Monday, March 31, 2008

Pluto and Desire

In Taurus - the creature grasps the banana, peels it, masticates it, swallows it, and discovers satisfaction. Desire gratified.
In Scorpio, it's not quite as simple. The desire continues after the banana is eaten. But this is Scorpio. It prefers the state of desire until it can find the most desirable desire there is. Then the most profound satisfaction. Unearthly pleasure. Spiritual awakening.
The unsatisfied impulse in constant quest can result in obsession and further inability to find fulfillment until a Pluto transit. One can finally get enough.
Some people gain from remaining in this state of desire, and all people do in some compartment of their lives. Some place where they can never get enough. Seventh house, relationship. Sixth house, satisfaction from the job. Third house, the answers. Stuff like that.
So often ancient teachings profess that desire is the cause of human agony. Probably so. But it is also the cause of human ecstasy, plus it's an impossible thing to live without. So we're taught to forsake temptation and even try to lose the urge for gratification, but Pluto shows the human the immense gain that can come through desire. The map to the treasure cave. The root of longing. The full satisfaction. Nothing less.
This type of journey often does get troublesome, desire is not an easy thing to contain. Enter Pluto. Enter Capricorn. Saturn is the purveyor of control and the Plutonian runaway impulses can be regulated and used, resulting in creativity and achievement while Pluto transits this disciplined sign. As Pluto turns his dense little body around and heads back for a last visit to Sagittariusland, I'm getting prepared. A few desires of mine could use some harnessing in the near future.
Black Prince: Paul Klee. 1927


Blogger Tseka said...

mmm, more Paul Klee for my ever desiring Venus in Scorpio.

Ever desireless one can see the mystery
Ever desiring one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery

tao one

All i know is that Pluto finishing off my 10th house while Saturn is sitting on my south node had me in the trenches - have been for months.

As Pluto turns his dense little body around and heads back for a last visit to Sagittariusland, I'm getting prepared.

ja, i wonder if there is such a thing a prepared when it comes to Pluto visits.

1/4/08 7:22 AM  
Blogger jm said...

i wonder if there is such a thing as prepared when it comes to Pluto visits.

Good question. One can plan at least.

Ever desireless one can see the mystery
Ever desiring one can see the manifestations.

Beautifully put. How I love the tao.

In the trenches, eh? Those nodes of yours are getting a workout.

my ever desiring Venus in Scorpio.


1/4/08 2:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The last 48 hours you were in my frontal lobe almost exclusively. I think we are notified beforehand of the important things, so probably Pluto's comings are included! Sometimes I think we do better than we think we do.

1/4/08 2:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The last 48 hours you were in my frontal lobe almost exclusively.

Jeeziss Anne to quote Myrtle Rae. And you lived to tell the tale. What a ghastly ordeal it must have been.....

1/4/08 5:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!

The ordeal was not seeing you whilst in the trench, my Sweet 1.

Actually your appearance in the lobe was a relief after the previous week, two migraines, and overall hysterical reaction to current events. Non-current events would be a welcome addition so you of the outside-of-time ilk are much desired.

Jeeziss Anne. Heheh. That was for those who have that extra sense.

1/4/08 5:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I could be a case study for the south node|saturn trine Pluto still affecting the Sun in the tenth. I have been dumping files. Burning them. Twenty years of old records. Galleries i have forgotten about, inventory sheets, bios, all sorts of carefully filed stuff shredded and burned.

Then there is the taking care of others issues.

The trench got pretty deep.

And i actually have been digging trenches again in search of a leak which was a faulty meter belonging to the water dist. The neighbor's cat came out and kept me company. She followed behind and filled them all those crazy humans....

Mars is coming up to my Uranus and it is the best i've felt in days.

Like is a bit whacky, eh?

1/4/08 5:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love Mars-Uranus!!!! I've had a lifetime of it. It's like having a finger in the socket permanently. Good for a kick! No cheating life with that one.

Life is more than a bitwhacky.

And i actually have been digging trenches again in search of a leak which was a faulty meter belonging to the water dist.

Wow. Impressive. Good use of Virgo analysis. And cleaning the files. Water leak? I'll have to look that one up in your transits. Cancer stuff. We'll see what Mars does. It's exactly on my IC so make yourself at home.

Out of the trenches and into the fire. Don't forget Aries and your Jupiter. Grab your helmet!

1/4/08 6:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Too Late!!!! I was filling the truck with dead branches and weeds and the lid of the canopy crashed down on me. The air hinges are getting old and weak.

The leak issues have been going on since Mars rx in Cancer (my 4th house) i found the leak, they have yet to fix it. Maybe it will all resolve once Mars passes its shadow phase.

Are you out singing people into bliss?

1/4/08 6:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A lot will be resolved when Mars gets out of Cancer.

People? Singing? Bliss?

Not for awhile. I think I found the place, a new Blues joint, but they won't be opeing until late spring/summer. I've kind of relaxed about it all, but I've been singing spontaneously lately. That's what I've been waiting for. The natural expression. We'll see if "bliss" rules when I get out there. I kind of think the atmosphere on the streets will be different soon. I'm already sensing it.

1/4/08 10:08 PM  

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