Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Cuppela Dreamers

James Watt, the Scottish inventor and engineer picture above, had a recurring nightmare in which he was walking through a rain storm of heavy lead pellets rather like hail stones. He eventually realized that if molten lead is dropped from a great height it forms spheres. Thus came the creation of ball-bearings.

Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, was having trouble with the locking stitch. He dreamt that he had been captured by natives who all carried spears which had holes through the blades. It dawned on him that the position for the eye of the needle was at the point, and went on to produce the machine needles we know today.

Imaginative guys.
From the Illustrated Guide to Dreams. Valerie Francis


Blogger jm said...

Neith. Kadimiros posted this very interesting article on Neith that I wanted to make sure you see, if you haven't already. he's tied it in with a vivid dream he just had.

The Opener of the Sun's Paths

Causing matter to exist and to live is the primary nature in Neith’s primeval role in creation. That she does so without assistance of other deities is attested to her from the Pyramid Texts to the end of ancient Egyptian culture. Of all Egyptian gods and goddesses, Neith is often referred to in Egyptian texts as the "eldest," and even as the "first" deity.

Rather than a feminine counterpart of Nun, as has been theorized, Neith is the active element that causes creation, utilizing her powers as air and light, permeating the inert and void qualities of Nun in an androgynous fashion to make living, formed matter.

As a female deity and personification of the primeval waters, Neith encompasses masculine elements which enable her to function as a creator.

It will be noted that the masculine function was related to the rays of the moon.


10/12/06 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Opener of the Sun's Paths." What an excellent subject to study, seeing as the longest night and the shortest day is just 11 days away.

This is as good a place as any to share what I found last night. I was intrigued by one author's assertion that Virgo always rises in the east just before sunrise on the Winter Solstice, symbolically, a virgin giving birth to a son/sun. I know very well that the story of Jesus' birth to the Virgin Mary echoes an older story of the Roman god Mithras, who was born of a virgin, in a cave or stable, attended by wise visitors.

So I went looking deeper still, and I found more than I expected.

Caution: I can't say how accurate this writer's assertions are. Everyone has an agenda. I found many writers with agendas that support the status quo. Others are a little off the deep end with wild statements. Therefore, I am mindful of the necessity of accurate and careful research, however. More study is needed, so I will keep looking for corroborating evidence.

The Gospel Zodiac

Astrology: The Real Bible Code

10/12/06 4:17 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Thanks!!! As I remember when I was contemplating a "usename" and wandered across this information, it really resonated with me. Now I wonder, who chose whom . . . :-)

Kad is a first class info gatherer on the internet . . .

I'm hoping to sneak in a bit more time when I'm at work tomorrow to comment at greater length. There is just an amazing amount of great info emerging under this powerful Sag influence! :-)

10/12/06 7:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe you are really becoming a great Gemini messenger. My Gem planets and neith's NN are thrilled!

Now I wonder, who chose whom

I love that question.

There is just an amazing amount of great info emerging under this powerful Sag influence! :-)

And much more to come.
I hope you get a chance to read Kad's comments related to you at the end of the Dicey thread. I'm beginning to get the picture. A lot to discuss.

These ancient figures are subject to wide interpretation so I am really interested, neith, in yours. What exactly resonates. I didn't know anything about her but as I'm learning, I find her a fascinating goddess.

10/12/06 7:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What I like is her creative trait mixed with the protective, the male and female together. I love this.

utilizing her powers as air and light

I also love this and think it fits.

10/12/06 7:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tidbits again.

The sun is not born until December 25 when days start to grow noticeably longer.
It’s a new sun in its virgin stage. This is similar to the term, new moon, which survived from the days of ancient moon worshipers.

I never thought of this and it "opens", speaking of openers, a new vein. The depth and sadness I feel at the solstice could be the grief of the dying sun. I'm getting more and more interested in Hel as a guide at this time. I wonder if the joy around Christmas is really the celebration of the New Sun. Fascinating.

I liked the Hercules breakdown.

At the Winter solstice on December 21, the sun enters the lowest point on the horizon. The next three days are the darkest days of the year. The scorpion’s stings turn into the archer’s arrows. The weakened sun is going to die a violent death on the solstice.

We were discussing the earlier...the Scorpion's arrow turning into Sag.

At sunrise and sunset the sun’s rays have to pass through a much greater thickness of atmosphere. As a result, nearly all the blue light is scattered out by the particles in the air. This is what causes red sunrises and sunsets. As the season approaches the winter solstice, the sun sinks lower towards its lowest position on December 22. At lower angles the sun has more atmosphere to punch through, so red sunrises and sunsets appear with increasing frequency.
Ancients saw these natural events as their sun god weakening as it was falling and bleeding.

This all sheds light.:-)

10/12/06 8:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joanna. We've gotten along well over these last years. With respect on both sides I'm asking you to honor my request not to post comments in my house. They're too much for me. In this case, I have no courage.

11/12/06 4:57 AM  
Blogger JoannaOregon said...

Of course I will honor your request, jm. Take care.

11/12/06 7:43 AM  

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