Protecting Paradise
The garden's boundaries. Paradise needs tending if it is not to become wilderness.
I can still flow outward, connect with humanity, and glimpse my reflection, but success lies in a perfect autonomy and fundamental devotion to my authentic self. Leo-Aquarius is how self love translates to love of humanity. You cannot have one without the other. So as I bid farewell soon to the Saturn-Neptune opposition, I will say, once again, thank you.
Thank you ever so much.
Photo: David Stuart
Paradise: A place of surpassing beauty.The above phrase says it well. One thing I'm taking with me from the Saturn-Neptune opposition is this recognition of how limitations work with human spiritual expression. Neptune governs the need for grace, beauty, paradise on earth. Saturn rules boundaries. This transit has brought me awareness of just what this means.
A state of rapture.
I have Saturn in Leo in the 5th house. Neptune is transiting my 11th. I realize that to express my creativity in a way that leaves me with self respect I must contain my impulse to merge with society within a well designed structure. A garden wall.
I can still flow outward, connect with humanity, and glimpse my reflection, but success lies in a perfect autonomy and fundamental devotion to my authentic self. Leo-Aquarius is how self love translates to love of humanity. You cannot have one without the other. So as I bid farewell soon to the Saturn-Neptune opposition, I will say, once again, thank you.
Thank you ever so much.
Photo: David Stuart
One thing I'm taking with me from the Saturn-Neptune opposition is this recognition of how limitations work with human spiritual expression. Neptune governs the need for grace, beauty, paradise on earth. Saturn rules boundaries.
Perfectly said, jm, and I completely agree. Thank you for another wonderful insight!! :-)
You come up with the most beautiful pictures. What a wonderful place to contemplate. I could sit there for hours.
I can still flow outward, connect with humanity, and glimpse my reflection, but success lies in a perfect autonomy and fundamental devotion to my authentic self.
Are you telepathic? Sometimes I think I am. I was having some thoughts along those very same lines myself this morning. Different words but same idea.
I don’t always understand how you get to the conclusions you do about astrology, but I’m going to learn. I find it so fascinating to look back at some major event in my life and then look at the chart. The hits are what have convinced me that it is real and true. I can’t tell you how amazed and delighted I am to find this new way of seeing my own evolution in progress.
“Success lies in a perfect autonomy and fundamental devotion to my authentic self.” Beautiful words. That’s real power right there. Power over myself is the only power I need. And finding my authentic self is the key to obtaining that power.
It seems my life has always been one big question. How do I live successfully? How do I live in integrity – in accord with myself so that my actions agree with my words and thoughts? So that I don’t act or react out of fear? How can I do what is right? I want to look in the mirror and say “Well done”. Without hiding from myself or denying what’s in my closet. I want all my unconscious stuff to be conscious. I can’t fix it if I can’t see it.
My entire life has been about finding the truth about me. Finding my authentic self. I can’t find peace until I know who I am and what I’m here for. Isn’t that what you are looking for in astrology?
But back to the power question. It seems we always think the problem is “out there” somewhere. But I find that it’s always in myself – in my thinking, my attitude. If I change my thinking everything else falls into place. As Analysa’s flea story illustrates perfectly. What is “out there” is a lesson waiting to be learned – nothing more.
I've also been thinking about responsibility. My life is my only responsibility. If I do that right, everything else will fall into place. I can’t change anyone but me. I can’t help anyone until I have learned how to help myself. I can’t teach what I don’t know. I can share my struggles and my experience with you, but I can’t tell you what to do or how to do it. We all learn at our own speed in our own language. To disregard that in another is to frustrate, disrespect or otherwise harm that person.
Another thing you mentioned was my personal director. It is within me. I’ve learned to be quiet and listen to it's "voice" most of the time. I can’t hear it when I’m agitated or fearful. But I always get an answer sooner or later. If I can’t hear it inside, I find it “out there” in some way. Dharmaruci posted “The Conversation of the Unborn Twins” on his website this morning and I was blown away by it’s simple but profound beauty. What a fabulous illustration! You must be quiet and listen. As long as you keep twisting and screaming that there’s no one there – you will be right! Our director is within and all around. We just have to learn to listen.
The hits just keep coming.
My brother's NN is on my Moon - the same degree. His Moon is on my SN - same degree. What does that mean?
It's wonderful neith. All this insight cooking together.
Sandy, how good to see you. There is always so much substance in your comments. A full banquet! I thoroughly enjoy reading them.
I find it so fascinating to look back at some major event in my life and then look at the chart.
This is a fantastic way to learn, plus go back through our lives and relive them in a sense with the added dimension.
That’s real power right there. Power over myself is the only power I need. And finding my authentic self is the key to obtaining that power.
This is my journey and it's resonating for all of us born in '48 with our Saturns being opposed by Neptune. I don't think I've ever felt this so strongly as right now.I'm overwhelmed at the sensations pouring in since the transit became exact yesterday.
I can’t teach what I don’t know.
Ooooh boy.
As long as you keep twisting and screaming that there’s no one there – you will be right! Our director is within and all around. We just have to learn to listen.
I go on about this almost too repeatedly. If Saturn in Leo doesn't contact this inner director she's headed for some rather difficult manifestations in relationships. Power struggles that are impossible. Saturn-Pluto in Leo is as extreme as it can get with the need for inner power and authority. And it's all there when we want it.
I will be back in a moment on the node. This always happens in families and when we understand the connections, we sometimes see the people we chose to incarnate with in a different light.
What is “out there” is a lesson waiting to be learned – nothing more.
I love this one too.
The nodal situation is very interesting, better for him than you, it appears. There is an especially good learning opportunity here.
The NN conjunct your Gemini Moon is the potential for great communication and exchange of knowledge, but I don't know how advanced he is. His SN in your 3rd could be tricky. It could mean a desire to actually get away from each other's philosophies. I don't know who would be more dominant, but there could be a need for each of you to establish your own views. Push pull scenario.
The SN on your Moon could be very problematic. Getting too emotionally drawn into his suffering or a difficulty getting free of your own. Yet he is learning about the emotional body from your SN. I think you have to be the one to control it. Moons in Scorpio can be troublesome sometimes. Possessive and things like that. Manipulative.
My sister and I share the same degree reversed and I have to be careful that I don't suffer too much with her. All SN Scorpios come from painful backgrounds and are trying to detach from it all and relax. We've usually helped others through trauma, but we've done that enough, and it's time for others to take over the job.
Your brother could help you develop the ability to see the philosophical perspective, one of your great assets.
In some ways it looks like your brother is encouraging your freedom, but the hard way.
There is always so much substance in your comments. A full banquet! I thoroughly enjoy reading them.
Thanks JM. I’m glad I can return something.
If Saturn in Leo doesn't contact this inner director she's headed for some rather difficult manifestations in relationships. Power struggles that are impossible. Saturn-Pluto in Leo is as extreme as it can get with the need for inner power and authority.
Yes, I’ve had plenty of experience with power struggles. Feeling powerless and finally understanding how to be empowered without becoming like them.
We’re not close, my brother and I, and never have been. When I was a kid that made me sad. So I probably was drawn in as you say. I was drawn into my whole family’s suffering really. He’s always been what I thought of as prickly, irritable, moody and angry. I don’t have a problem with him now, I just noticed our conjunctions last night and wondered how to interpret it.
I’ll think on this a bit and see what kind of sense it makes. Right now I have to get some sleep. Thanks JM.
You're welcome, sandy.
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