recognition of something or other as yet unnamed.
"Joy to the world" is a curious concept.

I think it has a lot to do with transiting Jupiter conjunct USA Pluto today on his way out the door into the land of air and cloud. Jupiter-Pluto, purveyor of joy when at its best. A deeply earthy moment and I think some resignation concerning wealth and what it means.
Jupiter (inflation) joined with Pluto (riches) is associated with big money, great fortunes, expansive, sometimes excessive growth and speculation, generosity, and real wealth, if one is lucky enough to make that discovery. That's the key. What and where is this abundance? Are we really headed for depression, poverty, and despair, or is poverty relative? Well it might be if you end up losing the house and living with relatives.
Anyway, as Jupiter crossed Capricorn all year, there was major upheaval in the stock markets, a blown-up and scattered economy, and the usual heists by the plutocracy taken to astronomical proportions. I think the populace is still stunned by the disappearance of trillions, deficits they don't understand, and bottom lines bottoming to Middle Earth.
But did it really disappear? Was it really real? Where is the wealth located these days? Whose is it? Judging from the mood this holiday, a good portion of it is in Pluto's emotional treasure chest. Venus joining Neptune shortly says that maybe some of these friendships we keep nurturing around here are the stuff of paradise. Do riches ever disappear? Not when Jupiter meets Pluto.
As the cosmic giant departs with his gaseous self, leaving Pluto behind, with his dense, unpredictable, dwarfed little body, slowly twirling in compact Capricorn, some grand education looks to be in store. Speaking of stores ... empty shelves? Big Box mega-monsters devouring one another? Depends on which shelves. And how deep we're willing to travel for genuine satisfaction. And how much we're willing to share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another awesome entry. I just love how you can pick up appropriate words/qualities of each sign or planet with all their aspects and relationships and turn it into a speech entirely your own, with an added dimension that keeps the audience very curious. I'm part of that audience... ;)

Anyway, this is our show :))

25/12/08 8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Everything Jm! (And everyone else)! I can relate very much with what your wrote: "there's been a sort of odd "oh well" optimism in the air."
YES. I feel like this all the time! I can honestly say that these days the only fear I have is losing those close to me. I am able to look upon you and the rest of my teachers and know that this is an inevitability and when it happens I will survive, and continue to thrive as I have been spiritually.

My natal Jupiter in Gemini (6th) trines Pluto in Libra (10th)...maybe why that's why I'm less concerned with financial stuff, and more about my sense of purpose and usefulness. I dunno. But I greatly enjoyed this post and wish to thank you for all that you've taken the time to write this year. Your outlook is invaluable to a Cappy Moon like me. :)

25/12/08 10:10 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It cannot be said better than the two previous posts.

Just to add my own thanks for all you do.

25/12/08 10:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

These comments are wonderful and verify what I felt in writing this post. When material consumption diminishes, other valuables kick in and there are many. I always sensed that there was treasure hidden in this path I took into Blogville, which doesn't get boring. It keeps delivering even though my housework has suffered. but it always does. Better my housework than me.

Ancareth, you really hit the spot. Making it my own is my deepest desire -- expressing my unique self, and most of all with others receiving it. The complete circle. Your 5th house SN is a master at this dynamic so I really appreciate your words. The valuable addition is the giving back of your writings. A perfect volley. You are so right. It's our show. More and more. I knew you knew this all along. You were cool.:-)

I love astrology infinitely and this has been the perfect blend of creativity with the knowledge. And a total surprise, one thing I love in life.

My natal Jupiter in Gemini (6th) trines Pluto in Libra (10th)...maybe why that's why I'm less concerned with financial stuff, and more about my sense of purpose and usefulness.

The ideal. I share your planets and feel the same. Fire, too, which leans toward non-material dimensions. I think if we get to that fundamnetal purpose with Pluto in Cap the financial will happen automatically.

Your Cappy Moon is actually attractive to me and what I need as a high flying Sadge. I need lessons fast!

Good morning SB!!!!! You're welcome forever. Thanks for lighting up my holiday so unexpectedly. Happiness came in suddenly. It was the oblong rather small box. The copper one. Red ribbon.

25/12/08 2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jm, your comment back really made me smile. The treasure here is in taking the time to savour it fully... hehe. There's something deeper too.

I love writing, in any form, as long as it's soulful. And hearts are melted... in knowledgeable beauty...

25/12/08 3:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love writing, in any form, as long as it's soulful.

That was the exact thing I was thinking about last night. I know it without doubt when my soul has released and it's about all I seek in expression. It really doesn't matter about the details. I think it comes from the trunk of the body. Somewhere between the heart and the gut.

The treasure here is in taking the time to savour it fully...

The most important thing in the world. I'm doing this no matter what.

I think that means relaxing about "them", separating back and forth, not thinking too much about what the future brings, and chewing and swallowing the moments as if the greatest delicacies on earth.


25/12/08 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and chewing and swallowing the moments as if the greatest delicacies on earth.

Haha! Wow! I like that. Couldn't agree more...

It keeps delivering even though my housework has suffered. but it always does. Better my housework than me.

Thanks for that. It helps me ease up on that department, I'd rather be writing through the night or something creative... housework can always wait a little longer. Though my mother tried to teach me otherwise. Hehehe...

Also, to add to that Capricorn bone talk, I feel I have strong bones and my teeth are remarkably healthy, strong too. I have Capricorn in the 8th... is that connected?

25/12/08 3:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The 8th is connected to health, too, in terms of emotional and psychological health and how it manifests in the physical.

There are plusses and minuses with all configurations but one thing about the 8th is the regenerative capability which can make for a strong skeletal system. It also could be a natural tendency to control excess in some areas which is healthy for the bones.

It's hard to say what creates strength in the body, and there's always a trade-off. Some parts cause no problems, others do.

25/12/08 3:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The source of strength is a good one. Pluto is always mining for it and in Capricorn the skeletal strength, the foundation, can be discovered. The regenerating germ plasm.

It's not in the president or the mayor. In fact, my mayor looks to become a Senator now that the horrible Senator is going to be God of the Interior. I wish God had forbidden it. But who am I to question?

In the meantime while society's systems find their strengths we can talk to our own bones and promise them change or whatever they desire. They'll answer. The hip bone connected to the thigh bone and all the way up to the president and then god or whomever. But starting at the foundation is a perfect place. Even my once-broken toe bone can cooperate.

25/12/08 6:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The foot bone connected to the mouth bone. The mouth bone connected to the finger bone. The finger bone connected to the nose bone. The nose bone connected to the brain bone. The brain bone connected to THE BONE....

And that's the word of the Lord!

25/12/08 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. I keep thinking how I have used imagery of bones in some of my poems, in a sense of potraying something imperishable. Or visualising even bones burning to ashes like a phoenix, to will myself into looking what am I even beyond my very core foundation... very interesting explorations. Good for building emotional strength too, if you are not afraid to completely shatter first... That's Pluto stuff... been there, done that :D hehehe...

26/12/08 2:55 AM  
Blogger Saravana Rajendra said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

26/12/08 3:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A nice blog, i have a found a new love interest in form of your blog! Being a numerologist i wanted to explore metaphysical subjects

26/12/08 3:16 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I keep thinking how I have used imagery of bones in some of my poems, in a sense of potraying something imperishable.

It's absolutely amazing how everything burns but the bone when bodies are cremated. I've always wondered what the message was there. The one thing immortal. What's being carried by them?

I think you're right, ancareth, about bone meditations and building strength. My Mars-Pluto resonates with that now. The strength of Pluto in Capricorn and the vitality of Mars blood. In the last year my jaw bones have gotten stronger. Aggression. I'm going to need it.

Or visualising even bones burning to ashes like a phoenix, to will myself into looking what am I even beyond my very core foundation.

That is interesting.

I also find it interesting how beings are classified as ectomorphs (bones close to the surface), mesomorphs (middle), and endomorphs (bones deep in the body). I'm an ecto. I wonder what that says about our defense systems.

Dem Bones

Somatotype and Psyche

26/12/08 4:27 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Welcome saravana. Metaphysics is my favorite thing. Many branches on the tree.

26/12/08 4:29 AM  

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