Friday, August 17, 2007

South Node in Capricorn or
The Tenth House

The SN in Capricorn is evolving from strict personal law and order to an understanding of human flaw, frailty, and failure, as they journey from aloofness to intimacy in their lifetimes. Worldly achievement is ready to be exchanged for home and personal connection as the main base of operations. Status no longer offers the reward it once did as the rigid boundaries of self are relaxing into fluid exchange and merging with other human beings outside of hierarchical structure. The outer world of ambition is moving to the inner world of feeling.
Authority. The SN Capricorns know all there is to know about those in power. They've seen the best and the worst and now have no reason to please people in high places in order to reach the top of a ladder they've fundamentally lost interest in. Yet they often keep trying, placing themselves in stances of authority and wondering why it fails to satisfy. They witness abuses that enrage them, yet realize they have no means within their grasp to put an end to the cruel interactions. They have nothing left to do but walk away leaving others who need to learn these hard lessons in the positions they now want to relinquish. The cold calculated business world of obedience, humiliation and intimidation becomes difficult to bear when they realize that close personal interaction is just as important to the well-being and functioning of society. The clinging to the need for superior stance hampers the real connection they seek.
Achievement. SN Caps are often brought up to value prestigious placements and the social climbing necessary to get there. They wonder why all the struggles, degrees, and years of training don't bring the satisfaction they thought it would. They develop great expertise and somehow find it largely useless. Sometimes they move from organization to organization, seeking the fit that never materializes. Some, however, completely avoid the system against the desires of their families.
Status. This node remembers the circles of wealth and power and the hard road up from nothing to reach them. While once the glitter of elegance and money were ambrosia to these people, they now see the superficiality and ultimate emptiness of the lives of the rich. The yachts, the jewels, the multi-mansions around the world, and all the social games that are required are ready to be exchanged for a cozy bungalow on a simple tree-lined street in a comfortable hometown, if not in reality, then metaphorically. The recognition of kindness from the corner grocer is worth more than the millions and the nod from the CEO as these natives long for relaxation and human touch, gladly relieved from the relentless push through the political system.

Born old. Capricorn SNs fear immaturity and seem to have been forced to grow up too early never fully enjoying the carefree days of childhood. Some had troubled families with no one in control and adults who were unable to parent them properly. They often missed the normal comforting of mothers, or perhaps were unable to receive it, and carry a fear of intimacy into later life. Recognition from authority is frequently used as a replacement until they fully realize the limitations of these relationships and start the journey back home to recapture their lost innocence.
Management. Cap SNs are forever trying to maintain a grip on control, feeling the need to manage everything around them. This creates a relentless tension they are terrified of relinquishing, believing that everything will descend into chaos if they let down their guard. The fluid relationship with circumstance eludes them while they maintain a separation that leaves them cold and unhappy, disappointed with the outcomes they so assiduously pursue. They long to leave the power to others but lack the confidence in themselves to give up the strictness, stiffness, and formality, and trust people as intimates.
Pride, respect, and recognition. The memory of pride in achievement is so strong that these nodeholders fear being without important jobs and the daily struggle to get ahead, waiting for every nod from above to verify their existences. They no longer feel the pride they once did in the tasks they perform so well for their superiors. The awards ceremonies have become empty rituals and they wonder just what is so great about these achievements after all. Someone else can develop the best technique to remove tumors from the brain, while they relax at home in comfort letting the world go by.

Depression and pessimism. One of the hardest parts of possessing the SN in Capricorn is the deep loneliness and depression of spirits so commonly felt. Where once the isolation helped them win favor from those in authority, now the loss of oneness with the human family leaves them with a well of sadness that no amount of material gain can fill. The depression can color everything and they sometimes doubt that life will be good and that things will work out well. They remember age old sorrows, many in the family, and assume that the future will be more of the same. They are frequently pessimistic about their personal destinies and the prospects for mankind. The expectation of disappointment can be all inclusive and some refuse help being unaccustomed to caring and nurturing. This increases their isolation until a cold, stark, and empty dwelling becomes home rather than the cozy, warm cottage awaiting them at the NN.
Guilt and punishment. Self flagellation is common with the SN in Capricorn along with austerity, denial of pleasure, and monk-like asceticism in some cases. They have guilts that have no label or origin and often don't understand why they were singled out for such abuse while others enjoy simple pleasures and go on their merry paths. They don't know exactly what they did wrong and why justice hasn't come around to them yet to absolve them, redeem them, and free them from their confines. They miss the fact that they are already free and waiting for human connection to verify their goodness, while releasing the need for cruel and unusual punishment. They are better than they realize, kinder than they know, and more caring than they recognize.

Perfectionism and discipline. These SNs often have a morbid dread of making mistakes and being seen as flawed. In the memories of achievement in cutthroat environments, failure was not possible. Everything in perfect order, spit polished to immaculate shines, no hanging threads, no spots, no tears in the fabric. Every move is calculated until they are merely moving parts in an unfeeling machine, oiled and running smoothly to nothing. Relaxing and falling apart is their real goal.
Materialism. No one is more weary of the chase for material goods than the SN in Capricorn. Not that they want to do without, but they are ready to give up the intense, sometimes obsessive work it takes to acquire these things. They are learning economy and how to get value for less effort. Overworking, trying too hard for all they get, has finally exhausted them, coming to realize that commodities are not an end in themselves and that a person can never be measured by what he owns. The Mercedez is being traded in for an old Chevy with rust spots and maybe even a tiny crack in the windshield.
Bridging distance and showing need. A near impossibility. Revealing dependency and being seen as not on top of things is frightening. Showing weakness or too much bend was not allowed in the boss-man, and forgiving was done outside the workplace. Asking for emotional aid is what they really want instead of the balance sheets on their desks exactly on time, no errors. Sometimes they offer intimacy briefly then quickly close the door. Now they're ready to make mistakes and invest in others for emotional gain, abandoning the professional separation they've habitually tried to maintain.
Judgement and justice. The Capricorn SNs know we live in an unjust world but they no longer want to be the judges and the administrators of punishment. The realm of crime and abuse has run its course in their lives and they are eager to walk away from the struggle and build a personal dimension of goodness from the memory of society's cruelty. They've done all they can and now are completely ineffective as supervisors of the system. The failures of the outside world are becoming the successes of the inside one, where imaginary realms can grow out of the cold and harsh realities they're leaving behind. The comfortable place they truly want to inhabit.
The sphere of feeling. There is no one more capable of human closeness and sensitivity than SN in Capricorn. The pain of human isolation is as strong a memory as people can have and these SNs are completely prepared for human warmth and embrace. Reality is no longer an icy cold unforgiving entity they are trapped in as the inner realm of fantasy opens up and invites them in unconditionally. Circumstance is what they make it and is entirely open to their creativity, no questions asked, and no higher power to approve or disapprove of their accomplishments, if they need to accomplish anything at all. Living life in the moment just for the pure sensation is their birthright. No one can stop them when they realize how free they really are to touch life and trust it to care for them completely, the world's children finally.
Eye: M.C. Escher


Blogger Barry Goddard said...

These are great posts. It would be nice to be able to access them! Have you thought of creating a topic list?
Cheers Dharmaruci

17/8/07 4:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was aces, JM. I have go over it a few times to suck all the juice from the marrow. (Apologies to all the vegetarians/vegans out there).

17/8/07 9:17 AM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

Fantastic, JM. Thank you.

17/8/07 12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yowza. I genuflect in awe.;-)

17/8/07 12:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Dr, how wonderful to see you. I like the new look of your blog, the light and space, and I think this is good for your Moon-Saturn. It feels like you,re having a good time with it. Aren't the pictures a blast??
At the top of the front page of the blog, uppermost left, there's a box that says "search blog". You can put in the node you want and it will find it.

This node was a good one for me to do. I wonder if the Capricorn energy got through!
Any ideas about personal solutions would be helpful for me in my study.

17/8/07 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its my birthday mmhmmmmhmmm
hey jm and all I get a day off today and am able to visit -- wish I could come by more, but just knowing you all are out there is good sustenance. I love the posts on the nodes -- I only wish I node more about astrology, but I seem to be astrologically challenged. So I'm grateful for all the insights here

17/8/07 2:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

Your birthday and no house full of boys!

Happy birthday my favorite wordsmith who started a coversation with me (or did I start it??), that I couldn't get enough of and am waiting to finish when time allows! What a chance meeting. What a mouthful we both have!

You are the best.

17/8/07 2:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The party is in full swing with all this Leo in the air and Mars in Gemini. The Sun just joined Mercury in Leo.

No wonder I wanted so much to unlock my tense, uptight, hard, fearful, stony cold block to the Leo warmth and love of life!

Let the walls come down!

17/8/07 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, juju, was this intentional? "I only wish I node more about astrology..." :D

17/8/07 3:32 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

Wonderful, jm. And stunning. This has my name written all over it. ;-)

17/8/07 3:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neo, it truly is wonderful, this pot of knowledge we have. Looking forward to your insights.

17/8/07 4:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

There is a person in my life who is a walking model of this node, and every interaction is laced with it. This is how I've learned. By the daily lessons people teach me.

Her father is a fancy scientist and she comes form a super high achieving family. She's a succesful physician with an important position in a hospital and a lecture circuit, and none of it is working.

She has the money to do anything she wants with her life, and no children or real resonsibility, but can't make the leap to freedom. She also has Saturn in Aquarius blocking the freedom. She's miserable, imprisoned by her accumulation and prestige.

I wonder if our knowledge helps. I'd like to hear if anyone thinks so and what you've done.

17/8/07 4:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Happy Birthday JUJU!!

17/8/07 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for the birthday wishes.
big lightning here, power out for a while, sunshine over the mountains, thunder over my head
you were so right on with my gemini south/sag north node -- its such an interesting way of grouping people

17/8/07 4:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

sunshine over the mountains, thunder over my head

Sounds like a song.

I'm interested in your nodal experience.
Everything Sagittarius is glowing and reverberating in these last days of Pluto. Even more coming as Jupiter thunders back in.

17/8/07 4:51 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The is fabulous JM.

My son has Cap SN in first house.
He pretty much has the characteristics but has always walked toward his NN. It's a pretty good combo. I can't imagine having Cancer NN in the Seventh without that Capricorn foundation.

Pluto over his ascendant a little while ago undoubtedly helped strengthen that bridge.

Thanks for doing all this, will be happy to read again in a book. You just get better and better.

17/8/07 5:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Thank you tseka. This has been a journey for me and I get the feeling there is something awaiting at the end. A culmination of years of work and I never anticipated any specific result. This has probably changed my thinking about finishing things!

One thing to consider is your Uranus in Cancer encouraging the expression of the North in your son.

What I am utterly fascinated by is the 29 Sagittarius almost in Capricorn and then the node. Something there.

I've come to a conclusion about the 29. I think it is the end of the bridge and they are ready to cross completely were it not for one last and important look back. The completion of a lesson. The last bit of information.

Thus the 29 Pisces of the war and the upcoming knowledge.

17/8/07 5:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the 29 Sag and the NN Cap 1st might explain the difficult birth, not wanting to face what he already knew about the world, having to cross the Sagittarius bridge to Capricorn again.

I'd like to look into this for all SN Cap 1sts. I would guess they all have a reluctance to look at it again.

17/8/07 5:17 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

This is really interesting, jm, looking at our natal charts not only for the sign placement of the planets, but the house placements as well. I see the traits of SN in Aries within myself, just as I see the SN in 10th House/Capricorn traits. My Moon in Capricorn also seems to factor into this, just as my Cancer ASC goes hand in hand with where I am supposed to be heading, NN (in Libra) in my Cancerian Fourth House.

I guess going by house placements alone, that sort of makes me a Sun Aquarius. ;-) I never seriously thought about things that way until now.

At any rate... Ah yes, career, ambition and politics. It's funny. Just about a week ago, two possible opportunities presented themselves before me. The organization I work for isn't perfect, but then what organization is? So the idea came to me to propose a certain sort of "workflow overhaul" and to strongly suggest to upper management that I head up this project myself, which I am very capeable of doing. Of course, there would probably be more money involved to pay the bills, etc. Fun stuff, really. Or so it at first seems.

Not even a day later, one of my... lets say "ousted" former co-workers calls me. Ousted I should say for raging against "the machine" headed by a man who could at times be a cross between Dick Cheney, Heinrich Himmler and Darth Vader. She's landed a job working with one of our direct competitors. Says she could probably help me "relocate" to this organization as well. Less pay. No senseless, unjustified road trips. And no ass-kissing involved. I'd work from home... as I do on my present job albeit increasingly less so it seems as management moves towards the idea of more frequent office visits. Go figure.

Hmm... so let's see. Kiss upper management's Nazi-esque ass on my present job and keep going through these stupid pretenses of professionalism and ambition, or shift downward a gear or two and work and relax more at home. I've been thinking that the choice between North and South couldn't be any more black and white.

Money, yeah that's nice. It's a very Taurean thing. And maybe it's my Second House Saturn in Leo (or is it Taurus?), and Chiron conjunct my Sun, but it's not the most important thing to me, and I'm certainly not going to sell my soul to get it. I realize that I don't need to play the stupid and silly games, corporatesque, socialite (ugh), or otherwise to get anywhere now.

So I'm planning to work two jobs for awhile, just to pay off the bills, maybe go back to school for something that I really WANT to take (not that I need necessarily). I'm still clueless about all this home stuff, though. But maybe I'll get some help. ;-)

17/8/07 5:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think this will be happening in general from now until January when Pluto gets to 29. A look back at the bridge. We can't go on to Capricorn without the hope of Sagittarius.

We'll get a couple more looks at 29, and isn't it interesting that our next election has Pluto at 29?

I remeber pulling the Star card the night of the last election and my book associates the Star with Pandora's Box and hope. I can't imagine that coming so soon here, but hope is not really connected to people or things. I could be the next president and one could still hope!!

17/8/07 5:24 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

I won't give up all of the formalities though. Saturn in Leo and Moon in Cap. I pride myself upon it somewhat. It's just as far as business anc career goes, that I'm trying not to permit it to rule my direction in life.

17/8/07 5:26 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

jm, I wholeheartedly agree with tseka. Your articles on the nodes really are too good not to have published in some way, shape or form. You should definitely look into it!

17/8/07 5:30 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

And include the pictures, too. ;-)

17/8/07 5:32 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Neo! I have great confidence in you, my friend.

You, my son, and many of his friends make me feel excited for our future.

17/8/07 5:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neo!! Exactly! I tried to convey this nodal transit of yours coming up and now you see it.

Ousted I should say for raging against "the machine" headed by a man who could at times be a cross between Dick Cheney, Heinrich Himmler and Darth Vader.

HA HA HA HA HA!!!! ROFL!! oh my sides!!!

Less pay. No senseless, unjustified road trips. And no ass-kissing involved. I'd work from home.


Kiss upper management's Nazi-esque ass on my present job

Please neo! My sides!!!!

Well, you could vacillate for awhile while the transits come, but if you know the truth, why not just proceed? The home stuff will come later, after the severance is complete. The NN waits very patiently while we go crazily back and forth like rats in a cage.

I did it. My husbamd was older than I so I assumed he would die first. Because of my knowledge of my SN 7th I made a firm decision to never marry again and it was easy to stick to. The loneliness is taking adjustment, an Aries must, but I feel more and more the fulfillment at the NN in the 1st. I can almost hold it in my hand now. And I physically feel pain when I step in the goo of the SN in Scorpio.

So there is absolutely nothing lost by acting in accordance with the NN at any time.

17/8/07 5:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I won't give up all of the formalities though. Saturn in Leo and Moon in Cap.

You don't have to. This is all about pride. Not taking any Nazi shit. It's the degradation and humiliation of the system that the SN doesn't need.

Each case is unique. Some can retire to the cottage, others can stay in the world, but they still need to cultivate close personal relationships everywhere.

17/8/07 5:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Speaking of the future, I have a new friend, a very young man, a Leo. Yesterday he was reading a book and he was terribly excited, It was about Eisenhower and the development of space surveillance after the cold war. We got into a fantastic conversation. These kids are there ready to lead and I feel confident. They aren't in the news, that's all.

Many of them have a group consciousness that stretches further than ours. We thought we were so collective and all. Not like these kids.

17/8/07 5:44 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I would guess they all have a reluctance to look at it again.

That feels right. But it is hard to separate that final degree cap moon.
(here's an interesting little tidbit my progressed Sun was 29 Cap on his birth, prog Mars 29lib59.) probably this should go to the transitions post....

17/8/07 5:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is what the Moon in Capricorn can do specifically. Bring humanness and intimacy into the workplace. The cruelty is contributing to our collective sickness and thus all the health care costs. There should be refuge out there too, and more grief allowance, child bearing slack, and all of that.

This will be coming up as Pluto opposes all of our Cancer planets. On one hand we have to grow up, but on the other hand we have to bring humanity into the workplace. So people like you can be in the vanguard. The Capricorn nurse I know with a Moon in cancer is doing just this and she's been offered a new management position. She's taking it.

17/8/07 5:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG, these 29s. That is absolutely amazing. There is a whole book on those two connections.

17/8/07 5:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

There is story here tseka. Your cap 12th house is involved too and your Cap brother. There is so much heavy kowledge and weight of the world feeling in your family, and now comes Pluto in Capricorn with the nod to go forth.

I think you will all know what to do. Capricorn is used to taking directions, following orders. Now the orders are coming from someplace else. The world has to learn this, what your family already knows, so I think you'll be instrumental. We've go to learn to care for one another. I think that time has come in our survival.

17/8/07 5:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think that's what we're doing here. Consolidating and preparing. At first the blogosphere was about chat rooms and toilets for emotional diarrhea, but now real think tanks are developing and blueprints are coming into being.

We all have a stake in fixing and maintaining our country, just like we sweep our floors regularly. Or at least some of us do.:-)

So it's all about division of labor and good administration. That seems to be coming. Some of us are artists, some teachers, some do nothing out there, on and on. But I think we'll know more clearly what to do.

The rich are empty and need their money. The thing people need to do is leave it alone and let them be who they need to be while we do our little parts. We all depend on the corporations and they are staying. But small businesses will be thriving too and we'll have to work together with the upper strata and the lower.

17/8/07 6:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A little clarification. The correct word is anaretic, as I knew but got confused. No "c".

29th degree is also associated with a sense of urgency. It's the last degree of the zodiac sign, and there can be a real sense of urgency surrounding the characteristics and associations of the particular sign.

This is right. Pluto will arrive there on, believe it or not, December 29!!!
Until then, momentum will build. Jupiter will just be crossing into Capricorn. Mars will be immediately opposite retrograde in Cancer.

I believe in preparation, and I think the feeling around this Capricorn node is an indication of how ready we are. From the very beginning, conscious harmony with the motion will set a pattern for the whole transit. Like any relationship, the first moments define the rest of it.

There does seem to be a lot of opportunity presenting itself, and no matter how many people claim that horrendous times are ahead, the odds are not known by any human. Do we create the odds as we go?

One hope for me at 29 Sagittarius square the Iraq 29 is that the world together can bring this to a good resolution in time with the lessons of Sagittarius learned until the next time in 248 years.

17/8/07 9:23 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

Ha ha ha... Glad I gave you a good hearty laugh, jm. ;-) I wish I could say I was entirely kidding about my boss, though. He does bear an uncanny resemblance to Hitler's No. 2 man. They're even both Sun Libras from what I can tell. It's interesting, really.

But neither one is/was as all powerful and fearsome as they wanted people to believe. In fact, by all accounts they are/were both rather unsure of themselves, delusional and cowardly behind the scenes. Seems to be a lot of that in upstairs management in a lot of organizations, corporations and governments. I can definitely do without it!

Well, you could vacillate for awhile while the transits come, but if you know the truth, why not just proceed? The home stuff will come later, after the severance is complete. The NN waits very patiently while we go crazily back and forth like rats in a cage.

Well, I'm sort of locked in for now. But my friend and former co-worker has made it a standing invitation for next year. That's when I'll probably make the actual shift. But still, I don't have to wait that long to begin to phase out the "corporate hoop jumping" as I like to call it.

At least I know where I am heading now, thanks to you, jm. ;-)

I did it. My husbamd was older than I so I assumed he would die first. Because of my knowledge of my SN 7th I made a firm decision to never marry again and it was easy to stick to. The loneliness is taking adjustment, an Aries must, but I feel more and more the fulfillment at the NN in the 1st. I can almost hold it in my hand now. And I physically feel pain when I step in the goo of the SN in Scorpio.

So there is absolutely nothing lost by acting in accordance with the NN at any time.

Wow, that's great jm! You can actually see and feel a difference. Physical pain even at the SN! You have definitely committed to a path of soul growth. And all it takes is a conscious decision to do it!

I won't give up all of the formalities though. Saturn in Leo and Moon in Cap.

You don't have to. This is all about pride. Not taking any Nazi shit. It's the degradation and humiliation of the system that the SN doesn't need.

Each case is unique. Some can retire to the cottage, others can stay in the world, but they still need to cultivate close personal relationships everywhere.

The cottage is fine with me for the most part. I think my Sun and Moon will propel me outward into the world at times, probably out of boredom. But I know now that my success on this go round doesn't depend on how well I do out there. That's nice to know, really. ;-)

17/8/07 9:37 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

Neo! I have great confidence in you, my friend.

You, my son, and many of his friends make me feel excited for our future.

Thanks, tseka! I am truly honored by your confidence in me.

I think there is great truth to what jm said, about the up and coming generations and the increased level of group consciousness among them. It's true that we won't read about them in the news, but it doesn't make them any less present or significant in the months and years to come. They will rise up when the time is ripe for them to collectively emerge.

17/8/07 9:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neo that was so funny. Cancers often laugh easily. My father had a Cancer Moon and he was hilarious. My whole family laughs a lot.

And all it takes is a conscious decision to do it!

Well, not quite so easy. The one major decision was easy, though, and it was one of the most confident ones I ever made. A few times I've despaired and said to myself. "well, maybe you should go get a man". But then reason prevails and I get over it.

I battle with it every second, neo. The pain of the SN tempts me non-stop, but when I fall back into it now, I understand, and can forgive myself. It's a lifelong thing.

I do think that after the Pluto-Mars transit and Uranus across my Aries ASC I will have a good handle on it. The thing is, I know I can't have the life I want without it. Not fully.

But I know now that my success on this go round doesn't depend on how well I do out there.

Some think that we've had many incarnations of success with the south and that's why it fails us now. We have nothing left to do. We've mastered it and it now is an empty ritual. Very frustrating in that it keeps us trapped and away from the things we really want.

I think it's the fundamental solution to our unhappiness.

17/8/07 9:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

the up and coming generations and the increased level of group consciousness among them.

I'm pretty well convinced.
When I was young the political and hippie movements were thriving and it was almost like a party type thing. I know full well the deep social consciousness was missing. We grew up in the 50s with bobby sox and prosperity like never before, so naturally it was easy and fun. We are the leaders now and sometimes I think we're missing a few links. Not quite getting it. It's a real world we live in. The kids coming up are more aware.

18/8/07 2:31 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I just figured part of it out.
The kids I've been talking to are college-aged now and these are the Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn ones. They resonate with Cap. No wonder they've perked up. And they're probably the ones who are driving the youth vote up so much.
Most interesting.

18/8/07 4:50 AM  
Blogger kj said...

jm, I wholeheartedly agree with tseka. Your articles on the nodes really are too good not to have published in some way, shape or form. You should definitely look into it!

Add my name to this chorus. Even though I am also "astro-challenged," I recognize good writing when I read it. :-)

19/8/07 8:07 AM  
Blogger kj said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

19/8/07 8:09 AM  
Blogger kj said...

neo, good luck to you! :-)

19/8/07 8:15 AM  

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