Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Transition

Every day the news tells us that the world is dangerous, cruelty dominates, suffering rules, and that there is little hope. Erroneous, of course. Health, well-being, and kindness are being generated concurrently and in equal amounts. I see it with my own eyes. It just isn't sensational and the town criers have to create excitement or they'll be out of a job. Plus, some people do seem to be afraid of happiness. It comes anyway.
It's really here. The transition we've been anticipating as Pluto nears Capricorn. The established order is now in flux and no one knows what lies ahead. Karl Rove, the shadow Capricorn, has had his hand in the political pot for a long time so his departure is symbolic. The announcement came just as the Moon was entering Virgo, a sign of the Saturn in Virgo repairs coming up. I expect this will bring a change in political style, right on time with reserved and dignified Capricorn ruling the new days. I always thought that Rove was revealing the dark side of Capricorn to prepare for the generational change. And I thank him for the job he's done.

Transitions are exciting times and this one is no different. The feeling of a fresh start is always good for a little uptick in optimism. The interesting thing about this one is the presence of some very good transits with the Pluto ingress in January. Jupiter will be newly in Capricorn, both of them trining Saturn in Virgo. As luck would have it, Venus will be in Capricorn too. And lo, the Moon will be crossing into Libra. Not a bad start at all.
In reading current events astrologically, I look at the overall transit patterns and then the charts of countries. The politicians are at the bottom of the totem pole in importance so I look at how they fit the times and things that pop out. But most of all, I look at repeats.
Pluto is entering the last quadrant of the wheel where humanity recognizes its universal characteristic. It actually starts in Sagittarius, where people first get fully acquainted with the brotherhood of man concept. In Sagittarius people become interested in the broad spectrum of human diversity. You can see this clearly in the churches and temples around the world where fellow devotees are referred to as "sister", "brother", "father", and "mother." The family of man.
Very shortly, the Saturn-Uranus opposition will start further defining this fellowship as the established rule butts against the will of the people. The repeat here is the north node entering Aquarius which will add quite a bit of weight to the Uranian side of the equation. The dismantling of the rulership has already begun. I think it's safe to assume that things will be different to some extent considering all the major planetary shifts.

One of the highly interesting parts of the transition will be the Mars retrograde in Cancer, just back in Gemini and turning direct when Pluto crosses the border. The retrograde should be the end of this country's dependency on George Bush, the shadow Cancer. This has been a hard one to shake. People are still clinging to him but after the retrograde it should be done. Sure, he was funny. Not really a threat. A bumbling fool that evoked emotion like few before. I think people are afraid to let go of the crackling excitement of the Sagittarian times, and believe it or not, the cartoon flavor of his presidency. Society seems to be terrified of the show ending and the serious days beginning, more austere, a little stark in comparison, and worst of all, not as much fun for this partying country. But times change and so will we.
After Saturn transits Virgo, the Libra transit begins and this is the one to watch. It marks the USA Saturn return and it will square Pluto in Capricorn and oppose Uranus in Aries. This one is hard to predict. The potential for diplomatic solution is there, but Libra-Capricorn is also the ruler of top military decision making and strategy, sometimes war. The problem is, it takes people to wage war, and the people are getting weary. They are losing their appetite for violent solutions. The leaders might have no choice in the matter. Uranus will be in the sign of Aries, the warrior, but Uranus is the people's will. If the people refuse to fight, will they win? No one knows. The pages turn.

So here we are, the human family at a crossroads.
In some ways, there will probably be more of the same just viewed through a different filter. But as every photographer knows, the filter can make all the difference in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...but the filter can make every difference in the world." Does it ever!

One thing caught my eye in this post: "Virgo repairs." I'll have to look at her chart again but I just connected this with a major accomplishment that my mother has made in her career: in her personal experience, in 1970, there was something seriously wrong with the way hospitals handled traumatic births and/or stillbirths. I'll have to ask her about dates, but I'd hazard that about 25 years later, she set about making sure that those clumsy, impersonal, clinical and mean actions are done away with. And she is a Virgo. :o)

And OMG I just got an idea... if I can wing it, I'll share the birth data. :o)

16/8/07 4:34 AM  
Blogger kj said...

A bumbling fool that evoked emotion like few before. I think people are afraid to let go of the crackling excitement of the Sagittarian times, and believe it or not, the cartoon flavor of his presidency. People seem to be terrified of the show ending and the serious days beginning, more austere, a little stark in comparison, and worst of all, not as much fun for this partying country. But times change and so will we.

Well said and explains a lot. You know, I never have cared much for slapstick.

16/8/07 5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Saturn entering Virgo will finally help me get a bit of direction to my life, some sense of what next to aim for. It feels like I've been riding a bike downhill with no brakes for the last two years. And the pedals don't work so well either, come to think of it :).

Seriously though, it be such a relief finally getting a new 'idea' for my life. For what I should do with it after I finish my time here in Cyprus. Sure hope Saturn in Virgo gives me some useful pain, as opposed to the maddening slow-burn suffocation of Saturn in Leo through my twelfth!

16/8/07 12:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That sounds fascinating joe. Astrologers have so much insight, do they not????

Kj, I always refer back to the Three Stooges and this country's love of not-so-high comedy. We'll see how they do with serious drama!

It depends on if you really want an "idea for your life", ninth. Saturn won't help otherwise. Creativity is one of the best remedies, but it's your choice. Waiting for rescue won't work.

It's possible that more productve times are ahead collectively so maybe it will rub off. Saturn in the 11th wants very much to be a part of the gang but it takes time and learning to let down the guard. To take what they have to offer.

Some people use their pain quite well. Intense pain, at that.

16/8/07 1:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Even more helpful might be the year and a half of the north node in Aquarius crossing Neptune, and the opportunity to be slightly objective about circumstance and even see its value, both positive and negative. My Aquarian friends are usually like that. It all can be used and released from the self. Some people throw pain back at others, a lot it seems. I find it everywhere. Some project it in a translation.

It all depends. Ingmar Bergman projected his suffering as is, but Fellini, who grew up under Fascism, translated it into comedy and an unnamed obscure something. Absurdity, maybe. It was particularly interesting to me how he treated oppression in his work.

16/8/07 1:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

People with Cancer dilemmas often whine a little too much (from others' perspective) and make a production of their personal agonies, and I'm speaking directly from experience. One of the two things my mother used to comment on about me. The other was my honesty. I can still hear her voice telling me to stop whining, and she was an extremely tolerant liberal person, so this really got to her, it was that bad. The one who really got the message through to me though was an associate in the steam room of my health club once who told me to stop contemplating my navel. Just the way she said it, worked.

My Saturn in the 4th friend raised in a strict Baptist environment used to cry every Sunday in church and say, "It hurts". Nothing he could do about it. He was forced to go. he grew up to be one of the finest artists I've ever known.

He once did a large painting of the 12 disciples having their last supper and they were holding menus. Jesus had his finger in the air summoning a waiter. It was amazing. Funny, serious, and beautiful. Odd. And the most amazing thing of all is that it now hangs in a church in Pennsylvania!

The problem with suffering always expressed to other people is that they tend to think they are responsible in some way but have no real way of helping, since they aren't. If they are told specifically what they can do, that might help. Wounds do want to heal. The point with Cancer, though, is for the native to be the one who alleviates other's hurts. That's why they have the oversensitivity to pain. It takes time to master this, but it can be done.

I had a Sun-Saturn in Cancer friend who cried for years over the tragedy of her childhood, but after the Saturn in the 12th, and some difficulties with Uranus over her ASC she finally broke free. She still suffered with illness but she finally had the intimate help she was seeking. Through it all, though, she did help other people with her Moon in Aquarius in the 1st.

16/8/07 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the insight, JM. I will reread to get maximum benefit. :) And I'll try to do away with the whining. Good thoughts.

16/8/07 3:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

One expert whiner to another 9th! Not do away with it. Then you wouldn't be yourself. Just a "happy" blend! Your poetic facility with words is one of the best I've encountered.

One of the most interesting things about the Rove departure is the timing and his absence from the next campaign. Pluto will just be in Capricorn. The change of style is imminent. They must have understood that this would not help the Republican attempted recovery. What is so odd is that you would think Republicanism would be associated with Capricorn, but I think the party actually has a Sun in Cancer. The Dems don't fit Capricorn either. What are they to do?

16/8/07 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm, this is kind of an odd question, but can anything be gleaned from creating a chart for my brother who died shortly after birth?

16/8/07 3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hit "publish" too soon. I meant to add, "or would that be too bizarre and morbid?"

16/8/07 3:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely joe and this is a great thing to study. The birth, time of death, and your chart at the time of death. Also, your mother.

One thing I can tell you right off the bat -- usually the death of a sibling shows up in 3rd-8th house placements. Yours doesn't have this which indicates that the death was not highly significant. All in keeping with your SN in cancer and your movement away from family sorrows.

16/8/07 4:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

can anything be gleaned from creating a chart for my brother who died shortly after birth?

The "absolutely" was in reference to this!!

would that be too bizarre and morbid?"

Of course not. You know full well how I feel about death. The opposite of morbid.

16/8/07 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I wasn't sure... but I ran it anyway and his chart is almost the inverse or reverse of mine, with Saturn in Taurus alone in the 7th, opposing Neptune and Venus in Scorpio in the 1st. Scorpio ASC. The Moon is also out there by itelf in Aquarius. Chiron is also in Aries, like me. He had a Libra stellium in the 11th: Sun, Uranus, Merc, Pluto, and Mars at 23 degrees Virgo.

I have to study this yet, so I'll let you know what I figure out.

16/8/07 4:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I have to study this yet, so I'll let you know what I figure out.

LOL!!!!! Omg!!! Am I thrilled??? An abundance of astrologers. A veritable zodiacal fruit tree!

16/8/07 4:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

oooo your favorite stuff jm
anarectic degree neptune
square the nodes
i wait to hear what you both have to say this is very fascinating

And blessings on your mom, Joe, that she brought changes to what WAS seriously wrong.

16/8/07 5:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I wonder if there is a sort of fated quality to the anarectic.

This is an interesting setup and I'll take a good look.

16/8/07 5:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is why I'm so interested in the 29 Pisces of the Iraq chart. I'm anticipating some information coming on the degree when Uranus gets there, along with Jupiter. Maybe the Pluto square in January too.

OMG! Thank you Wise 1. That means that the anarectic Pluto will square the anarectic Pisces of the war. Very very interesting. I knew something was particularly deep about all this.

And the NN will cross 29 Aquarius!

16/8/07 5:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG!OMG! And tht day the node crosses 29 Aquarius, Mars will be at 29 Gemini!

Thank you again, dear astrologer.

16/8/07 5:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

NN 29 Aquarius trine Mars 29 Gemini, opposite 29 Pluto Sagittarius square 29 Pisces.

Add Saturn opposite Uranus.

Put it all together they spell L-I-B-E-R-A-T-I-O-N for the people. Religious oppression implicated, 29 Sagittarius. Endings 29 Pisces. Then on to Capricorn.

29 Gemini? Gets those tongues sharpened again, pencils in order. Quite a New Year's extravaganza.

16/8/07 5:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The day does just happen to be January 1.

16/8/07 5:45 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

jm simply love the tale of your artist friend's last supper.

In a church now that is some story!


Ja to all your anarectic thoughts, let's throw in the eclipse last March on that final degree as a "hidden" trigger possibility.

16/8/07 6:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Recall a conversation about how there was no need to wait for 2012 as we are here.

Kinda gives some weight to all the bridge crossing conversations eh?

16/8/07 6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is apropos only of my own navel-gazing, or something, but Joe, this:

reverse of mine, with Saturn in Taurus alone in the 7th, opposing Neptune and Venus in Scorpio in the 1st.

means that you have Saturn in Taurus in the 1st, and Venus and Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th, right?
It caught my attention 'cause I do too. And Chiron in Aries the 12th.... Is it odd to find this a bit uncanny?
I identify with the Solitary Challenge aka Isolation Conundrum that you mentioned in an earlier conversation. Also with Aries moon.

For what it's worth....

16/8/07 6:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, let's do throw in that eclipse. This is stunning.

That was an incredible event, tseka, that painting. I still don't quite believe it ended up in a country Pennslyvania church. He had Saturn in Sagittarius, btw.

Meristem, a few planetary differences, but basically the sane setup as Joe. The wall of Saturn in the 1st, close interpersonal relationships, but with the search for identity primary.

The Aries 11th house is simply the need not to get identity submerged in the group. Lots of problems with the gang until that happens after Saturn gets the identity firm. Until then, the group can eat you up, but you'll show 'em! The ideal is to lead like you did on our inner government journey.

16/8/07 6:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Recall a conversation about how there was no need to wait for 2012 as we are here.

Kinda gives some weight to all the bridge crossing conversations eh?

Absolutely, and how, 1000%, hallelujah.

2012--probably a minor event. The Mayan thing is silly. They were too drunk to lead us now, let alone themselves then.

When Uranus gets into Aries, many new leaders will be emerging. Some inspirational ones.

16/8/07 6:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

LOL! My Freudian misspelling!

"sane". That means I think you're perfectly normal within the bounds of reality. Of course.

16/8/07 6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, jm, my brother's chart really is very close to being the opposite of my chart! Here's the data: 10/9/70, 9:33am, same city.

Neptune and Venus in Scorpio in the 1st. Indistinct identity. Either a physically beautiful person or else beauty and fine things are tied in with the self.

The Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd... is this the sibling thing you mentioned a bit ago?

Saturn, 7th house, Taurus. Not sure of this one except walls in the area of friendship? This house is opposite the 1st... hmm. something is dinging at me. maybe it'll come clear.

Stellium in Libra, just like me. Sun, Uranus, Mercury and Pluto in Libra, with Mars at 23 degrees Virgo in the 10th.

Jupiter in the 12th, Scorpio.

NN Pisces.

What am I missing??? Something(s) important.

16/8/07 6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our stellia are nearly opposite as well, mine being 5th/6th Libra and his being 10th/11th Libra.

Now, if he had had Merc and Neptune in the 1st, mirroring my M & N in the 7th, I'd really freak out!

Endlessly fascinating.

16/8/07 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tseka, thanks. She turned a personal tragedy into something positive for other mothers who underwent a difficult pregnancy or ultimately unfortunate outcome.

16/8/07 6:42 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What do you make of the Jupiter a mere 4 minute before the Asc?

Jupiter has often been associated with a time of death.

My guess was off my about 25 min so i had the nodes closer to the IC|MC.

Venus and neptune in the first a beautiful memory in your family that has struggled to become so>

16/8/07 6:49 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Please thank her from me, from the bottom of my heart as one who had 8 miscarriages. Thank you mother of our beloved Joe.

16/8/07 6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meristem, just a few changes for me: Saturn in Gem in the 1st, and Mercury and Neptune in the 7th. My brother had Venus and Neptune in the 1st, which mirrors the 7th. I know opposite houses correspond somehow but I'm not there yet. :o)

16/8/07 6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my word, Tseka. Eight. That's remarkable. I will be sure to convey your gratitude.

Barbara Kingsolver, my favorite writer, touched on this subject in Animal Dreams. "But ask her sometime: how old would your child be now? And she'll know." (p53)

16/8/07 6:59 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

mmmm for some perhaps, i do not remember.
I leave it simply; some things are
yet cannot be.
We come, we go. We are never gone, never here.

My views on fate and Karma differ greatly from others.

16/8/07 7:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What do you make of the Jupiter a mere 4 minute before the Asc?

Jupiter has often been associated with a time of death.


Isn't this the most amazing incredible spine-tingling thing imaginable? Astrology and the fact that you can know your brother now. I am moved "almost" beyond words. I'm joining this study.

16/8/07 9:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka, thanks. She turned a personal tragedy into something positive for other mothers who underwent a difficult pregnancy or ultimately unfortunate outcome.

The pages turn and we get to know one another. Mothers.

16/8/07 9:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My views on fate and Karma differ greatly from others.

All the more reason I would love to know some of them.

16/8/07 9:27 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

All the more reason I would love to know some of them.

Perhaps a conversation topic for the patio one day. It would be interesting to put these into words i wonder if that is possible.

16/8/07 9:32 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Interesting and true how we can get to know the brother now.

Spirit never dies. Not seen now but fills a space non-the-less.

16/8/07 9:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I have yet to know the karma behind death at childbirth, but death of children has to do with lessons of release in the survivors. Sometimes the children deliver great messages and teach big lessons in the limited time they have. I think the same applies to the ones who die at birth.

It's mind boggling to think that a human has maybe a few hours of life, but everything they came to do gets done in that time.

The way to read the significance is to look at your chart at the time of death, joe, and if you can get the exact time of death, the chart would tell a story.

It's such a mystery and one that stays with the family forever.

16/8/07 9:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Perhaps a conversation topic for the patio one day

Oh yes indeed.

I also have to cover the artistic insight with you, but that can be anytime. When we have a moment..:-)

It would be interesting to put these into words i wonder if that is possible.

Of course it is. Somewhat. As much as anything can find the right words. Remember my Jupiter on your Mercury. Feel free to use it.

16/8/07 9:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Spirit never dies. Not seen now but fills a space non-the-less.

This goes with the beautiful phrase just above.

We come, we go. We are never gone, never here.

It's so clear in how joe's tiny little brother who took so few breaths just came back to visit.

16/8/07 9:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes we can see him through the pattern, a hologram, a ghost, an imprint in earthbound time. A map in a circle,still holds the memory of that pattern.

16/8/07 9:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I also have to cover the artistic insight with you, but that can be anytime. When we have a moment..:-)

I look forward to this.
Tonight i am done. Tired of the pile of wood in the driveway, i thought to stack some. The heat and the humidity i do not tolerate well. I'm paying the price for my virgo tidiness. Rehydration then bed are in order.

16/8/07 10:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's humbling. How many whispers are there?

A map in a circle,still holds the memory of that pattern.

The chart. Memory. Is this where the answers really lie as they come back repeatedly when we're open and ready? What patterns are we reading? How do we navigate? How do people fit in? Where to look?

Well, no wonder I get discombobulated.

Something about this entity coming tonight is special.

16/8/07 10:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Raging Universe. A blog. people come and go. Even the dead.

16/8/07 10:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I do not like the heat.

Good night my dear Wise Won. Rest well.

16/8/07 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is most definitely spine-tingling. It's like looking into a mirror. My pseudo-twin born 2 years earlier.

I know he died the next day, but not at what time. I'm sure I could find out without seeming strange. Even an approximate hour would help.

17/8/07 3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One intriguing possibility is that if the time of death is placed at 7pm, the chart flips to vaguely resemble mine in the locations of the planets, aside from the Moon being in a different house and sign. Any other times, the chart does not resemble mine.

The way to read the significance is to look at your chart at the time of death, joe, and if you can get the exact time of death, the chart would tell a story.

What story do you see being told here?

17/8/07 4:25 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Joe these soul connections are something eh? And the way we can see them in our charts and see ourselves in theirs is amazing.

In my chart i have Venus in Sco the 8th representing the death of my Taruus brother whose Sun opposed my Venus by degree. His Asc sat upon my descendant. It really was a mirror, we had exact Virgo moons in seventh/first. We were telepathic. Very twinish.

My brother died with anarectic degree Cap his nodal return. My son was born when the Cap moon was on that anarectic degree and those Nodes had circled to the opposition. Chiron is in Taurus (on the Sun of my brother) The Capricorn south node is in my son's first. As if to say i come remembering myself.

All of us recognize the similarity between the two, so much so that all who knew my brother frequently mix the names when speaking of these two -even distant relatives. And yet my son is unique too.

Some would leap to the idea of reincarnation but i do not. I think that there are patterns of similarity, i see them everywhere. They are attracted to and in some way energetically linked to one another so they coalesce. I call this kindred.

It follows particle physics of David Bohm- an undivided universe. And it follows the stories of NW Coast native americans.
Long ago in a cycle before this one we were all in one Harmony. Man fell out of this but retains in him the divine ember. If we look we see the connection to our sacred kin, animal, plant, time of day, season, direction, etc.

17/8/07 7:18 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I will be curious he your brother died sometime before midnight the following day with Moon in the 8th nearing the nodes, Cancer on the horizon and all those planets in libra advanced to the 4th house, the moon's house.

It is a fascinating story Joe.

17/8/07 7:26 AM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

It follows particle physics of David Bohm- an undivided universe. And it follows the stories of NW Coast native americans.

There is a part of ourselves connected to this, but much of the information isn't available to our conscious mind in a form we can understand. But we can request when addressing this place that the information we need be presented to us in a form we can understand. The general form I learned was:
"I ask the part of myself that knows how to do it to ask the part of myself connected to the undivided universe to bring the information I need into my consciousness in a way that I can understand" This really works, I have been using it for about 12 years or so.

17/8/07 12:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Some would leap to the idea of reincarnation but i do not. I think that there are patterns of similarity, i see them everywhere. They are attracted to and in some way energetically linked to one another so they coalesce. I call this kindred.

Well said.

Well, joe. I will have to take a closer look at the specifics, but tseka has got a lot of it covered and this is amazing. When I read these comments I can't believe how you sound like well versed astrologers, such a big change has come. This is very very exciting for me. Tseka's rundown makes me see how truly interested in this she is and how enthusiasm effects learning. Everything, really.

The main thing for you was Saturn in your 12th. The fact that you would have had a brother but ended up an only child is the most significant thing. Gemini being the sign of siblings, and your Saturn there. The saturn 12th transit is the repeat.

This points to an added karmic depth to your feeling of isolation and perhaps abandonment, all connected to your SN in Cancer. I will look more closely because I think it might have something to do with your hearing.

What I'd like you to do now is look very carefully at yesterday's transits and why he came to us just now. This might be the most revealing thing of all. I will look at those shortly and we can discuss it today and over the weekend.

The death of a child before another birth probably has a profound effect on your own mother-child relationship. She carried you in pregnancy with a lot of strong unusual feelings. There also be unusual attachments as a result, all connected to your SN. Remeber that this started with a discussion of your mother.

One big thing is Saturn in your 4th house now just getting ready to leave Leo. In Virgo analysis and sorting out of the family past is coming.

Isn't astrology incredible??????

17/8/07 1:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Here we go!

I've mentioned before, joe, how significant I think the exact inconjunct is between your Saturn at 19 Gemini and your Sun at 19 Scorpio. Take a peek at it.

Well it just so happens that the Sun rules your 3rd house of siblings and Scorpio is death. Not only that, your Saturn also inconjuncts your NN in the 8th house of death. The inconjunct to the Saturn verifies my theory about isolation and articulation.

The Saturn forms the tip of a yod formed by the Sun, Saturn, and NN. All death, siblings, education (3rd house) and you as the researcher of mysteries.

Gemini-Scorpio is interested in the deep mysteries of life, all the inner mechanisms and subtle powers not easily accessed. Because this is so exact and Saturn stands alone in your 1st, I think this adds tremendous weight to your research into life.

There is a possibility that the hearing deficit has made it possible for you to shut out a lot of interfering noise and study without distraction, your curiosity is that great. The Gemini-Scorps I know are intensely quiet.

That being said, astrology is perfect for you. I can see already in 2 days how your brother has motivated you to articulate your new knowledge. You should be objective (like me!!) and read the comments. They are stunning in how well they are expressing astrological information. Better than the blogs I used to read.

Not only has this increased your learning, but mine as well.

Your brother, it appears, help set you on your path to solo self discovery and the connection to the NN is particularly intersting. Letting go of family karma and reaching new depths of knowledge.

17/8/07 2:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Now I will add the transiting retrograde Neptune at 20 degrees, 1 degree away from opposition to your Sun, ruling what again???
Your 3rd house of your brother and Scorpio death. Neptune is the vapor that brought him here.

Yesterday the Sun and Mercury (siblings, communication, Sun ruling your 3rd house) were conjuct exactly. So you can see the many repeats of this Leo-Mercury (your 3rd) theme.

Is this not beautiful?? Is life not the most graceful thing in existence???

17/8/07 2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, my head is spinning. I have to sit down with the charts and look at the comments so far.

I will also do a chart for the time of the very first comment (mine) in this particular post b/c this is when the light bulb to run his chart came on for me.

Isn't astrology incredible??????

It most surely is.

17/8/07 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wait... it says 4:34am. I forgot Blogger's clock is different. jm, any clue if Blogger does Eastern time or Greenwich Mean Time or something?? Would I be using my geographical location?

17/8/07 3:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Slight correction. The 3rd house is actually ruled by Cancer, and Leo covers half of it to the middle of the 4th. So the tie-in to the past. Same thing.

Blogger does Pacific time.

17/8/07 3:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is your chance to really see the connections as you look for repeated placements in the charts.

If you want to analyse everything you can, but if want to use astrology for direction, the repeats are easy to read and will do this quickly and simply.

Habits get created fast, so it's an excellent idea to develop good ones from the beginning.

I particularly see the connection to the Neptune opposing your Sun by transit now and the Saturn in Leo in your Fourth.

Remeber when I said just recently how you'll never be alone. I think this proves it.

17/8/07 3:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Btw, I'm waiting for an exact time on the birth or death before calculating the chart.

17/8/07 3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I ran the natal chart & transits option on my chart, using my current location and yesterday's date. I do not know if this is the right method but it makes sense to me.

I see Mars transiting my Gem 1st house. Taking action (Mars) to explore my self (1st house) and my sibling (Gemini). Very clear, but the rest of it is not yet clear. Am I on the right track?

17/8/07 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Death time I do not know yet but birth time is 9:33am, 10/9/70.

17/8/07 3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or should I run a transit chart using the same date, same location, for my brother's natal chart? I'm getting confused... probably a signal to stop muddying up the waters and think it over for awhile.

17/8/07 3:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm thinking now of the importance of your Saturn, joe. It's the only thing on the left side which is life in terms of the self. Everything else is motivated by your relationships. Your brother is the perfect solution, he's the chance to have a relationship but still be left to yourself.

Yesterday Mars in Gemini was exactly conjunct your ASC. You are right.

Taking action (Mars) to explore my self (1st house) and my sibling (Gemini).

Now you can use your new knowledge. As Mars spends the next weeks in your first you can use it consciously to increase this self-knowledge.

17/8/07 3:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You have enough charts at the moment. You can add as you go and absorb. Your brother's stuff is not as important as how he relates to your own, and the current transits are the most important thing.

The real big thing is that he is a person to you now and this will affect your consciousness. His chart didn't have a chance to develop so the details are not that significant. I'll repeat the fact that you aren't alone. You do have a brother, almost like a keeper, really. The Neptune transit now indicates this.

You need to give it a minute to settle in.

All of this can be sorted out methodically. For a SN in Cancer this is not a bad idea, so that you loosen the emotional grip of the family and your ancestory taking it into the realm of knowledge and giving you more control. this is the aim in the end. Your self-control.

17/8/07 4:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Wow, thanks to both for the insights and expansion.

I'll repeat the fact that you aren't alone. You do have a brother, almost like a keeper, really. The Neptune transit now indicates this.

Very significant.

When an energy passes through a particular field the response to that energy (particle) is always the same.

So....we come in...we go out...exist always, seen or not. When the energy passes into your unique field you sense it, whether you see or not.

17/8/07 4:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Interesting. In kadimiros style I just opened a book to this:

I know I am deathless,

I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept like a carpenter's compass,

I know I shall not pass like a child's carlacue cut with a burnt stick at night.

From Song of Myself by Walt Whitman.

Carlacue means "curlicue"

17/8/07 4:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

When the energy passes into your unique field you sense it, whether you see or not.

Is that not what we are all doing here? Spirits in conversation.

17/8/07 4:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is what the Uranus -Neptune mutual reception has done with the NN in Pisces and the Saturn-Neptune opposition. The blogosphere has brought us into the spirit realm to communictae. Don't forget the Full Moon eclipse in Pisces coming up.

If you think about it, my departed loves ones, tseka's brother, joe's brother, mpk's, neith's kj's mothers, and even her gambling father, and others in the spirit world are all together here. It is mind boggling and full of grace. What have we done so right?

17/8/07 4:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What have we done so right?


17/8/07 5:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Is that all it takes?

17/8/07 6:01 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...


17/8/07 10:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The spiral turns.

I'm even thinking the rim isn't so bad after all. What on earth is happening?
Wouldn't ultimate experience be in the whole wheel? Of course. I know that.

Thousands of years of expertise spiraling away.

17/8/07 10:19 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...


"Thousands of years of expertise spiraling away."

Who knows what "away" means in the face of such words:

"I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept like a carpenter's compass"

17/8/07 10:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...


17/8/07 10:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And delighted that you picked that up.

17/8/07 10:40 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Always a pleasure here. And scanning the conversations that I missed, I see a lot of great input and discussions. :-)

17/8/07 10:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The discussions replenish themselves, and I never get bored. Substance galore.

Good people, good moments. It goes that way periodically.

18/8/07 4:18 AM  
Blogger kj said...

So much here, as always. :-)
I spur these days of sort, give away, discard, keep, wrap, box, tape, label, stack with promises of hours spent at Ragin' Uni. :-)

Yes we can see him through the pattern, a hologram, a ghost, an imprint in earthbound time. A map in a circle,still holds the memory of that pattern.

Echoes poems my muse has written through my hand as well as a short story titled "Bell Ghost." Of miscarriages, I am familiar... my last were twins. The womb was healed via Michael Harner and many, many drums. Heartbeats do echo and ghosts do live in raindrops. :-)

19/8/07 7:31 AM  

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