Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Terror and Trust

Natural to the human is an urge for protection. Thrust into a vast universe at birth, we cling to our parents for our first sense of security. As we travel on we form an intricate web of personal relationships. We marry and have children of our own to provide comfort and safety. We have doctors to protect us from illness, and lawyers to extricate us from the consequences of our wrongdoings. Somewhere along the line, we become aware of something beyond the interpersonal. An unknown unseen entity. Another protector, to some the greatest one of all.
This is Sagittarius in astrology. Our first connection to the metaphysical. As Pluto heads to the center of our Milky Way galaxy, the collective is grappling with faith.
The United Sates of America has been under a siege of terror for several years, but in some ways this is the most terrifying moment of all. The people are suddenly thrust from their reality as they knew it into an unknown landscape. The terrorists have suddenly vanished. Another birth comes. Prediction is useless. It's for each person to witness.
Each individual will decide whether s/he forsees a better future, more of the same, or a worse destiny. This is a test of trust, a questioning of who/what is in charge. Pluto has gone deep to uncover the hidden treasure of faith in cosmic guidance now that we are temporarily without the leadership of men. Whatever is decided, it's clear that we are at a bridge.


Blogger Diane L said...

Oh good, a great place to post an observation! After the election was over & celebrated, I went over to read some the astro-political sites once more. And was discouraged to find the same old conspiracies behind every door! It's like some people looked briefly at the new landscape, freaked & went back to their same old occupation of turning rocks over looking for nasties. jm, you are a bright spot in the astro blogosphere! Thanks!

14/11/06 2:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh neith.

I went over to read some the astro-political sites once more. And was discouraged to find the same old conspiracies behind every door! It's like some people looked briefly at the new landscape, freaked & went back to their same old occupation of turning rocks over looking for nasties.

I saw the same thing. It will take time and evolution.

Thank you too. Lots of comfort all the way around here.

14/11/06 2:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As a lifelong believer in shared power I've made my decision. I'm going to be an observer in the political affairs of men and let the cards fall where they will. My own destiny is the only one I am in charge of.
I'm renewing my faith.

14/11/06 2:51 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

I'm going to be an observer in the political affairs of men and let the cards fall where they will. My own destiny is the only one I am in charge of.
I'm renewing my faith.

Same here . . . I saw a politcal cartoon in our local paper showing the '06 elections over with & 'Swoosh' - here comes the '08 presidential race. I NEED A TIME OUT, thank you very much! Observing political scene only here . . . :-)

14/11/06 2:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yup. I deleted the political sites from my toolbar and I'm going on my own path. The one that serves me best. My direct link.

I gave up reading the endless contorted links long ago. People's opinions and search for reassurance. I always knew I wouldn't find it in other people's psyches but it HAS been interesting at times!

14/11/06 3:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The desperate grab for the presidency has the earmarks of the schoolyard still. I do think our next one will be a surprise though.

I've often wondered what motivates people to take this job that so often leads to diminishment and personal failure. It's as though a built in mechanism protects us from leadership.

As an anarchist, my belief has always been that until each person learns how to govern himself, leadership will fail.

14/11/06 3:05 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

I always knew I wouldn't find it in other people's psyches but it HAS been interesting at times!

Oh yes!! Chalk it up to an over abundance of curiosity w/your full 3rd house! It's allowing those other's to have too much sway over our opinions where the problems can come in!

14/11/06 3:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Chalk it up to an over abundance of curiosity w/your full 3rd house

So that's what it is! Add the Pluto transit and the masses. Pluto is headed for the opposition to my Uranus. That'll clear my head.:-)

14/11/06 3:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I had a strong feeling about this Saturn in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius and then the vortex appeared on Saturn.

A lot ahead as Saturn returns to Neptune and Pluto goes on his merry way scaring the bejesus out of everyone. Or into.

14/11/06 3:12 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Pluto is headed for the opposition to my Uranus. That'll clear my head.:-)

Been through that one . . . very subtle effect. I'll have to do some review to see what went on through that period.

A lot ahead as Saturn returns to Neptune and Pluto goes on his merry way scaring the bejesus out of everyone. Or into.

LOL! I do love Pluto . . . :-)

14/11/06 3:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've always been baffled by this conspiracy against mankind. The masses. Where exactly is its source? The elite are the masses too.

Enslavement of the whole planet of common men is impossible. It's never worked and never will.

Everbody is wiggling madly. Trying to extricate themselves from the traps, the physical human body being the first and foremost. Everone is enslaved and free in a rhythm. If we can get out of the birth canal through a 10 centimeter hole, we can get out of anything.

In reality, this is a brief moment of liberation. Definitely something to take advantage of.

14/11/06 3:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So as an observer, it's interesting to see people grab immediately for their familiar icons as they face the mysterious unknown...predictions and conspiracies, the old Republican guard, football players, movie stars and their latest poundage and matrimomial disasters...truly fascinating. Looking for something to follow.

14/11/06 4:03 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Looking for something to follow.

And that's a possible reason the genuinely creative thinker is often seen as threatening. One of the reasons I miss kj is she is a very creative thinker & writer. You are too, jm . . . probably why you get 86'd periodically! :-) See, I really enjoy something original w/that Uranus influencing my Sun/Moon. My Aries has a very close square between his sun & Uranus in Cancer, and he swings between looking for the latest & greatest in carpentry tools and talking about wanting to live 100 yrs ago, or at least, before computers. :-)

14/11/06 4:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

probably why you get 86'd periodically


Have you noticed I've been good lately?

That's a good one on your Aries' Cancer
square. I have it too and I relate. I love modern and futuristic but old photos, movies, nostalgic whatevers always give me pleasure.

the genuinely creative thinker is often seen as threatening.

Absolutely. Here you have to go on faith because original ideas aren't proven. So they are welcomed and feared at the same time. The most original are destined to be on the fringes I think. But their contributions are always incorporated eventually.
The Uranian character can deal with this. Probably prefers it.

14/11/06 4:49 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"And was discouraged to find the same old conspiracies behind every door!"

LOL...You really gotta laugh after a while. :-) Some of the things people believe are uproariously funny. People are looking for answers, but not inside, and they ask the wrong questions. They just talk and reinforce each other's negativity. And when nobody does anything of substance, I begin to wonder.

14/11/06 4:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And was discouraged to find the same old conspiracies behind every door!"

LOL...You really gotta laugh after a while. :-)

Great approach!

I keep wondering if they truly believe these things or are just thrashing about looking for relief from inner pain solely.
One can be amused at the extent of the imagination though. Always there to be counted on.

And behind the door contestants!!!! The Grand Prize!

14/11/06 5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really gotta laugh after a while. :-) Some of the things people believe are uproariously funny. People are looking for answers, but not inside, and they ask the wrong questions. They just talk and reinforce each other's negativity.

Funny you should say that. I guess I'm one of those people who is not finding the political stuff funny anymore. I was at my design bbs over the weekend and there was a thread about "I guess this doesn't go with the decor..." and it was a totally tasteless poster of Kerry and his latest slip-of-the-tongue. It annoyed me no end. It was off topic. And it quick de-volved into a quite nasty sniping by the two political camps.

Other people kept coming on and saying, come on, people, get a sense of humor. But for some reason, this is NOT something I find at all funny. Oh, and NO, I wasn't joining in the fray. I just kept checking back in to see what else was being posted. And reporting it. Unfortunately, they don't have moderators on the weekend. grrr.

Now, those pictures of Bush and the chimpanzees....THOSE are funny.

But my overwhelming feeling was, good grief, people, can't we have a little break in the political stuff? We just finished the election! I don't want to even THINK about 2008 yet.

14/11/06 5:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hey Casey! a lot of it is tacky beyond comprehension. Disgusting.
But one thing to consider is the history of this country and the long tradition of great political satire. The fact that it is still operating is fantastic.
A lot of it is puke, but there is still some humor to be found.

The political game never slackens. It's an American sport.

14/11/06 5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. I'm back, and I missed you all without my internet connection, but it was a needed break. Not that the craziness of late has abated-- not at all!

I went to Virginia for a trad foods conference and had a very nice time overall. I continued to note astrological connections all weekend, including the news that a Sag friend who's been in tough straits for years, who suddenly landed herself a new boyfriend. Jupiter approaching Sag, perhaps? (I forgot to ask her birth location...) With Jupiter soon leaving my Scorpio, the conference was a nice bookend to a year of indulgence, with very satisfying meals throughout, but I'm feeling the effects of not much exercise lately. I have to remedy that.

What did I miss?

14/11/06 5:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What did I miss?


14/11/06 5:36 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Joe posted this little thought provoking comment over on my blog . . . and I just HAD to bring it over here to share! :-) This is one of the many reasons to love this guy . . .

A question that occurred to me while I was away... is it fair to say that the planets themselves are only symbols or representatives of the influences in our lives, rather than actually causing/influencing events?

14/11/06 5:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Symbols absolutely. Microcosm/macrocosm. As above, so below. The planets are mere players.

I love this thought because it removes the victimization. The politicians are symbols too.
The map in the sky is the pattern of the moment. You can probably find this pattern anywhere. In your fingertip. In the morning tea leaves. That's why so many metaphysical disciplines work.

It's a great thought to ponder. Where is the source of the pattern and the central source of control, if there is one?

Who and what is making who do what?

14/11/06 6:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The chart is a navigational guide. A blueprint of the moment. It DOES nothing. Merely there to be read.

14/11/06 6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

always think of it as a snapshot of the current moment...though when push comes to shove with my physicist friends, I always babble about Jungian archetypes.

but for neith, we can consider our charts a subtle weaving, each one lovingly crafted for the best possible continuing education in the ways of the universe...

14/11/06 6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

add cheesy smiley face...

14/11/06 6:40 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

but for neith, we can consider our charts a subtle weaving, each one lovingly crafted for the best possible continuing education in the ways of the universe...

add cheesy smiley face...

ROFL!! Good to have you back & in fine form, Casey!

It DOES nothing. Merely there to be read.

Yup! :-)

14/11/06 7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, well, I wrote that because I was trying to think of a way to share with a skeptic (the Sag friend, in fact) that the planets are not causing her bad luck lately, etc. (Actually it's her fatalistic attitude but that's MHO).

14/11/06 7:40 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"But my overwhelming feeling was, good grief, people, can't we have a little break in the political stuff? We just finished the election! I don't want to even THINK about 2008 yet."

I guess I keep enough distance to retain my good humor!

Not the rude partisan attacks, so much, but some of the other things I've come across have been pretty far out.

14/11/06 8:58 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"but for neith, we can consider our charts a subtle weaving, each one lovingly crafted for the best possible continuing education in the ways of the universe..."

Oh, I like that statement. And it's a sweet meditation to see how the charts of people who are close and supportive fit together.

14/11/06 9:04 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I don't think the planets are really controlling people. But, for whatever reasons, we can easily find reflections of our personal experience in the world.

Although, people who are unconscious to self-determination usually have more predictable reactions to life. We see and listen to what we are able to understand.

One wonders how future astrologers will cope with space travelers, or with someone born outside the solar system.

14/11/06 9:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Although, people who are unconscious to self-determination usually have more predictable reactions to life.

This is the key. And it's a chicken and egg because the chart is a path to self knowledge and the self determination. It's amazing to me how people choose to feel victimized even after they learn astrology. It's a liberation. A beautiful puzzle to be constantly fiddled with.

14/11/06 9:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I guess I keep enough distance to retain my good humor!

AHA! So that's the technique.

15/11/06 2:20 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I just realized why that illustration looks familiar. I've seen it before. :-)

It's from a charming story about a tired father who comes home after work to find the baby waking up, and the rest of the family still asleep. He sweetly takes care of the baby, and finally sings them both to sleep. In the morning, his wife and older son are amused to find them sound asleep in the armchair.

I think that changes in how men and women see themselves and relate to each other, and in childrearing, are part of the collective reality shift. Later generations will have a changed view on authority, power, and divinity.

15/11/06 5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! I just checked the planets at Astrodienst. I KNEW the moon was in Virgo today, because Eve was being so Virgo again, I wanted to kick her out of the car! It's like clockwork, I tell you. Mean, contemputous, snide comments about my personality = Moon in Virgo.

sigh...I should feel flattered though that the TV characters she keeps comparing me to are the ones I like the most and have the best brains on TV. (not that that's saying much.)

15/11/06 9:56 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I think that changes in how men and women see themselves and relate to each other, and in childrearing, are part of the collective reality shift. Later generations will have a changed view on authority, power, and divinity.

Especially the changed view of divinity. I got the same feeling when I saw that book, it spoke so well about the change you desribe.

I've talked about the Trobriand Islands, a matrilineal society, where the uncles raise the children. One of the most successful societies int he world.

15/11/06 1:32 PM  

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