The Self
I love the way you use Astrology here with your focus on inner growth. I’ve never met anyone who really wants to look so deeply into the soul and understand what is happening there and how it relates to the big picture.The characteristic that distinguishes me as an astrologer is this. I don't put myself in the system, I put the system in myself. I am my own solar system and the cosmology is within my person as well as without. The outer movement of life does not dictate my circumstance. I am a complete functioning unit alone, placed in a larger framework. We work mutually. There is a turning wheel, a clock, within every human that knows the direction to his destiny. Metaphysics simply helps us synchronize with the zillions of wheels turning in the universe. The gears. A grand machine than each individual is a vital part of.
I used to be more of a fatalist, but after Pluto transited my Moon-Jupiter in Sagittarius my view was entirely transformed. The seed of acceptance of life's events was always there, but now I am an active participant in shaping their effects.
I am not a victim of circumstance. I am probably both victim and perpetrator. I am certainly not a victim of the systems around me, such as my government. My government is there as part of the time I chose to incarnate and stands as intrinsic to the complete picture. The government, or structures that we feel oppressed by, will change automatically when the time comes.
For me, hardships are not that important in the long run. I get through them all, and they are all results of my decisions. They seem to lead me correctly, one event turning into another as the wheel goes around. I have an optimistic perspective, but this has nothing to do with external events. It remains the same no matter what horrors or pleasures appear and disappear. It's based on the simple fact that I am alive. Of course, it leads me to believe that death has its rewards too. It's no mistake. I'm not a helpless puppet of this incarnation. I am its master and architect. I came to earth at exactly the right time and to the right place.
I plan to make the gods proud to be associated with me.
Painting: Rene Magritte. La Reproduction Interdite
You know, jm, I don't know if you're a man or a woman, and I mean that as a compliment, because your writing has strong, and evenly balanced, masculine and feminine qualities. (I'd probably get into trouble if I was asked to define what I meant by that!) I think I'm quite happy to continue not knowing.
You know, jm, I don't know if you're a man or a woman, and I mean that as a compliment, because your writing has strong, and evenly balanced, masculine and feminine qualities.
ROFLMAO!!! ya gotta love it, jm!! :-)
I quite agree with this premise, and would like to add that you have contributed greatly to my understanding and appreciation of astrology. Love the wonderful new folks that are being drawn here!!!
LOL! A recurring theme, my dear jm! :o)
and would like to add that you have contributed greatly to my understanding and appreciation of astrology.
COuldn't have said it better!
Oh my god in heaven. I don't know where to begin on this astrotabletalk. I hope you realize the magnitude of your statement. This is one of the best compliments I've ever had.
It's amazing. When I first incarnated as jm and started posting I had exactly this reaction. The fact that peole were so curious is telling in itself.
There is so much to this and my feeling of becoming a man to some extent in this lifetime. I love the masculine polarity in me. It's such an amazing feeling to express both. In my work as a musician I also use the masculine. I built my own electronic sound system which only the men in the crowd identify with consciously.
I rejected the female biological role and many of the others. I'm a very feminine Cancer but I feel that this polarity needed no work. Aries rising is a powerful male role and it has been quite exciting to combine it with the Cancer. The Sun and Mercury are the only feminine placements.
This is a wonderful comment. Thank you so much. I wish you would define what you meant because of your exceptional intellect and powers of perception.
Oh this is something!
Neith, joe!! Is this funny or what!
And guess what?????
and would like to add that you have contributed greatly to my understanding and appreciation of astrology.
I've added to my own just as much!
It has been a wonderful outpouring. I always want so much from experience and this congregation is more than I anticipated. Thank you all for the input. I'm definitely plugged in, speaking of polarity.
I plan to make the gods proud to be associated with me.
I like this philosophy very much. It puts us on a bit more of an even footing with the Divine, rather than the parent/child dynamic we've had for so long. Becoming divine is, after all, what we're here to learn.
Joe, I get exasperated with all this cowering. You're absolutely right.
Becoming divine is, after all, what we're here to learn.
You are so right about this endless child thing. Look where it's landed us, leadershipwise.
Here's my view. The gods are our teachers as they personify our aspirations and ideals. They want us to do our best since that will be a gold star for them and maybe a promotion to head of the department! We all want to excel. What is going on? What's holding anyone back?
Of course, I feel a personal connection with the pantheon. Moon in Sagittarus.
And this is all so fascinating to me. This articulation of my ideas, and how they fit in with others'. I wonder how this will impact my life. Will it teach me something about the power of words? I feel like I'm at least getting to know myself. Good start.
The disembodiment on this new teletype is intriguing. Have we been missing something intellectual as a society? I wonder if it could possibly cut down on the over eating. You know how many social gatherings are around food we don't need. Trim the fat and maybe we can think clearly enough to finally use our brains in electing leaders.
Food for thought!
I can't help but think of a story dear to my heart written by the widow of the late Jim Morrison, Patricia Kenneally Morrison. Her series The Keltiad has, as its main premise, the idea that the Celtic peoples, their cultures and their gods departed this planet after the arrival of Christianity into their lands, and colonized several planetary systems across he galaxy. In effect, it's "Celts in Space!" Sounds unlikely, but she pulls it off. Anyway, a few characters occasionally meet a few primary deities, and just as you say, they want us to do our best. It's in their interest for us to advance, spiritually speaking, not kept primitive and worshipping fire, or the sun, or something.
Some years ago I decided I was done with organized religion, even pagan relgion, not just for the hypocrisy and cliques and infighting and exclusionary attitudes--but also because it seemed to me that the gods don't want or need blind worship. They'd rather we improve our relationship with the Earth and one another, and of course, our own selves.
OK jm, I'd reckoned you are a woman, but then I read your first post that said I AM MY OWN MAN. Is this meant literally I wondered? Your primary means of expression is feminine - you write delicately and poetically, you have those beautiful pictures. But then there's this whole vigorous, questioning, metaphysical, opinionful side that is much more male, and it's very strong in you, but I've always felt the base, the most easy side, is the poetic/ artistic side.
It's interesting getting an impression just from what someone writes. When I asked a few weeks ago if people thought I was Virgo or Libra Rising, the bloggers were unanimous in saying Virgo. I then asked my astrology group, and they were unanimous in saying Libra. And it's not a cusp issue!
I love your synopsis of the story, joe, and it's the same thing.
They'd rather we improve our relationship with the Earth and one another, and of course, our own selves.
And we created them so it must mean we have this in mind. Never too early!
So I'm still a girl, astro t!
You explained it beautifully, and you're right. The poetic does flow easily.
It was interesting reading your comment and my gut reaction to your words, since you often choose them well.
I'd reckoned you are a woman
I still get mixed feelings about the "woman" moniker. I do remember parting ways somewhat as an adolescent, and I never did the things I was supposed to do to attract a man. The proms were ridiculous, although I did attend. With nonboyfriends.
Being "my own man" is it for me. Partnering, providing for, and protecting myself, and most of all, I am my own boss. It's all about my NN in the 1st house and identity, and my desire to muscle through life, building inner and outer strength. Potency. Independence. Just the male feeling sculpted to my specs.
This one got to me the most, and produced a very positive reaction.
One of my strongest traits, and although others hate it, I like it, especially noting my reaction to the mention of it by you. of course, you are entirely diplomatic.
Some things feminine are not for me (habitual facial expressions, for example, used to lure, spilling oversized tits, etc.), but the poetic-artistic definitely is.
Your diplomacy leads me to the next point. I thought Libra for you from the start. Here are some reasons:
1. You don't look like a Virgo rising.
2. There is a dominant adversarial element in you that is Libra. Not always obvious to some, but I sense it underlying all the time. The subtle argumentative way of Libra who loves nothing more than to disagree. Very subtle sometimes, in your case.
3. Your interest in exchange with people, the way you approach relationship in this equal way, is Libra. Just something about it.
4. The aforementioned diplomacy.
5. Neptune in the 1st(?) which explains the identity confusion.
6. The breathless high strung Virgoism that I don't get from you.
7. A kind of thrust and parry in the way you post that indicates a balancing mechanism.
A big clue would be the kind of people you are attracted to. Go with the program Pisceans or directed motivated Aries, heeding the battle cry.
Interesting about the unanimous astrology group decision. I wonder what they were going on.
because your writing has strong, and evenly balanced, masculine and feminine qualities.
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Who loves nothing more than to disagree ????????
Balance too.
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