Thursday, February 22, 2007

Track 29

For anyone interested in traveling to broader and higher dimensions, the train will be leaving shortly. No need to bring much luggage. One thing to keep in mind. It might never return.
Sleeping cars in the middle!

Dinner in the dine-a
Nothing could be fine-a
Than to have your ham 'n eggs in Carolina


Blogger kadimiros said...

Gorgeous photo. I feel like humming, "Traveling by train, high on--" Woops, wrong song!

22/2/07 7:07 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

You know, jm, if you do author a book, it would be lovely if it had pictures the way your blog does.

22/2/07 7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No pressure or anything. ;o)

22/2/07 7:17 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

ja right, mahahahah giggling in the background from the fan club.

22/2/07 7:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...


My stars! That's exactly the book I hadin mind and what I'm going to do. A coffee table node book. This is so exciting.

Wrong song. Heheh.

No pressure or anything. ;o)
Another heheh.

Tseka, you are funny.

You know how wild train trips are.

22/2/07 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh I hope it wasn't the Sun House Jr song that was the wrong song. It's wonderful. Anyhoo, perhaps this is better for night music My love of music is really strong lately. i awaken with a song expressing itself every morning. That has been a theme off and on thoroughout my life this time around.

Dinner was wonderful, and the company was gentle. We had a spectacular salad with fresh bread, and fresh pasta with sauce. We had ripe pears for desert.

The coffee table book sounds perfect jm. It gives you the presentation for your eye for art and your wit and wisdom. I really look forward to that!

Sweet dream jm and all.


22/2/07 10:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh astrid, what a treat. A goodnight comment after a fulfilling evening with friends.
Life is good. Music.

22/2/07 10:58 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"This is so exciting."

It is! It sounds absolutely beautiful. :-)

22/2/07 11:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm so overwhelmed kad. I've lost track of mundane things even more than usual. I don't know how to go through that everlovin' "process" to get this into full manifestation. I know, of course, that it will unfold naturally, but in the beginning of a new project I know nothing about, I feel slightly daunted.

Your encouragement means the world to me. I've always let my talent out a little, then when I run into obstruction, I invariably pull it back in. Not this time.

Beautiful is all I ask for. And some sign that I actually was here on this earth! It's legacy time. I'm at that age.

23/2/07 12:11 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I must admit that trying to do something really productive market-wise has been an eye opener for me. Suddenly I can bat away distractions more easily, and I feel an urgency and importance that weren't there before. This also is exciting. The mission. The direct flow to a real destination. I might like this. A lot.

23/2/07 12:33 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

That reminds me: Scientific American has an article highlighting two forms of will in the brain. One is "self-control", which "does not give us enough sustained motivation to achieve big plans." Hence, the humor surrounding New Year's resolutions. :-)

But there is another form of will that we use daily, automatically, which in the article is called "emotional experiential memory." According to the article, the optimal use of emotion makes "self-regulation" (or perhaps we could call it self-determination) successful versus self-control.

24/2/07 8:59 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I like the article title, by the way. It's called "Taking the Reins: Self-control helps you meet small challenges, but to change your life significantly you'll need self-regulation instead". :-)

24/2/07 9:02 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"This also is exciting. The mission. The direct flow to a real destination. I might like this. A lot."

Well, the creative process is like increasing clarification in the energy field, things coming into focus. Clarity or crystalization. Energy with the ability to direct energy. The creative act also adds to the richness of the self, which is also a creative work in progress.

24/2/07 9:09 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Suddenly I can bat away distractions more easily, and I feel an urgency and importance that weren't there before."

Maybe it's a taste of authentic power and that second form of will.

Does this have anything to do with the concept of fire signs or fiery planets? There is a suggestion of identity, the self in the process of becoming more itself.

1st major energy center, Mars, base of spine, security -- survival

3nd major energy center, Sun, solar plexus, vision (form, color), ego -- self-confidence and one's identity in the world

5th major energy center, Jupiter, throat, knowledge -- soul memory and creative expression

24/2/07 9:25 AM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG kad. As usual this is fantastic. What you are talking about here is EXACTLY what I need right now. I must read this article and get right back to this.

24/2/07 2:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Does this have anything to do with the concept of fire signs or fiery planets? There is a suggestion of identity, the self in the process of becoming more itself.

Yes. Fire is self actualization and will.

24/2/07 3:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Aries is the start of recognizing there is a self and purly pushing the newfound self into the world. Leo is finding the self in creative acts, and re-creating this form in children. Sagittarius is pushing the self into the universe and making an impact there. That's why the exaggeration, larger than life, in Sag.

This is why ego and self-centeredness are the accusations, but they are necessary. Relationships are important in how they can help the person see himself and realize his fiery vision. There is almost a monarchical element to all of them.

All the fire North Nodes are about this.

24/2/07 3:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

In fact, I'm glad you brought this up. The air SN to the fire NN is learning to use relationships for their own ends. Very difficult for air.

24/2/07 3:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is a fantastic article and I'm going to pour over it tonight. It's akin to behavioral mod and positive reinforcement which I tend to think are among the few successful techniques.

Maybe it's a taste of authentic power and that second form of will.

The sweetest words I could hear.

I am going through a huge test of this in an event in my life right now that will take the next month. You can't imagine how good and timely this is.

The journey through the nodes is part of it. The vision coming into actualization, and even reaching an end. Whether or not this is tantamount to a goal, remains to be seen.

I think this is fire. Achievement for its own sake and the recognition of power and will.

This is great.

24/2/07 3:31 PM  

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