Friday, December 01, 2006

A Simple Service

I love cemeteries and churches. Especially the small ones in country meadows with simple white clapboard houses of worship. I don't know whether it's reverence or fear that keeps people from desecrating these places. I don't even find litter in the ones I visit.
Years ago the churches were always open often with no one inside. Never a locked door, and always deep and peaceful. I wandered through often. In my town in rural upstate New York, I had a girl friend, an advanced Gemini, who used to accompany me on these churchgoing jaunts. We meandered through the cemeteries talking about life, and in the church I would play the organ.
One quiet summer afternoon while driving to the churchyard, we came upon a dying snake in the middle of the road. The agony of its struggle was almost unbearable as it lifted its head off the pavement to no avail. Jessica took a rock and killed it instantly. I was unsure and watched, hypnotized. I thought about the earth's creatures' unwillingness to give up on life.
I feel like I am attending a funeral now as I remember these simple country churches. I'm thinking about the palaces of jewels and gold that have become the world's temples and all the murder committed, Thou Shalt Not Kill be damned, to make them so grand. This Christmas I felt the beginning of the end of the vise-grip the Christian hierarchy has held on humanity. The death of the last pope, and all his political power, marked the turning point in my view. The failure of the world's religions couldn't be any more clear as murder gets top billing this holiday season, at least on the grand public stage.
The current Pope asked an interesting question in his holiday service...."Does a saviour still have any value and meaning for the people of the third millenium?"
Pisces is the sign associated with saviours. With Uranus (freedom) in Pisces leaving a sqaure to Mars (decisive action, cuts) in Sagittarius, I think this question is being answered. Maybe the people of this millenium are ready to part ways with this excessive belief in salvation delivered by other people. The desire to be good probably would be more effective if it came from within the individual as a natural impulse. All next year as Pluto and Jupiter transit Sagittarius and finish the job on the religious rulership, perhaps our Uranus/North Node square will start to release us from bondage to saviours and prophets and closer to the source of our true reverence.

But I still wish the doors to my country churches were unlocked.


Blogger Tseka said...

You say so well what i've been thinking. The war, this war, has helped many of my more fundamentalist Christian friends move sideways in their belief. It has been an awesome shift to watch, very hard for them to give up some outer authority for personal responsibility. It is my greatest hope for change in this country, that religion becomes personal and politics become collective.

27/12/06 9:27 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

It is my greatest hope for change in this country, that religion becomes personal and politics become collective.

Hah! As usual, tseka, you have put your finger on the very heart of the matter! BTW, I've really & truly enjoyed reading what's been posted here for the last few days, just been too flattened to make a sensible comment! Stop over & see my kitchen . . . :-)

27/12/06 11:40 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Neith, my sweet hearted one i've been pouring healing thoughts your way. Hope you are feeling better. If i were in your neck of the woods i'd be bringing soup, even if it meant slogging on snow shoes.

27/12/06 12:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is wonderful news tseka about your friends.

It is my greatest hope for change in this country, that religion becomes personal and politics become collective.

This is one of the best statements I've heard yet. Exactly.

Glad you're back up neith!

27/12/06 2:40 PM  

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