Monday, August 20, 2007

The Creation of George Bush.

Myth and Society. The Brush Strokes
Now that Mars will soon be transiting Cancer and Gemini for over seven months and the United States will be saying its farewells to George Bush, I'll begin going into what just happened. The USA Pluto return is an important event and there are a lot of factors to consider.
Pluto in Cancer, 1912-1939. Let's start by taking a look at some history. The Pluto in Cancer years saw WWI, the discovery of Pluto and the rise of Hitler, all terrifying events. WWI especially introduced a new kind of fear when people became aware of potential global destruction, finalized by the discovery of Pluto and the full recognition of this power. The transit of Pluto through Capricorn will likely be the neutralization of these years, with a new diminished Pluto at dwarf-planet status, a surprising and interesting development.
Cancer-Capricorn is one of the most potent parts of the astrological wheel and rules the parental axis; home and the world. Fear is associated with childish Cancer where safety and protection are needed, provided by the adult Capricorn who knows the ways of the world and is the architect of a firm protective structure. The entire presidency of George Bush hinged on this axis, a Sun-Saturn in Cancer incorporating both of these elements. When this man was elected in 2000, the south node was in Capricorn, the north in Cancer. The placements of his planets in the 12th house are a clue to the shadow quality of these signs and the lessons we were to learn.

The towers come down. When 9/11 occurred, the south node was in Capricorn and Mars was conjunct. This indicates a breaking down of a wall and releasing of fear that could not be expressed until then. The NN placement in Cancer shows that it was fundamentally healthy for society and part of the coming cure, in preparation for the Pluto return. The attack was probably executed by the USA government but not engineered by them. I think this was done in conjunction with an international group of participants. The United States was a player and most likely used for the removal of Hussein and the start of necessary evolutionary events in the Middle East. It wasn't Cheney or Bush who were responsible, nor the others usually accused. Whoever was responsible, it was karmically designed and will resolve itself. Meanwhile the catastrophe set into motion necessary changes in America as the next years brought fear to the surface for this frightened Cancer country in need of protection. Fortunately, she has the Pluto in Capricorn to bank on.
Bozo to Hitler. And on to King George. It was not Karl Rove, Capricorn with Moon in Cancer, who was responsible for the creation of the myth of George Bush. It was the collective of the country who needed a scary figure in whom to place the new fears. This mentally disturbed confused man with arrested development and other disabilities became a powerful dictatorial figure in the collective mind, all an illusion. Bush's job all his life was to make jokes. He lives in a world of fantasy and does not understand what's going on around him. Speech after fractured speech revealed how he had no clue about what was happening, but still the people gave him more and more power. No dictator can be as lost and confused as he is. No king can reign with such derrangement. Then came the illusion of surveillance, military rule, and the end of the Constitution, all Cancerian fears unleashed for the healing process to continue. All ungrounded but necessary. When the next election came, Saturn was retrograde in Cancer, fears were at their height, and naturally the designated dictator was reelected.

The Darkness descends. In the next years the fears formed a cloud of depression only reflecting a deeper depression that had been under the country's skin for a long long time. A Cancer Sun-Saturn conjunction in the 12th house (Bush) is a despairing as it gets, so the almighty leader was the perfect one for the time, as Saturn transited Cancer. You will probably notice that the mood started lifting when Saturn transited Leo. But why did the people need this authoritarian imaginary ruler? Why did they create a terrible dictator-king where none existed and weren't coming?
Inner government. It comes to the Cancer-Capricorn axis and control. For years Americans having been getting more and more out of shape and losing discipline. The problem with this is that fear mounts as self control vanishes. The society had so little backbone that it turned a weak and helpless man into its disciplinarian in a negative way for want of self management. People fear authority when they lack inner government. So the attempt to get on the path to control had to come through this experience as Pluto now goes into Capricorn and returns to the USA natal Pluto. First it will oppose the four planets in Cancer in an effort to help this naive and childish society stand on it's feet, get a grip, and go on to the maturity it is now ready for. In retrospect, the people will see their foolishness in creating this monstrous power out of a simple man, but it had to be done. Myths are elemental tools in progress and evolution. The human creature is undoubtedly a creative one.
I'd like to know what you all think are the things that need control and discipline in your own lives as I go on to exploration of the inner government. This is mine: the fear that my music is not good enough and performance ready. The truth is, it's been ready for years. So this is the area of fear control for me. And it has everything to do with my Capricorn achievement, as self discipline will be developing for many many people in the immediate years ahead. Good things are possible with the Pluto return soon to begin. And hopefully, the citizens will use more economy, grace, and dignity in their brushstrokes as they create the images around their next leaders.
House at Dusk: Edward Hopper. Credit to Tseka for the brush strokes.


Blogger kj said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

20/8/07 7:50 AM  
Blogger Nathan Kibler said...


*over-reacting to rejection
*maintaining neutrality
*exercising unconditional love

20/8/07 10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Channeling rage at injustice toward constructive ends.

Internalizing the mantra "Do what you love and the money will follow" as I try to pin down what I truly want to do with my life.

20/8/07 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and self-control to bring them all to bear.

20/8/07 10:35 AM  
Blogger jm said...

This is wonderful and entirely heartening. I happen to think that the exercise deficit has been one of he main culprits. The natural mood elevation is an antidote to the depression and there are many other ramifications. It's a way of life that affects brain chemistry.

Uranus in Aries might affect this along with the Mars retro progression as self defense becomes more important.

It's amazing how eager the body is for this and how quickly it reacts, building bones with great enthusiasm!

20/8/07 12:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe, I was thinking about your chart and career when you mentined this earlier. You have 4 planets in the 5th, including the ruler of the 10th, which says something creative is the answer. Maybe social services isn't it, unless it's in the creation of new programs. 5th house is doing what you love especially.

20/8/07 12:53 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

jm, this is a brilliant post . . . and very timely. I just took that leap of faith & gave notice at my day job, so after about the middle of September, I'll winging it as a practicing astrologer! It is scary but a necessary step post-Second Saturn Return as I commit to joining those who are the path of becoming our most authentic selves.

*more exercise, of course
*keep my heart open
*maintaining my focus

Joe, somewhere someone mentioned acupuncture as a possible profession for you. For some reason, I felt it had possibilities for you with that Mars, Uranus, Venus stellium trine your Saturn in Gemini. With your 6th House Sun, a healing profession where you can be your own boss?

20/8/07 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Committing to some form of creativity. I have to get it back, somehow, be it screenwriting, directing, or writing poetry. There's not the slightest pulse of any of it, right now, so I guess I just have to go ahead and do it anyway.

*Letting go the need to have "a plan" for my life. Embracing - with consistency and discipline - the idea that the universe will bring along what's needed, and open doors as necessary - irrespective of whether or not I'm aware of the process or the opportunities. Getting back to having faith that whatever purpose my life was designed for will be made clear, eventually.

In other words, I need to stick to "waiting for my own mud to clear" :)

20/8/07 1:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neith, the picture is so clear and simple the more I look at it. This daily application of astrology and practical matters has been enlightening. I just noticed all the Cancer-Capricorn connections while working on this.

Congratulations on your leap. It's much more than leaving this particular job, I feel. It's astonishing how far we've progressed since we all met, and we're supposed to be under oppression and reactionary movement. I can't imagine where we'll be when the government calms down!

Anyway, It's so good to know people who have used these times for improvement, but I call that simply being an opportunist!
When we left and congregated here it seemed to mark an important step for all concerned. Lots of hope came with.

Professional astrologer. I like the way that rolls off the tongue.:-)

20/8/07 1:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

There's not the slightest pulse of any of it, right now, so I guess I just have to go ahead and do it anyway.

I'm not sure about this 9th, and I have been thinking about it as I've taken time off from my music. I'd like to explore this and will do a post. I've been giving the idea of leaving things lie fallow a lot of thought. Always did, really. I think it could be the most important part of creative growth after the basics are learned. Absorption.

In other words, I need to stick to "waiting for my own mud to clear" :)

This is important to me. I think waiting is just as important, if not more, than pushing aggressively. There is a grand rhythm in pause. Thrust and parry, diastolic-systolic, inhale exhale.

I find a fear generally in people of stopping the forward motion as if life will leave them behind. They'll miss something they'll never retrieve. I think the opposite. When pushing forward all the time we miss what's right there. Retrogrades in astrology point this out.

Aries-Capricorn will point this out a bit too. Staying and consolidating. Mobilizing.

Mud comes and goes and most people miss the rhythm.

20/8/07 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accepting and not fighting fallow periods would be such a relief. But I don't quite trust that periods of inactivity can, in fact, be periods of lying fallow and not merely shirking a duty to be productive, irrespective of inclination.

20/8/07 1:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Call that SN in the 10th, Moon 29 Capricorn.

shirking a duty

Maybe the duty is to the self.

I'm having big trouble accepting this fallow period too, and I don't have any Capricorn as an excuse! The source of guilt and uneasiness is interesting and worth a pause to find it.

20/8/07 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fallow periods are necessary for the soil to rest, for nutrients to become available, and for microbes and worms to break down what is no longer needed and recycle it into what is.

As within, so without.

Neith, it was Tseka who suggested the accupuncture. I still think she was picking up my Libra SO's intuitive understanding of meridians and pressure points.

Bill Herbst, when he read my chart a few years back, predicted I have and am learning about power from my work experiences.

Nevertheless, the appeal of being my own boss is tempered by awareness of a need for some structure and some directives. Without those, I tend to get lazy.

20/8/07 6:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...


20/8/07 9:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Fallow periods are necessary for nutrients to become available


I noticed hope returning on the streets and I was thinking it applies to these things too. We had a fallow period without it and the renewal is lovely, to say the least.

Jupiter is crossing the USA ASC for the last time and it's clear sailing now.

20/8/07 9:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

jm, this is a tremendous post. Such a refreshing viewpoint - fully empowering us in our creations, to a degree that many people "out there" find upsetting.

"What do you mean we can't blame Bush? You're blaming the victims, you're blaming the victims!" Sound familiar?

But I love crazy wisdom, always have, it's this angle of "we do it to ourselves because we need the story" that makes the most sense to me. We need a STORY. We need to role-play. We are PLAYING catastrophe to find our true selves and fully wake up.

My disciplines:

*Continue the exercise patterns begun: swimming laps and long walks. More when available.
*Continue the writing. Finish the novel, continue the special project I have conceived around stories written by my grandfather (dead now 30 years).
*Have faith in the primacy of the writing. Don't worry about not having a job.

I just left my precarious existence as a housesitter/writer in Seattle to move in with my Mom in her condo in my wonderful Midwestern home town, for a level of stability I haven't known in ... well, since Saturn went into Leo and I had to choose the writing life over everything else.

As Saturn moves into Virgo it first trines my Mercury/Saturn conjunction in the 4th House, at the end of Sagittarius and top of Capricorn. Then it conjuncts my Pluto in Virgo in the 12th House. Coming up over the two-year transit are trines with my Mars (8th, Taurus) and Sun (4th, Capricorn), square to my MC (Gemini), and conjunct my Ascendant (Virgo). Sextiles happen with Neptune (Scorpio, 2nd) and Jupiter (Scorpio, 3rd). It will be a wild two years!

Cheers & love to all.

20/8/07 10:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joy, I am so glad to hear from you. This is very interesting.

fully empowering us in our creations, to a degree that many people "out there" find upsetting.

This has been a major obstacle so far since I've been intimidated by the upset, all the while knowing the importance of the understanding, a hard one to internalize. But now it seems people are more receptive, and I'm happy. I've always been a champion of the enpowerment in our own creations, our collective life most of all. I'm very heartened by the trends.

"What do you mean we can't blame Bush? You're blaming the victims, you're blaming the victims!" Sound familiar?

LOL! OMG! And how.

Have faith in the primacy of the writing. Don't worry about not having a job.

Ha! That's the last thing to worry about when you're free and without children. I've always had faith in my creative work carrying me through. No choice, no doubt. If a national award doesn't convince you then I certainly can't.:-)

It's going to be wild, definitely, and productive it looks like. I think we're all ready like a wrist rocket going off. We've been stretched taut. I see a lot of good creative work for many people along with Capricorn recognition. I think new people will be getting it, so keep the pens wiggling!

20/8/07 10:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We need a STORY. We need to role-play. We are PLAYING catastrophe to find our true selves and fully wake up.

Brilliant. No disagreement, believe it or not.

20/8/07 10:22 PM  
Blogger NEO said...


Channeling rage at injustice toward constructive ends.

Internalizing the mantra "Do what you love and the money will follow" as I try to pin down what I truly want to do with my life.

Oh, and self-control to bring them all to bear.

Pretty much ditto for me what joe said!

21/8/07 1:19 AM  
Blogger NEO said...

Very good article, jm, as always. But this one seems particularly timely.

It was not Karl Rove, Capricorn with Moon in Cancer, who was responsible for the creation of the myth of George Bush. It was the collective of the country who needed a scary figure in whom to place the new fears. This mentally disturbed confused man with arrested development and other disabilities became a powerful dictatorial figure in the collective mind, all an illusion. Bush's job all his life was to make jokes. He lives in a world of fantasy and does not understand what's going on around him. Speech after fractured speech revealed how he had no clue about what was happening, but still the people gave him more and more power. No dictator can be as lost and confused as he is. No king can reign with such derrangement.

All so very true. In many ways, I always thought of Bush more as a front man/distraction for those "other interests" that you mentioned, probably the same ones with a huge financial stake in the improbable success of projects such as the so-called SPPNA, or the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, essentially the forced North American "answer" to the European Union.

Keep people distracted and/or infuriated by Bush's unseemly executive crassness, ignorance and ineptitude so you can sneak stupid nonsense like this under the people's noses, or so the "logic" probably goes.

Cheney is just as lost in his delusions as Bush, honestly. Maybe moreso. Pisces Moon fantasies and distortions. The man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz was just that -- a man. Cheney wishes he had half the power we have collectively attributed to him.

Then came the illusion of surveillance, military rule, and the end of the Constitution, all Cancerian fears unleashed for the healing process to continue. All ungrounded but necessary. When the next election came, Saturn was retrograde in Cancer, fears were at their height, and naturally the designated dictator was reelected.

I think the US Progressed Mars going retrograde is probably going to turn the whole Military-Industrial Complex on its ear for a few decades. Or at least until around 2087, and by then, America ought to know better. I don't see the US Military getting stronger, or a police state emerging, but rather the existing structures of military and surveillance growing weaker and reaching their limits. Military State and World Conqueror the US is not destined to be. Part of this forced scaling down I believe has to do with Pluto entering Capricorn and the imminent US Pluto Return, taking us back to our fundamental plutonian roots.

You will probably notice that the mood started lifting when Saturn transited Leo.

It certainly did, didn't it? Especially in trine to Pluto in Sag.

So the attempt to get on the path to control had to come through this experience as Pluto now goes into Capricorn and returns to the USA natal Pluto. First it will oppose the four planets in Cancer in an effort to help this naive and childish society stand on it's feet, get a grip, and go on to the maturity it is now ready for.

It's time. I'm ready for it.

21/8/07 2:03 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Cheney is just as lost in his delusions as Bush, honestly. Maybe moreso. Pisces Moon fantasies and distortions. The man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz was just that -- a man. Cheney wishes he had half the power we have collectively attributed to him.

I completely agree neo. Completely. I even extend it to the puppet masters who are victims of their own fates, too, as the collective and the universal forces determine our destinies all together. To me, no one is guilty or innocent and everyone is guilty and innocent.

Those in power are driven by forces they don't understand and can't control. They're all like runaway trains.

Cheney is just a schlump from Wyoming who got caught in a big game and he's misplaced really. Just biding his time until he can close his life. Everyone in powerful positions like these is doomed in some way. I would never in a million years want of be one of them. They can even have all the money as long as I have my free life. More power to them! People can stop having so many babies if money's tight.

We set them up to get our cheap commodities so everyone's responsible.

I think the US Progressed Mars going retrograde is probably going to turn the whole Military-Industrial Complex on its ear for a few decades

I do, too, as we go into a brand new kind of military. Self defense. We needed everything to happen as it did. To sour us for a long time on any aggressive wars, not at all our area of expertise. Not with Mars in Gemini. And to drop the war romance. We did well in WWII in self defense and that was the last of it. We aren't cut out for belligerent empire building.

Military State and World Conqueror the US is not destined to be.

That's as laughable as an old Hollywood movie, our real area of expertise.
But really, I think we were set up in all of this, in all our naivete.

It's amazing how symbolic Rove's leaving is. The whole country has taken a deep satisfying breath. It didn't fit our nature, this administration. I have to hand it to the people for squirming as hard as they did.

Awhile ago a military person told me that the military had moved out of the ME long ago on to Asia. There are going to be some intersting developments in the ME, and this nation will be getting to know her knew Sagittarius Rising self, an inspiration to the world in different ways. We'll get there.

The economic goings on will find their own level with Pluto in Capriocrn. It's all about money and everyone is implicated, from the small guy to the unhappy bosses. I'm staying on the bottom where I can enjoy the river.

21/8/07 2:38 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So, my fellow crazies. I think this urge to exercise is sensible what with Uranus in Aries on deck swinging three bats.

21/8/07 3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd like to know what you all think are the things that need control and discipline in your own lives"

-to listen
-not fear being a poet, as it turns out
-examine what I take on 'by rote'
-work with the energies/learn more qigong


21/8/07 6:46 AM  
Blogger Donnie McDaniel said...

"I'd like to know what you all think are the things that need control and discipline in your own lives as I go on to exploration of the inner government."

That one is quite easy for me. Control of my anger, and continued growth that began in the summer of 2005. It's very hard to not be what I was trained to be. The balance between me now, and what I was, is hard. It's like having two sides of me. I'm still growing.

21/8/07 11:21 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Tm, This is a pleasure. I was just thinking about you.

not fear being a poet, as it turns out

Interesting statement.

Donnie, great to see you too. I know exactly what you mean about untraining. You've gone through a lot of changes these last years.

21/8/07 12:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This country hates to go to war. I don't know how it was in the very olden days, but that's the way it is now. Our idea of patriotism is hamburgers in the backyard. So this experience along with Nam will do it for this nation.
In WWII, we were so unprepared they had to train with cardboard weapons and the soldiers were naive enough to think that being a war hero would be a good thing. Well, the movies say so.
Now they make a stink about how much more we spend on weapons than anyone else, but what's that really saying? Does not indicate a confident warrior.

We're not as peaceful as some places(rare) in the world, but we prefer to keep our battles among ourselves. Mars in Gemini -- brother against brother. So we have guns popping internally but that's where we want to keep it. The civil War was our worst and there is still a karmic hangover to deal with.

We're really not inclined to lay down our lives to keep people out, nor to conquer other lands. Quite the opposite. They accuse us of tuning out foreigners offshore, but that works both ways, and why the Terror War hasn't taken hold. As the Sagittarius ASC lessons sink in and we continue our love of diversity, we should be home to settle our differences equitably with the Saturn return coming trine the natal Mars and opposite the progression.

Along with everything else that has happened has been the Pluto opposition to our Mars In Gemini and now with the Mars retrograde for 80 years, the internal conflicts will demand recognition and resolution.

Our life lesson is Saturn in Libra. Harmony, compromise, and cooperation.

21/8/07 1:28 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

Well one thing I don't fear is the government. They can't make me do anything other than pay taxes and the idea of them spying on me just makes me laugh.

I just want to go to my home. I bought a house in another state. It's beautiful, and it matches the interior state I want to cultivate. It will take me about three years to get there, I just wish it could be shorter.

21/8/07 10:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Three years is pretty short in my time frame. Very short.

21/8/07 10:47 PM  
Blogger kj said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

22/8/07 5:03 AM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

Three years is pretty short in my time frame. Very short.

Yes, it is short, but I've already been waiting and saving for 4 years, and the longing is very great. It ends up being a seven year period of commitment that makes it possible. I chose this place and made the move at a time when I was very strong. If I had known how much energy was involved I would have faltered. But this has been the pattern of my life, I always put something out in front of me as an attractor. This focuses my energy and devotion and eventually until it comes to pass and the next thing arises. Each of these things that has arisen has transformed me once the cycle finishes.

Oh, MPK, "The Longing For Home" time is upon you. :-) What fun this could be, as you plan, imagine, add and strip away parts of yourself in preparation for Home.

KJ, It sounds like you understand perfectly. :-) This home is like a vortex of energy, like a magnifying glass that concentrates power for the unleashing of my life purpose. I feel it approaching with almost indescribably joy.

22/8/07 10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pleasure for me as well, jm. I check in every few days and I consider the conversations here to be an advanced degree equivalent. My understanding of astrology has greatly broadened. There's so much information in the archives that I haven't come across in any books.

I finally decided to take writing workshop about two years ago, thinking I could maybe turn my years of journaling into writing a novel. What came out was poetry. I've continued on and have, this year, had a few accepted for publication in small press venues. I guess I have to let go of the delusion (my Sun/Neptune conj. ), that I could possibly be the next J.K. Rowling. Or Terry Pratchett, whose fantasy fiction is much more to my liking. :)

The fear is my security issues. Poets get 'paid' in contributor copies, most of the time.

22/8/07 10:37 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I always put something out in front of me as an attractor. This focuses my energy and devotion and eventually until it comes to pass and the next thing arises. Each of these things that has arisen has transformed me once the cycle finishes.

I like this approach.
I moved to an apartment about 10 years ago at a transition in my life. I discovered the place I wanted to live permanently unexpectedly in the neighborhood. I'd never owned a home before and I knew it was time. It took three years to come up with the means to get it.

In the meantime I wandered around the townhome complex for the entire three years looking in every nook and cranny for the right unit among hundreds. I finally found the 2 possibilities. Exactly one week later, my agent called and said a house came had come on the market that morning. It was one of the 2. I bought it that evening.

22/8/07 1:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I check in every few days and I consider the conversations here to be an advanced degree equivalent. My understanding of astrology has greatly broadened. There's so much information in the archives that I haven't come across in any books.

This is wonderful tm. It's been my dream to have people learn astrology for their own use. The fact that the books only provide part of he story is good to be reminded of. I left them behind long ago, and this is rewarding to know. Probably more people than I can imagine are benefiting from this, so it makes it worth it. I'm like a poet when it comes to remuneration.

I guess I have to let go of the delusion (my Sun/Neptune conj. ), that I could possibly be the next J.K. Rowling. Or Terry Pratchett, whose fantasy fiction is much more to my liking. :)

I'm not one to advise letting go of delusions. You never know if it might not be a simple illusion, and then what path it will take. Possibily one into the real world. Time is interesting and there's plenty of it.

I also think poetry is one of humankind's highest art forms. Very very difficult to do well. Either too sentimental or too pretentiuosly agonized and obtuse. I love it and the search for the magic juxtaposition of words will never end for me. One word can make a universe of difference. Like colors on an artist's palette.

Congratulations on the publications. There's abviously a hunger for you out there. I mean here.:-)

22/8/07 1:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The fear is my security issues.

They're always around anyway in some form. Best to live with them and do what you want to do.

Look what people have amassed and what traps they've created trying to grasp the illusive, or should I say deluded idea of security. It's stunning.

I've always looked at those with heaps of wealth and thought, "Can you imagine? All that and still in just as much want. Could've been creative all along."

But then again, these sorry souls are probably born with a deficit impossible to fill. We all are, really, but some of us understand it.

I think the right material things come at the right time if we give them free rein. My van to cart my musical gear, for example. It will find me when I'm ready.:-)

22/8/07 1:31 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

I've found physical pain has no real center if I bring my consciousness as close to it as I can. Maybe you folks know this technique. The instinct is to flee from the location of pain, but going the opposite way and bringing consciousness to bear on the exact location sometimes it can dissolve completely. My internal dialog for fixing pain consciously goes something like this: Where does it hurt? My hand. Where in my hand? The left pinky. Where in the left pinky? The tip. Where in the tip? Inside, just under the skin. Where is that? Where exactly? If there is an answer I go even deeper. At some point the pain starts to move around. Sometimes it bounces around and then just vanishes. Sometimes it disperses and returns since I can't keep my mind that pinpointed for long. I brought this up because I wonder if there is analogous exercise for fear, or if it is a similar phenomenon in some way. Does it have a physical source sometimes?

22/8/07 5:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love this thinking mpk, and I think it's important. This is one of my favorite subjects and I'd like to hear a lot about technique.

I've found physical pain has no real center

I have found this to be true. I've seen it as a spot of discomfort that keeps moving. When it's finished landing in various parts of the body it goes out and lands in the car or in another person I'm relating to, or on the carpet. The trouble spot. It stays and builds into something big if lessons are needed in that area.

The instinct is to flee from the location of pain, but going the opposite way and bringing consciousness to bear on the exact location sometimes it can dissolve completely.

I think this is a good approach, though not always if emergency is present. I've been working at seeing pain as mere sensation and not fearing and running immediately, not categorizing it as wrong, but owning and getting along with it, since it has a right to exist too. And it will.

I've discovered in dealing with chronic pain that it changes entirely without the fear and flight. Such a great idea, to localize it and speak with it. Sometimes I can see it as vibrating molecules not trying to victimize me but simpley existing and usually, healing is going on. It takes a long long time to heal truly and completely, so in many ways, repeated bouts are a good sign. By the time pain is manifest, often correction is underway.

We bury hurts from day one and they all swim up to the surface in time. I say let them up and out. So on the other hand there is cause to rejoice when pain is getting free.

I think pain is a guide, anyway. Our built in sensors.

I think the same works for fear since it arises naturally, and yes, I think it sometimes has a physical source. I would love to pursue this. It's probably interests me more than anything and I am deeply into metaphysical causation of illness.

Any ideas about fear, origins, movement through the body, and antidotes would be highly welcomed.

The instant recoiling and blaming translates to all kinds of larger problems.

22/8/07 6:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I had an interesting experience recently with an old tooth extraction behind a place where I had another procedure. The extraction site acted up and developed a fistula full of pus and I freaked thinking the other thing was failing.

But I held my fear in check for a few days since I had an appointment scheduled. I was in pain and sick when I arrived, not to mention still somewhat panicked. The dentist looked at it and showed no concern at all. He said healing often brought many things to the surface. Just let it be, you'll be fine. Give it time. He refuses to let me indulge in the fear I present him with every time.

Quite an enlightening experience all the way around. I think it's affected me permanently.

22/8/07 6:13 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Under conditions where physical survival is at risk, fear is adaptive. But much of modern anxiety is ungrounded fear of something imaginary; so, bringing one's attention back to what's present switches it off. Methods can include attention to breathing, sharpening the senses, or even contemplating the parameters of the fear.

I'm inclined to think that examining a longstanding fear dissolves it more permanently than suppression or distraction. A counselor acquaintance told me once, "Through is the fastest way to get past an undesired emotion."

I kept a dream journal and dream sketchbook for a while. In one dream, a prehistoric shaman came out of a cave, handed me a piece of charcoal, and told me that I must draw my fears so clearly that I never see them again. That was like art therapy, I later heard.

I remember a graphic design teacher advising us students to observe the fear, anger, or other inner discomfort as it came up. He suggested that we ask ourselves whether it had a shape, a color, a size, a taste and so on. Just observe it -- then it becomes interesting, he said. He was discussing the psychological hindrances that we might face in the process of developing solutions for our portfolio projects. He said there was an amazing variety of ways that he could find to procrastinate. He smiled and added, "Don't keep checking the fridge. What you're looking for isn't there!"

He advised us to sharpen our senses as we settled in to work at our desks; one time he suggested that we try walking around without shoes to shift our awareness. On finding solutions, he said, "Just keep at it and pay attention. Something will come up."

22/8/07 8:58 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I met with a client last week, a event producer who was also a teacher of event planning and of yoga. She was in the process of dismantling her event production agency, and restructuring her career.

She finished with her phone call, rose to her feet, and slid past me. She informed me that, instead of sitting down right away to discuss her graphics needs, she was going to sort through her office and throw out books and papers while I was present! She claimed that it was her way of inching her way into working on something.

I laughed and said that it reminded me of when I was first starting out: Faced with starting a big project over which I felt anxious, I would sometimes find myself doing dishes or cleaning the house instead. And, I rarely did dishes when I could do something else, I added. To actually start the project before the anxiety built up would have been better, I think.

My client fully identified as a Leo. Additionally, she had been born under the numerological influence of the Life Path number 1. She had a theater background before she became a producer of meetings and events. Speaking candidly without other people around, she confessed that the true reason that her agency of ten years had been named with anonymous initials followed by the word "Group" was that she had been too afraid, at first, to put herself "out there" under her own name. Her admission surprised me, considering that in reality she really had been out there as a producer, and as a board member of several organizations, including a charitable one. She'd been interviewed and quoted in trade magazines, and had taught for years at a local university.

We talked about fear and self-expression. She declared that, at least within her own experience, the connection was fear of one's own power.

She was well aware of Saturn's passage through Leo. She had split with her husband; and she recently been forced to move out of an illegal sublet. Shifting circumstances was compelling her to close her agency; her agency's other members had departed for other jobs, or were striking forth on their own. But, characteristically, she did not look back. She was finally marketing her capabilities under her own name, pursuing the new business ventures she'd been dreaming about for years, and writing books. The image of the open road beckoned to her, and she named her latest venture after that image.

22/8/07 9:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

In one dream, a prehistoric shaman came out of a cave, handed me a piece of charcoal, and told me that I must draw my fears so clearly that I never see them again.


I remember a graphic design teacher advising us students to observe the fear, anger, or other inner discomfort as it came up. He suggested that we ask ourselves whether it had a shape, a color, a size, a taste and so on. Just observe it

This is what I'm getting at. Becoming familiar with it, identifying it, and most of all, experiencing it willingly.

22/8/07 9:30 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I get a "it's the next frontier" kind of feeling when I think about that sort of thing. :-)

22/8/07 9:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We talked about fear and self-expression. She declared that, at least within her own experience, the connection was fear of one's own power.

This is definitely my experience as well.

She was finally marketing her capabilities under her own name, pursuing the new business ventures she'd been dreaming about for years, and writing books.

Great story and a testament to the benefits of Saturn. I don't think I know of anyone who hasn't descended into some sorrow and loss under a Sun-Saturn transit, but that's part of the gain.

she really had been out there as a producer, and as a board member of several organizations, including a charitable one. She'd been interviewed and quoted in trade magazines, and had taught for years at a local university.

This is also interesting since it points out the nature of success. The genuine kind often eludes both the observer and the one who's embroiled in all the stuff to please these authoritative voices, most of all the media.

I'm always pleased to hear about those who can chuck this stuff and get with it.

22/8/07 9:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

"The next frontier" idea appeals to me a great deal.

22/8/07 9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know discussions have moved far beyond this, but wanted to respond anyway.

“I’m like a poet when it comes to remuneration.”
I get it - :)

The previous posts are amazing – I have dealt with ungrounded fear, especially during the last three years (due to my roller coaster financial situation), and one of the techniques I found very helpful is exactly what mpk and kadimiros have said – when that state of vague fear arrives, I have learned to take the time to trace it in my body – often it is centered over my heart. Then, realizing that I am trying to squirm away from feeling –
I consciously feel what is there. Just feel it, with as
little judgement as possible.

And yes, kadimiros, I also remind myself of what is
present “at this moment” in my life – right now I have shelter, food, clothing, love, freedom. And that does help the fear to dissipate – for that time.

“contemplating the parameters of the fear”

I like this approach - the word 'contemplating' immediately slows one down.

Circumstance seem to bring up dealing with subconscious or vague fears again and again – I think I am unlearning fear patterns from childhood, but it seems to be a process I revisit again and again.

“Fear of one’s own power “ – I’ll have to wrap my mind around that one – contemplate it. Where, in me, is there power I fear?

kadimiros wrote -“I remember a graphic design teacher advising us students to observe the fear, anger, or other inner discomfort as it came up. He suggested that we ask ourselves whether it had a shape, a color, a size,a taste and so on. Just observe it”

and jm wrote:
“This is what I'm getting at. Becoming familiar with it, identifying it, and most of all, experiencing it willingly.”

hmmm – I have been becoming familiar with and identifying my inner discomforts (fear) with the belief that doing so would negate them. Experiencing it willingly – an approach I hadn’t considered

Thanks to all –

23/8/07 8:54 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I think that if there's a repeated pattern, then there could be some contraction or resistance that maintains it; so, it makes sense that openness and acceptance can help with that.

It reminds me of those braided tubes that trap fingers stuck in them; the trick there is to first release the tension by going in slightly more.

There could be other feelings triggering a more obvious feeling; so, expanding awareness around it can help. Imaginatively giving it free rein could bring release and fresh understanding. If there's a lot to deal with, then it can be transformed through action. Such as artistic expression of it, or dishwashing. Probably lots of other approaches, too. :-)

I do think we're imprinted with feelings and ideas picked from very early childhood experiences or from other people. Sometimes we pick up where our elders left off, and try to go further. My mother has a lot of worries and resistance; so, seeing how that held her back and caused relationship problems, I consciously disidentified with them. Writing down, in so many words, the family's unspoken beliefs brought them out of the realm of subconscious influences, helping me to see how unreal they were.

And, of course, beneficially reminding myself that a feeling isn't necessarily reality. When something comes up again, I can release it quicker by thinking to myself, Oh, ha, there's that feeling again. :-)

23/8/07 10:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think it's so completely human to have these fears that the best thing to do is to accept that they have a right to exist, too, because they certainly will, and live with them the best we can. Get along with them. Talk to them. Know them. Overcoming one creates space for another. They're part of our propulsion through life, whether they are based on fact or not. Everyone has lots of them.

I think we're far too afraid of fear.:-)

Really. It gets ludicrous how we resist the nature of life. As long as the fears don't hurt anyone else too much, they can come along. They're so much a part of us, like our hearts.

24/8/07 12:22 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm so glad we're having these conversations. I think I just realized my whole philosophy tonight. All this talk about overcoming fear took a nonsensical turn. I plan to keep on living and that, of course, includes experiencing fear without beating it back with a some mythic ridiculous stick. So there. Am I afraid? Humph!

24/8/07 12:27 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Heh, it's all part of our process, the experience of fear at times, too. We're just huuuumann, as the song goes.

We're just human
Amusing but confusing

It's only that at some point we, naturally enough, begin the process of letting some things go. No need to overdo, of course, nor exaggerate the importance or power of fear.

24/8/07 12:49 AM  
Blogger jm said...

It's only that at some point we, naturally enough, begin the process of letting some things go.

"Naturally" is the word. There is the distinct possibility that the sensations are needed until the release point comes.

24/8/07 1:04 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Yes, ultimately I don't have an absolute judgment of a pattern. Something that seems negative could turn out to be a positive. I pretty much leave it up to the individual what they want to do. I remember an actress once smilingly telling us, "I don't know what's right and wrong, but I know what I like and don't like." But sometimes what I like and don't like come in the same package. :-)

24/8/07 1:19 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Well, I think all the talk of fear might lead to some relaxation about it soon. It stays around in a certain amount outside of fluctuating circumstance. I think it's high time to stop being so upset about it.

Boys are taught to be brave warriors and that's worn thin at the moment. So maybe a little bit of natural human daily fear is perfectly all right at this juncture.

Like tm, I always have financial worries, but so what? I'm here and there are a bunch of canned tomatoes in the cupboard. Some Guiltless Tortilla Chips too.

24/8/07 1:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Naturally" is the word. There is the distinct possibility that the sensations are needed until the release point comes.

love this, JM. :-) ~~kj

24/8/07 7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm wrote:
"They're part of our propulsion through life, whether they are based on fact or not. Everyone has lots of them.

I think we're far too afraid of fear.:-)

Really. It gets ludicrous how we resist the nature of life. As long as the fears don't hurt anyone else too much, they can come along. They're so much a part of us, like our hearts."

and from kadimiros:
"beneficially reminding myself that a feeling isn't necessarily reality. When something comes up again, I can release it quicker by thinking to myself, Oh, ha, there's that feeling again. :-)"

I love the lightness, the allowance, of these approaches. How wonderful - to take our fear along anyway, like a beloved rag doll.

allowance = lightness

I read somewhere that Truth always lightens.


25/8/07 6:12 AM  

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