Monday, March 09, 2009

The BS-o-Meter & the 29th Degree

There are few indeed who, having passed through the previous eleven signs, are prepared to let everything go in order to accept the gifts of Pisces. In Pisces, the evolving soul must renounce its reliance upon the approbation of society in order to prepare for a fresh start in Aries. Replenishment comes through relinquishment, triumph through surrender. The true Piscean senses that dependence on outer forms is futile and that salvation must be sought within.
The Divine Astrologer
For a person or a collective to develop a functioning BS-o-meter they must go thru a period of humiliation and deep disillusionment. We want salvation from that. To most, disillusionment is so painful, so humiliating, so empty, that it is to be avoided at all costs - even tho it is sensed.
Pisces is the end of the wheel and here the native comes to understand the oneness of all experience, the futility of expecting things to be good without the accompanying bad, disillusionment, despair, and finally wisdom and the rebirth of new life with unlimited potential in Aries. One must go through the disillusionment first, though, and the 29th degree of Pisces is its deepest point. Yet even there, the awakening of hope, genuine hope, is already present. We are nearing the end of Uranus in Pisces and now, with Uranus opposite USA Neptune and the Full Moon conjunct Saturn at this point, a concrete step in the realization of our predicament has occurred, and will continue in increments until Uranus leaves. You can see that it isn't quite as bad as feared. Depression both economic and emotional are here, but within it lie the seeds for the Aries renewal. The letting go of the hoped for Promised Land and the disseminating of despair are the fertilizers. It will be natural. It's all in the cycle before the Aries spring of germination.
The BS-o-meter, the crapometer, the horseshit detector, the wiggling antenna of hipsterism, the mistrustograph - whatever you want to call it - is a useful device in navigating the waters of this treacherous and devious world. Of course, you can rely on others' meters to lead, but there you encounter the same problem. Who's going to detect their BS? Best to have one of your own. In order to get hep, become savvy, be schooled in cool, and to be reasonably wise, you have to go through the fires of first-hand experience and the hard knocks that accompany them. There is no better time than now.
The State of the Collapsing Union Address, for example, was an hour of BS. When it was broadcast that America was mighty and ready to lead the planet the needle flew off the meter, as it did when it was said, "It's not about the banks." It really doesn't matter. Like or dislike have little to do with it. What you're told, however, should be subject to some intense scrutiny before belief is incorporated, especially in these trying times and with intelligent, hyper-aware Saturn in Virgo. Marrying fact with circumstance is not as hard as it seems, especially when you use your good sense.
The battle between the blind faith of Pisces, and the criticism of Virgo is about to be revved up pretty high. There are an uncanny number of configurations involving the 29th degree just ahead. By the end the ability to detect deception should be greatly improved, even at the cost of some disappointment. This sensation simply can't be avoided but the rewards will be worth it. One day the wisdom will come that it's not these people who are in charge, it's the entire collective. It really doesn't matter who succeeds or who fails. We succeed as a whole. Here we are.

On April 12th, Venus retrograde enters the 29th degree for two weeks and turns direct. During that time Mars joins her, and they both enter Aries together. On May 2, 2010, Uranus comes to the 29th degree for a month, and while that's happening, Jupiter joins up on May 31. Onward they go to Aries in a duet. In July, just back from Libra, Saturn once again passes 29 Virgo just opposite. Jupiter meets Uranus at 29 in September one more time. A lot at the end of the line.
So reading the BS-o-meter can help achieve the shift desired. In preparation for leaving the saint-sinner-savior complex behind, the present worship will rise and fall like the waves. Although not consciously recognized, a step away from the redeemer attachment is occurring and will probably manifest through the series of influences ending at 29 Pisces. I don't think it's happenstance that the invasion of Iraq took place with the Sun at that degree, rocked in the Cradle of Civilization. The idea of a punishing almighty god, translates into almighty men as leaders, and who knows that we couldn't govern ourselves without them? Perhaps we could give it a try. Batteries in the meter help.
The 29th degree of Pisces has a tendency to bring out the apocalyptic in people, along with the idea of some rapturous entrance into a transformed earthly environment, especially when Uranus moves ahead for good in 2012. That's normal. End times and all. It's unlikely that any hugely radical world will be birthed in the next years, although the hope will go up and down, as reality slowly settles in. Pisces rules the salty sea, and a little grain of salt isn't a bad idea when entertaining these fantasies. Some alterations will probably come, but the world will be recognizable as the one you see today. And yes, Republicans will still be breathing. I think the dreams are good, though, as idea chests, as long as we accept the reality on the ground as it unfolds. Along with these transits, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, so the Promised Land fantasy is looming ever more. The savior is melting into the crowd, as human and limited as the rest. I can't imagine what Pluto at 29 will be like. I'll be expecting a report from you in the netherworld, when you join me there. I'll keep paradise on life support in case you need it later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always a favorite topic of mine. There was a report I saw just a few minutes ago that stated the number of self-reported Americans with no religion has risen slightly. I wonder if there's a correlation to the 29 Pisces.

And yes, Republicans will still be breathing....

I'll keep paradise on life support in case you need it later.

I think you got your metaphors mixed up. ;o)

9/3/09 4:43 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

I wrote this little poem last year on the first day of spring and now it is coming true. At the time I didn't know the extent of it, but now I'm getting it.

The first day of Spring
I am divested and infused,
Dionysus and Apollo have both lived within my flesh. Now I'm onto something else.

9/3/09 10:08 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

Replenishment comes through relinquishment, triumph through surrender. The true Piscean senses that dependence on outer forms is futile and that salvation must be sought within

I feel like I'm getting this shocked into me right now. Uranus coming to my Mars in Pisces?

9/3/09 10:42 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

The picture of the statue of liberty is perfect... The bed and breakfast I stayed at on Saturday night had a replica on the grounds. JM you are on the pulse and it always astounds me.

9/3/09 3:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Wow, that's a jump. Yes, I think it's related.

Fifteen percent of respondents said they had no religion, an increase from 14.2 percent in 2001 and 8.2 percent in 1990, according to the American Religious Identification Survey.

Here's one way the government can make money without taxing the rich. Pluto is slowly building the government control. You're not gonna like this joe.

It's good to be realistic and slightly ahead of the game. Hopefully, the politics of personality might slowly evolve to real politics in time as a result of the consolidation and restriction.

9/3/09 3:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's good to know mpk! Hopefully I can make it work for me.

Yes re Uranus on your Mars. For the next couple of years. A series of shocks to arouse your strength and energy. Not necessarily severe. Stimulating for certain.

9/3/09 3:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Things are always right and wrong at the same time. We waste so much energy - lifetimes I think - trying to get it more right. It won't go.

There is an aligning factor always at work. I loved the idea of the BS-o-meter and I was going to draw one. Then I saw this illustration and it was perfect. So it came together on its own with me as a participant. It came out better than expected because I'm enchanted with the picture.

9/3/09 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That one I had not heard of yet, but there's a monster called NAIS (National Animal Identification System) which they're trying to force on everyone. More info here. Big corpo-farms can handle the fees, legalities and paperwork with ease, but everyone from small farms to individual animals owned by individuals would have to register EVERY SINGLE action, from birth to sale to slaughter to death. It's incredibly insane and cumbersome. They *say* it's to prevent and track disease outbreaks but come on, over-crowding animals in inhumane conditions and overmedicating them with antibiotics to combat the same diseases that thrive in overcrowded conditions, well honey that's A-OK!

Idiocy knows no bounds with this government. It's about two things: money and control.

9/3/09 4:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes. Same thing there. So it's wise to be prepared since they are getting more and more threatened and will increase the control until the thing works itself out with the whole transit. The president is a moot issue. Whomever it is doesn't make the decisions. People are very reisitant to that fact. The sooner that's realized the better so people can focus on what's important. Not to be afraid, just aware. Kind of crazy, is it not? A failing economy and they're making it harder to be a small businessperson. I thought they wanted to win elections. I think it's out of anyone's control, which is the good part. It will work itself out.

9/3/09 5:48 PM  
Blogger dxp said...

JM, I'm very honored you quoted me in this post! And your thoughts are inspiring thru the wires... you may not realize.....

Joe, I thought of 'losing my religion' too about the last degree before starting over. Interestingly, the Russian teacher (and student of Gurjeiff) Ouspensky said as the end of his life that one must "abandon the system" - the system he interpreted and taught his whole adult life. Interesting sacrifice. And Milton said "they serve too who only stand and wait" (but I may have that wrong?)

mpk - I'm heartened to hear you have Mars in late Pisces. So do I and rather conjunct Venus. Been rather worried about it. I found your poem "first day of spring" very interesting - both Dionysus and Apollo.... sensuality and art?

JM, your thoughts creep into my daily discussions and when you say that Obama is not really the issue I think you are right. He seems like a play actor, but one conjured by so many

---4111111111111115555555 (oops, sorry, that is my cat's unsolicited contribution) ----

One thing that I find interesting, personally, at this time is that culturally many of us rely on being too active. Active in response to anything, and active in every way. this is an active culture. Sometimes, like when one is incapacitated (even for a short while), one is forced to face being passive. Maybe that has something also to do with the last degree with Pisces.

9/3/09 10:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I was glad to quote you dxp. You brought up possibly the most important thing going on now, and articulated it perfectly. This full moon has been a major step.

LOL! The unsolicited contribution. There's your Mars in Pisces exactly and it's convoluted path!

I think you've pinpointed it with complete accuracy and this is something I've said many times. The play acting. In time the crowd might move on to the layers underneath as Pluto digs deeper. They have to get some things out of their out of their systems first, before they're ready to see the real causes and cures. It's none of these actors.

What you say about activity is something I think about all the time. The busy-ness of society is a great escape.

Pisces is the quintessential, "been there, done that." You've seen and done it all so now it doesn't matter if you do it or if you don't. The same.

Mars in Pisces senses the wisdom of action and even more, the wisdom of non-action. It's in the non-times that the path opens up the most and the desire for right action has a chance to develop. There has to be a rhythm between both to satisfy the spirituality of Pisces.

Pisces understands the strength in passivity, but as you can see, the people are opposed, so they denigrate it and label it "passive-aggressive." Well, that's better than killing someone. Stepping back and withholding overt action and aggression can be useful. Sun at 29 in the Iraq chart kind of verifies what you suggest. A war that went nowhere. People have survival fears but there are many ways to defend the self.

Music has traditionally provided that back and forth, but it no longer does so much.
This is one of my favorite topics - the craving for action and the guilt felt when one does nothing. Nothing is as good as something. Better in some cases. It's the area of all possibility. You have to go there. I think you are right in that the lesson is coming with the 29th degree. We have gone pretty much nowhere. After that's accepted, somewhere will come.

Thank you for your wisdom dxp. Thank you so much. How wonderfully observant you are. That comes partly from the non-action, I would wager. A chance to step back, sideways, or any which way.

10/3/09 3:31 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

DXP...since you asked.

When I was in my teens people used to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I used to say "A Dionysian priest". Later when I got older I had a backlash. I realized that often as not Dionysus lead to me waking up in the woods with a hell of a hangover, no possessions, and no coherence to my actions after the nights of bliss. I became a worshiper of Apollo as a sort of reaction to my prior worship of Dionysus. It was the clean architectural lines, the beauty achieved instead thru discipline ordered application of talent. So that part of the poem came from realizing that I had integrated the two principles, and was beholden to neither..

10/3/09 3:34 PM  
Blogger dxp said...

JM - it is really you who should be thanked! And even tho I'm a newbie here I feel grateful for this site because there is communication of ideas. By 'ideas' I mean complex concepts that are metaphorical and emotional in nature. Complex story telling that opens inner doors.

"Music has traditionally provided that back and forth, but it no longer does so much.
This is one of my favorite topics - the craving for action and the guilt felt when one does nothing. " Music does so much in expressing contraries. I wonder what you mean here, tho - music is not as powerful for you personally in resolution/expression of contraries? I, personally, have never been able to bear the guilt of not being productive, so every once in a while I somehow get completely physically incapacitated so I'm forced to be inactive - a place where I've been for the past couple of months after a bad leg break requiring surgery. Drove me nuts. But now, as I'm starting to come out of it I'm sensing there was a lesson, I've learned something, but it has not congealed into my conscious mind yet.

mpk Thanks for the further info. You must have been quite a kid to have wanted to be a Dionysian priest! My 12 year old nephew (who I adore) says "I don't like it when adults drink because I can't" - and he loves greek mythology and studies it on his own and is quite good with it.

10/3/09 5:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

By 'ideas' I mean complex concepts that are metaphorical and emotional in nature. Complex story telling that opens inner doors.

Yes. Since I was a child I had difficulty with the group in their forward thrust, speed, and superficial treatment of ideas. There's always a lot of gossip which never interested me that much. And people have a hard time detaching enough to think in the abstract. So I kind of gave up. You can imagine how wonderful it is to share this kind of discourse.

At the same time that I thoroughly enjoy impersonal ideas, I also find the human underlying bond important and a basic respect of the other when involved in conversation. Listening is an art. Hearing is too. Response is ambrosia. It's hard for people to be present with one another. They're usually talking about someone else diminishing the importance of present company. It's good to know there are lovers of fine art around.

music is not as powerful for you personally in resolution/expression of contraries?

That's a good question and further demonstrates why I like the way your mind works. I was thinking in terms of society and how noise and confusion have replaced rhythm, grace, and the provision of interlude. The same probably applies to my life. I used to have a much more cluttered life and music was the opposite sensation, so maybe I need it less now that my life is slower and more peaceful. Music stops life in its tracks. It instantly transports to an alternate dimension when working.

Let me know if you have any ideas about what you learned during your convalescence.

I love the metaphorical.

10/3/09 5:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Surfer that he is, President Obama should know a riptide when he's in one. The center usually is the safest, most productive place in politics, but perhaps not now, not in a once-in-a-century economic crisis.

Swimming in the middle, he's denounced as a socialist by conservatives, criticized as a polite accommodationist by government-is-the-answer liberals, and increasingly, dismissed as being in over his head by technocrats.
Letting go of the "Promised Land" is happening a bit faster than I expected.

"Luckily for Obama, the public still likes and trusts him, at least judging by the latest polls, including NEWSWEEK's.But, in ways both large and small, what's left of the American establishment is taking his measure and, with surprising swiftness, they are finding him lacking."

.....the complete article at the link.

10/3/09 5:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

OOOps. Let me re-fashion that post somewhat.

Letting go of the "Promised Land" is happening a bit faster than I expected.

"Surfer that he is, President Obama should know a riptide when he's in one. The center usually is the safest, most productive place in politics, but perhaps not now, not in a once-in-a-century economic crisis.

Swimming in the middle, he's denounced as a socialist by conservatives, criticized as a polite accommodationist by government-is-the-answer liberals, and increasingly, dismissed as being in over his head by technocrats.

Luckily for Obama, the public still likes and trusts him, at least judging by the latest polls, including NEWSWEEK's.But, in ways both large and small, what's left of the American establishment is taking his measure and, with surprising swiftness, they are finding him lacking."

.....the complete article at the link.

10/3/09 5:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Letting go of the "Promised Land" is happening a bit faster than I expected.

There's not really that much time left. It has to happen, there's no doubt, but the people have to work with it as it unfolds. They'll get the bends otherwise. They seem to be doing all right.

This is excellent news chiron, not at all surprising. The lunation was a big step, and that was simple to foresee.

It's also written in the inuagural chart and I'll go over that again as reality settles in.

They can still like him. But the letting go of childish attachment to leadership with the Cancer transits cannot be prevented. This is the beginning and even though it's painful, right now it seems a little less so than I thought it would be.

The hard part will be the Pluto opp to the Sun square Saturn. I would not want to be president then.

But, in ways both large and small, what's left of the American establishment is taking his measure and, with surprising swiftness, they are finding him lacking.

The "lacking" part is our ace as will be revealed. It's our entrance into self-esteem eventually.

and increasingly, dismissed as being in over his head by technocrats.

Of course. Important reality. It will be understood in due time.

Another day, another baby step.

10/3/09 6:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Life is being kind for a moment. With Venus retro, maybe the decline will slow for a sec and people can get their bearings.

It's a perfect time to go within and find pleasure there, plus confidence and sense of self. This could help the separation process. The focus on him had reached the maximum bearable point, so I think the crowd is due for a little self-recognition. Last months of Leo SN too. We shouldn't be smothered.

10/3/09 6:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Things work out in overall patterns. I struggled to find enlightening conversation for years until my sophomore year of HS. I've talked about this before, but my 9th grade English teacher asked the administration if she could have me for 10th grade English for an experiment. She bucked years of tradition and had a roundtable instead of the usual class with me and another guy as leaders, self appointed by the group according to nature. She sat in the circle with us. It was incredible and worth every moment of previous denial. A solid year of divine conversation, springing from literature into our own ideas with no restrictions. We got along beautifully and the group dynamic was the best I ever experienced. Bob and I expressed ourselves fully while bringing out the best in the others. I looked forward to school every single day. The self esteem was pervasive. It says something about the exchange of ideas you speak of, dxp, and its fundamental therapeutic nature. That experience enriched my life forever. I'm about due for a repeat.

And now with this retrograde respite perhaps we can enjoy the renewed pleasures of shared ideas for a minute.

10/3/09 6:22 PM  
Blogger dxp said...

Wow. Really JM that HS experience sounds incredible. I've taught off and on over the past several years and am often involved in community arts events and I can say that that experience was probably just as important to your teacher as to you. One never ceases to get something from an exchange like that!

Chiron, as you know, I always love your perspective. My feeling about Obama is that he just does not have a vision (other than personal, and that counts too, so I mean a leadership vision). Also, at this point in time, economic 'vision' is couched in untenable structures. Are we to be capitalist or socialist? Or some strange combination of them? Now we are privatizing profits and socializing losses so which is it to be?

If it was up to me, I would fix health care - completely socialize it (might be a Pisces thing too). There are good workable models out there (and I'm NOT talking about health care that is mandated, reviewed, prescribed, big brothered). It would be painful for the health insurance industry but would be a huge boost to every individual and company and corporation! But it would really take a fighter to make real change to health care. IF we could do that we could get closer to a 'managed capitalism' that seems to be the US best model. What do you think?

10/3/09 6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought I throw this into the mix, seeing as the 29 Pisces was being discussed earlier:

"Religion is a tool of enslavement and man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." --Michael Rivero

10/3/09 6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob and I expressed ourselves fully while bringing out the best in the others.

Wow, jm, that sounds so neat. I've noticed for years that when I am being my authentic self, I give people permission to be themselves. Little, if anything, is actually said in words, but they get the message anyway. It tells them they're safe to let go of the disguises they wear, even just to peep out from behind the mask for a moment.

10/3/09 6:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Dxp, am I ever glad you arrived. You make so much darn sense.

What you said about my teacher is beautiful. She was one in a trillion. The whole thing was unexpected and I knew she loved me but had no idea how much. She simply had to do this and it happened. Everything about it was right and it always reminds me of how good we can be and how well it can all work out.

My feeling about Obama is that he just does not have a vision (other than personal

This is so perceptive dxp. He might later, but not yet. The vision has to be ours now. You could be right about the economic model being under scrutiny and managed capitalism sounds about right. I don't think we are socialistic. We are so used to free enterprise and low taxes, I don't know if that will change.

There's a lot ahead after the Pluto return when I think we'll see some changes, but socialism has as many problems as capitalism. Maybe profit motivation is learned behavior, though, and it can be changed. I basically think that whatever system ensures survival will be the one adopted.

It's all about the small businessman and what we have now is actually closer to communism in the dictation by corporations -- who we are, what we purchase, who we elect, etc. The original model of capitalism with social benefits to those who need them might work. People say they care for their fellow humans, but when it comes down to it, not so many are prepared to act on it. Many are naive. We will see. I do know it's going to take quite a few years to work it out. It takes a lot of evolution to change fundamental social behaviors, or extreme circumstance. We might need both, but it's not to soon to think about good political models.

10/3/09 10:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've heard that one anon! I hope it happens before then! Maybe there's a sensible form of worship. Who knows??

I've noticed for years that when I am being my authentic self, I give people permission to be themselves.

That's it joe. The authentic that's so hard to come by. It works.

It tells them they're safe to let go of the disguises they wear, even just to peep out from behind the mask for a moment.

Ooooweee, yes. Spoken like a true Scorpio getting to the kernel of honesty and revelation. It feels good.

10/3/09 10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... partner B has SN in Pisces, 28 degrees. He found out today via his acupuncturist that he has lumps growing on the joints of two of his toes on his left feet. They've been growing for over a year and being the stubborn-about-remaining-silent -about pain Capricorn Sun conj. Saturn he has been pushed to deal with it...very painful:(

i'm trying to make more of this other than a super-obvious SN in Pisces/Saturn opposition...
any thoughts on the karmic (or otherwise) lessons of SN in Pisces? I'm not sure where to go within RU for the nodes!

10/3/09 10:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Pisces, of course, rules the feet, and I associate it with mobility and forward motion, although one of my sources says it has to do with "understanding."

SN Pisces doesn't want to deal with the world, success, keeping things together, and all of that, even if masked by Capricorn achievement. They still want to let it all unravel and waste away in failure and retreat deep down, identifying with the underdogs and misfortunate. Maybe there's fear of success. The NN in Virgo takes care of the body so that could be why he neglected it.

With Uranus approaching, and Saturn on the North, plus Pluto coming to the Cap points, he could be doing some false growth (lumps) impeding his progress in the world as preparation. If he can reduce or dissolve the lumps at the same time investigate his fears about going forward, that could solve it. The SN is so habitual, it's hard to get free, but if anything can do it, Uranus can. Sometimes before a breakthrough, the problems increase.

Sun-Saturn in Cap has big fears about their abilities and worth in the business world, and the SN is a place of escape.

I haven't done that node yet. I'll try to get to it. At its worst it can let physical things slide forever. The good thing about Pisces growths is that they can miraculously dissolve quickly. It sounds like he's undermining his progress now, but the fact that he's sought help is a good sign.

Louise Hay says the toes represent the minor details of the future.

10/3/09 11:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Also with SN Pisces, there can be guilt about abandoning the spiritual for the material, whether conscious or not, and addiction to useless sorrow. Not productive sorrow like Capricorn! Self-immolation is a Pisces favorite, but not this time around.

10/3/09 11:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You bring to mind a good point about this Neptune factor in general now, and the end of Uranus. The future ceases to exist deep in Pisces, and I think we're approaching that point. No one can tell where the economy is going, nor the administration, and for now, I think the whole thing will remain a mystery until the lesson of Pisces comes home. Real faith beyond the cast of characters trying to lead. No false promises and no details about the future. We really have to bank on that anyway all our lives. Trusting individual humans doesn't work as well as trusting life. The others come and go. Life only goes once! You have to trust. The details always work themselves out. So seeing through the deception into a more multi-dimensional positive view would be ideal. Good things go on all the time, as subtle as they might be.

11/3/09 4:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Chiron, as you know, I always love your perspective."

Thank you DXP. :)

11/3/09 10:41 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

Trusting individual humans doesn't work as well as trusting life. The others come and go. Life only goes once! You have to trust.

It takes practice, but learning to live without fear and paranoia is good. On the other hand is Kurt Cobain's line "Just because you're not paranoid, don't mean their not after you." To which I add, even if they are after me and I'm choosing not to be paranoid, I will still try to be aware of what's actually happening without too much attachment.

11/3/09 1:41 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

A friend of mine who has been robbed numerous times in his life says it's the price he pays for "not living in fear and paranonia". It's true that he is trusting and largely carefree. I'm much more guarded, have not had nearly the incidents that he has had but I'm much more paranoid about trusting people. I wonder what the balance is here? Do I hold too much fear and paranoia masked as caution or does someone like him hold too little? He usually takes things at face value, I much less often so.

11/3/09 1:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We're all entirely different, mpk, which is why astrology is so fascinating. There are commonalities but endless variations. I'm more like your friend in not being protective of things because I think that means more bondage. But you have a Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the second house of possessions and the moon can be fearful and over-protective. You also have two planets in Cancer in the 7th and need people very much. Again Cancer is fearful so you have to really trust them. Your NN and Aquarian placements resent the dependencies and you try to wiggle free. So there are constant relationship problems written in your chart. That's why you talk about detachment so much. In almost every comment. That indicates you're trying to get free especially with Pluto coming to oppose the 7th house planets. I think some of your relationships will end. You'll need them less after the transit so trust should be less of a problem. Let them trust you instead of you worrying about them. All NN1s want more freedom from bonded relationships than they have. If they don't like it, they can go. If you like them, that's that.

Other people are much more independent, far too detached, and some are lonely, not being able to bond well, so they have different life lessons. They are learning intimacy and trust. For a NN1 a lack of trust can actually be a good thing, leading to more freedom. SN7 in Cancer is really bent on leaving emotional dependency this lifetime. That's not to say you don't have good relationships anyway.

Everyone is fearful. It's comes with the territory. I find most to be a touch paranoid, too, since we are blind to the entities that govern us. It's a matter of degree and how we live with it. Fear ensures our survival and there is really nothing wrong with it. The material government is a stand-in for the real governors so they will always be paranoid in that respect.

I've always marveled at how people fear others. They mask it well with smiles, but the human animal has a good dose of this suspicion going all the time. I stay on the sidelines a lot so I notice all the subtle expressions of fear and I hear it in their voices. It's natural. We're highly competitive creatures. I think we are kind of forced to trust ourselves and something bigger.

Do I hold too much fear and paranoia masked as caution or does someone like him hold too little?

That's not at all the point and it's exactly what we NN1s have in common. Comparing ourselves needlessly with others. We have a singular identity and the NN is trying to ascertain that beyond doubt. Who they are and what they do are unimportant in relation to us. This is one of the hardest to master, and I can't wait!!!

NN1 is like Aries who wants to be better than the rest, so if the comparison leads to that, it's been worth it. Then it can end. An unshakable sense of self is the gift of the NN1, weaknesses included and accepted.

So your friend is acting according to his genuine self, and you are to yours. If there is a comparison and you are bothered, then you probably do want to diminish the caution. Uranus to your Mars will address that. It's served you well until now.

11/3/09 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Jm, your response was really useful for me. Another thing about his SN in Pisces is that it is in his 10th House.

I didn't realize that Node wasn't written about (yet). Are there any others you haven't got to yet?

Last night I did some energy work on his toes. I've done it on his feet before. He had terrible plantar warts that crippled him from 1979-1984. I should check the ephemeris and see what was going on with him.

Thanks for reminding me about Pisces/Neptune ability to dissolve. He has said that the warts disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. No scars: the bottom of his feet are as smooth as an infant's unlike mine which have pads as thick as a dog's!

11/3/09 3:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh no. SN in the 10th complicates it. No wonder he's hurting. NN in Virgo in the 4th would love to stay home and putter around the house, building cabinets and what-not. Maybe he can. That's a tough dilemma. He has it hard with the Cap planets and the 10th SN. Where is the Sun-Saturn conjunction? I did the SN10 and I'll post it in a minute. I haven't done Aquarius SN-Leo NN nor Pisces-Virgo. I'm getting closer I think. For once, this Aries should finish something!!!!

Crippling of the feet is not uncommon with Pisces-Saturn combos. I'd be interested in what transits were going on during wart time.

Touching his feet is ideal. NN in the 4th needs intimacy. With Virgo - physical. The kind and caring type. Pisces can be counted on for mysterious disappearances. I had a partner who had Neptune in the 1st, talk about appearing and disappearing!

Growths go easily in both directions. He's lucky to have you to help him sort it out. And that Taurus touch is worth it's weight in gold.

11/3/09 4:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

More on this mpk ...

NN in Aries or the 1st are all Aries related, so transits to Mars and the 1st house are especially important. Aries believes he can be who he wants to be, triumphant over circumstance. So he puts a lot of effort into self mastery -- staying in shape, being skilled, conquering enemies and the environment, etc. He is invincible.

You have both transits coming, and you seem to be sensing it. If you work with it chances are even better that your self-energy will be freed up more than ever, some of it untied from relationship. The problems you're having now are a lead-up. We spend our whole lives discovering deeper and deeper layers and the lessons are rarely completed, if ever.

I'm having very much the same instruction with Pluto on my Mars, going through layers of bondage, anger, and things like that to find the essence of myself free from perceived outside control. Pluto rules my SN. So I got involved in the outside political game as a metaphor for the relationship I'm seeking freedom from. As I disengage I will be closer to myself and my inner source of strength, a requirement as Pluto in Capricorn comes to my MC. But I still have to relate to society and the difficult teachings in that respect are part of the process. The key to maintaining my identity and freedom within the structure is the prize.

That's what you have ahead with Pluto on your ascendant. The deepest source of self and identity revealed. It's not an easy journey.

Mars in its purity cares nothing for the other, the hardest thing in the world for a SN7. With that node, we care too much, so we will never be truly uncaring and selfish. But we can at least learn to put ourselves first sometimes. More and more as we grow and gain confidence. The others will still be there.

The long Venus retro in Aries is a perfect opportunity to sharpen this skill.

11/3/09 4:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

South Node in Capricorn or the 10th
North Node in Cancer or the 4th

South Node in Libra or the 7th
North Node in Aries or the 1st

11/3/09 4:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

His identity is so undeveloped that he can actually create himself to his specifications. Once he extricates himself from what he thought he was in people's eyes, and possibly after fear and confusion, feeling so naked, he starts to perceive himself from his pure responses, exclusive of others' input. This is one of his greatest joys; knowing his singularity no matter how much it conflicts with popular opinion. And it often does. No one sees through everything more precisely than the Aries NN, forming his own opinions, making his own judgements. Knowing he is right.


11/3/09 4:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Leadership. At first it can be terrifying for these nodeholders to lead individuals, not wanting to be responsible for any misfortune that comes their way. But after years of seeing them constantly misled, some feel the urge to step in and take over, rather than watch the group sink under faulty guidance. There is frequently a purity to the Aries fire that people trust. He maintains dominance not by punishing or belittling the people he's leading, but by clear directed action, arousing them to follow. He might not be a great administrator or a cooperative part of a complex system, but the job of leading others out of danger, or to an improved situation, is his. He has the confidence if he doesn't slip and get misled himself. The world moves ahead in his care, although he might choose to remain solo and leave the group entirely behind.

11/3/09 5:03 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

Who they are and what they do are unimportant in relation to us. This is one of the hardest to master, and I can't wait!!!

You are so right JM, it is what is hitting me from all angles and the lessons are emotionally charged, potentially dangerous, subtle, and coming one after the other right now. It's hard not to become fearful and paranoid about it, but I'm managing OK. I brought up my friend because I was having to protect myself from something that was happening to him. He believed I was overreacting, but I knew I was right and eventually I was able to show him. The attacks I have been facing have all been about this lesson of staying uninvolved, no matter what the temptation. We were being fished. My challenge is vigilance combined with withdrawal of personality right now.

11/3/09 11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B's Sun/Saturn is in his 7th House.
What a trip.

I decided to look at the ephemeris for June 21, 1980. He was definitely in wart-land then. And look at this, I could fall off my chair:

1980: Neptune at 21 degrees Sagittarius.
natal: Mars/Mercury 17 degrees Sagittarius.

Jupiter: 4 degrees Virgo, natal Pluto 6 degrees

Saturn: 20 degrees Virgo, and Mars was 19 degrees Virgo and B's...NN at 28 degrees.


I just realized he's having a Saturn return for his bloody FEET! That is so hilarious...well if it wasn't painful it would be...

What else...oh! The NN was at 21 degrees Leo then...his Uranus is 20 degrees Leo.

Uranus was at 22 degrees Scorpio in 1980...his Venus is 22 degrees and his Moon 24 degrees Scorpio.


Thanks for posting the NN article again! This is so, so so helpful :))))

11/3/09 11:22 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

'm having very much the same instruction with Pluto on my Mars, going through layers of bondage, anger, and things like that to find the essence of myself free from perceived outside control.

I can definitely relate. The source of the lessons are also related to Pluto in my 12th house. Hidden enemies as you pointed out before. These people are popping out of the woodwork and while most of it is personal, some of it is stuff I'm encountering in others where I'm being called to understand and act appropriately if I'm to at all.

11/3/09 11:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Your welcome, chris. That was easy.

I had an event last weekend that led me to the same conclusion, mpk. I finally disengaged from a situation I was trying to get free from for years. There will be a series of these, and I agree with staying uninvolved. We NN1s need to keep our life force to ourselves. As soon as we let these things have it, the loss becomes exponential. Resisting the temptation is a good skill, but it can throw you curves. The outside events are symbolic of internal conflicts, though, and it's good to always remember that. They make a lot of sense in terms of our personal development. There's a perfect rhythm to the good and bad, the natural exchange between pleasure and pain.

I'm less and less afraid of these negative experiences. It's far superior to the coverups that eventually blow. I see them as good opportunities now, and I know that the kind of self mastery I'm seeking cannot come without these challenges. The spiritual gains are equal to the trials. I welcome them and I'm ready.

11/3/09 11:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's true about Pluto finishing in the 12th.

I think essentially that our enemies are really our allies. They lead us to places we dare not go on our own to encounter more shadowed parts of our psyches and to help us make decisions. That's what I've discovered. Sometimes it has to hit hard to make it firm.

I don't think any part of the sequence of events can be left out, so I see it all as equally valuable experience. I gain from every one. It doesn't make sense to me to categorize it, judge, and condemn it. It happens anyway. I figure I might as well take advantage of it and build strength and character.

In my case, the uptick in tension and rage has of course been disturbing, but at the same time I remember Pluto conjunct my Mars and what I gained then, so I'm willing to experience what I need to now in order to get the added strength I know I need. And the continuing path to my essential self is a life-long journey with every experience imaginable along the way.

You have a lot ahead so I'm sure this is proper preparation. Self defense is important, especially for a NN1 who is on his own fundamentally. These are our own experiences brought to us for good reason, so at least we can be brave and unafraid of ourselves.

12/3/09 5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think essentially that our enemies are really our allies.


Yes, and also because they show us by their behavior exactly what we don't want to become. This is also a Buddhist precept, if I recall right.

12/3/09 5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, your comments about looking up the time of "wart-land" for B. prodded me to look at my own chart again. I confess I'm still too green to catch all the nuances yet but something Lynn said over at Astrodynamics about the Chiron/Neptune conj. got me to thinking about my difficulty hearing (ie things sound fuzzy) these days. My amateur reasoning is, I have Chiron natally in Aries, making head issues my challenge, and the whole hearing thing is making my social services career (10th, Aquarius) harder. But then I think, aren't the ears more the province of Taurus (as in ENT or Ear, Nose & Throat which is a medical specialty) so maybe I'm making more of it than is really there and I'm driving myself in circles.

Anyway I would have to sit down and calculate all the times I've had more problems with it than normal (and about 2 years ago it actually seemed to get better!), but I wonder if I'll have the same "ah-ha!" moment you had with the warts and toes thing. We'll see, I guess. So FWIW, thanks! :o)

12/3/09 5:53 AM  
Blogger dxp said...

All so fascinating and educational. JM is there an index to your site? There's so much here!

12/3/09 12:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

No index, dxp. Just the archives on the right and a box upper left as a search engine.

12/3/09 5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks joe.
my left ear is bunged up and has been years.
last week i was lilting my head back, and touched a tendon that must be connected to my ear, because it was SO tender to the touch.
really, really painful. i followed the pain to a fixed point and it seemed to be connected to under one of my left lower molars. i just placed my fingertip there and tried super hard to just relax and ask it's what's wrong.

maybe you could try this: sit in complete stillness, do a relaxation ritual and ask your ear, only your ear, your physical ear:
"What are you trying to tell me? I'm listening."
Maybe you could cup your ear.

Two nights ago after the full moon I started massaging my face. i put some lavender in grapeseed oil and push gently on all those little muscles. apparently there are loads of them (my research isn't scientific).

oh! and i woke up like a shot in the middle of the night last night: "My progessed Moon is in Pisces in my 3rd House!"

12/3/09 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Chris, but this is a chronic, degenerative thing, not a transitory one.

13/3/09 6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang it! sorry joe! sometimes i just blather away without thinking.

13/3/09 7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice topic. My Sun is at 29 Pisces. And I have a long (and annoying) history of calling people on their BS, as well as calling myself on my own BS. It's kind of exhausting really. Looking forward to sharing the experience with everyone else.

13/3/09 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Chris, it's nothing you could have known about anyway. :o)

13/3/09 3:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Some associate Saturn with hearing. I think several planets are involved. Mercury, too. Saturn in Gemini is a block in communication so hearing loss is one way to tune out. Maybe not such a bad idea. People make little sense by and large, just needing to hear their voices to feel secure. A lot isn't worth listening to. Most is confused and confusing. And maybe if you could tune out in other ways, the hearing wouldn't worsen. I also think most ailments have room for improvement and the variations you've noticed, are worth considering, joe.

13/3/09 3:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anon! Thanks for the pertinent information. That's so funny because in the process of writing this I realized my own BS and shut up for a minute. I see it all the time. It's the nature of things. The Babbling Tower. I know the exhaustion about which you speak. Maybe there really is something special about this degree and I was hoping beyond hope that sharing it with everyone would be a reality, but I'm having some doubts. But then again, I've tuned a lot of it out so the hope could still be there! 29 will reveal, I'm sure.

13/3/09 3:57 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

I finally had the epiphany. I get the NN1 thing and understand why my psyche has been all over the map lately. My whole life I've gone from one difficult pursuit or overarching concern to another. I've had to conquer something or find a high level of mastery and do it as fast as possible. In the transitions as each comes to a close I've always been disoriented and more or less blindly reached for the next overwhelming thing without seeing this as a pattern.

We choose our prisons, bind our wounds...

Now that I see it, the pain and discomfort of not having this right now is already greatly relieved. I can choose with more consciousness this time and maybe even transform this karma somehow. I'd like to relax and hold off a bit and have some fun before I choose this time. I'm asking the Universe for 5 years... we'll see.

13/3/09 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, man I was 12 and asking my parents what was wrong with the govt and got told to shut up...and a million times since then (I'm a week shy of 38 now). I am over it. Everyone is full of it sometimes. Gotta keep working toward letting the truth be told, as far as I'm concerned it's the only thing that really matters. (Same anon Pisces as before). Thanks for your response.

13/3/09 9:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Mpk, this is amazing and so are you. A true magician. 24 hours after what I realized was the most honest conversation I've had in ages (the one with you), I also had an epiphany and understood exactly what is happening to me now. It was laid before me like a simple lesson, easy to read and comprehend, like a gift from the teachers. My life is a little bit altered as a result. I've given it a few days to sink in, and it's going to the right places. It's real. I was going to tell you, but then I decided to be quiet for a moment and absorb. So I'm glad you're here now.

We choose our prisons, bind our wounds...

And how. If we get this, we have it. I'm in my own prison for good reason now - so I won't go prematurely, and being an Aries, I've been known to jump the gun. It's astonishing how strict the sages have been in denying me that false entrance. So now I accept my confinement at this crucial and pregnant point.

Now that I see it, the pain and discomfort of not having this right now is already greatly relieved.

That's exactly exactly exactly what happened to me while on a run right after our opening up. I suddenly knew precisely what you mean when you always say you know what you have to do. I saw it like pure gold and I also decided to give myself the time needed since I can't quite do it now. I said 3 or 4 but 5 years is probably more like it. It's going to happen naturally. It's been a strange revelation and like you, I feel relief.

I get to places together with you that are completely applicable to my life and the puzzles I'm working with. There is an emotional honesty about you that is more refreshing than I can say. It cuts through. So thanks, mpk. You are unique.

In the transitions as each comes to a close I've always been disoriented and more or less blindly reached for the next overwhelming thing without seeing this as a pattern.

God, you are so right. And I believe that these transitions, if experienced well, can be the most useful times of all. I'm in the biggest one of my life now. The slower the better. I will not flail blindly. I see.

My psyche has been all over the map, too, because in this transition I'm finding a deeper more accurate direction and I'm being stripped of all previous paths. Now I'm ready to be stripped and on the glorious map of potential, with me together with myself.

I very nearly seriously betrayed myself right before our conversation, and now I know why. I think all we need to do is pay attention. It's all here.

Sense is returning.

13/3/09 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to double post...but you shouldn't have doubts! That was an amazing post...the best I've read on your blog in awhile. May be a function of my anaretic narcissism. Heh. But I am neither pro-Obama or anti-Obama. The proof is in the pudding...and I'm not sure if I like the taste of it yet! But I really loved this. Thanks.

13/3/09 9:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anon! What a relief. I've been told to shut up myself lately for the same infraction. Can you believe it? The same government they, the punishers, are always complaining about.

got told to shut up...and a million times since then (I'm a week shy of 38 now)

Boy howdy. And happy birthday. I, for one, will never tell you to shut up. Quite the opposite. How in the world can someone shut themselves off to wisdom? Yup. Happy 38th in the 29th degree. Your time is here.

Everyone is full of it sometimes.

I would agree with a slight alteration. "Most" of the time. I'm with you on working toward the telling of truth.

13/3/09 9:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

But I am neither pro-Obama or anti-Obama.

The absolute seat of wisdom. I think I believe in the 29th after all. I've joined you there. Finally, after both ends of the spectrum. Pro or anti are meaningless. We're all here to stay for awhile and there's not much anyone can do. We do what we do. Of course, moods can alter the non-judgement occasionally.:)

13/3/09 9:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Bareback riders dance on horses, Painters squish oils, plumbers twist pipes, and politicians lie. Job description. So I put them all together and I don't feel affection for them as a whole. But they are insignificant. It's a huge cast of players with some in the starring roles, but only as symbols.

Some people actually don't mind lying, so naturally they follow these people down the path of everyday suspense. More power to them. They can even have my power if they need it. Something tells me they might.

But really, these players are just that. I've got some hacking in the wilderness to do. I'll clear a little path of my own. We're all harmless. Right?

13/3/09 9:31 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

That's exactly exactly exactly what happened to me while on a run right after our opening up. I suddenly knew precisely what you mean when you always say you know what you have to do. I saw it like pure gold and I also decided to give myself the time needed since I can't quite do it now. I said 3 or 4 but 5 years is probably more like it. It's going to happen naturally. It's been a strange revelation and like you, I feel relief.

This is absolutely stunning. The epiphany also came to me while on a run. I wonder if we were running at the same time? I have no words sufficient to express my gratitude.

13/3/09 9:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Omg, mpk. It was about 8 PM, and I distinctly got your magic circling with me. The tension of the previous months left my body as I ran. I discovered the truth about something that has been bothering me for at least five years. My problem before has been back-tracking, returning to the familiar habit and anxiety. Second guessing myself. This time I mean to ride it and not let this moment slip away.

Pluto is returning for another confrontation with my deepest frustration, but this time should be different. I really would like to know the source of our human discomfort with life, but I suppose we'll never really find that except for these brief moments. That will have to suffice.

I feel the same about gratitude. Everything is worth it.

14/3/09 6:21 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Like you, mpk, I share the NN1 Aries desire to be a master of all. I see it done around me and I say to myself, "I can do it better." And I do. So I learn one thing after another and do the best I can. Aries wants a better world besides fulfilling their own potential. And no one has more potential than Aries. In fact, no matter what we do, it's still potential. We haven't done it. "I haven't even gotten started yet," is my mantra.

But now I need to sort of slow down on all the mastery and focus on a main path, and move beyond what others are doing. If I do that then maybe I can go back to my pursuits and master the five or so major things I still have planned before I die!

Venus retro in Aries is bringing this all to mind and we have many months ahead to focus on ourselves. It will even get better.

14/3/09 6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saturn in Gemini is a block in communication so hearing loss is one way to tune out.

I definitely see that now but the greater problem is being cut off from others. Granted a lot of their talk is mere blather and not worth listening to, but what about the worthwhile things? Everything is harder: working/career, leisure, interacting with people who have something to share, etc.

14/3/09 8:19 AM  
Blogger jm said...

what about the worthwhile things?

You'll get them anyway, one way or another. One of my friends has hearing loss and we speak LOUDLY and clearly when we want to communicate with him. So it's up to the others to meet you there in terms of familiar connections. And you can learn to make demands, the gift of 1st house Saturn.

Everything is harder: working/career, leisure, interacting with people who have something to share, etc.

First house Saturn again. There should be reward in time, and by then maybe a fix for the problem will be developed, or better hearing aids. I think there are always compensations. People don't admit how frustrated they really are, so where we struggle in some areas - everyone - we have ease in others. I think it will improve in time as you consciously work with your Saturn. At least you know what your difficulties are. Many can't pinpoint the sources of their troubles. Don't want to probably, knowing where that will lead.:)

14/3/09 2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recognize Saturn's tracks in this whole thing, believe me. I was just saying to Tseka recently that I was finally starting to come out from behind that lifelong 1st house Saturn barrier and do a lot of things I was too shy to do before, only to run headlong into worsening hearing loss, to the point where, I kid you not, I am facing the possibility of a cochlear implant. Now how Uranian is that? Bionic man, jeez man!

14/3/09 6:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That would be great if it works!!! Wow.

14/3/09 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"if" is the operative term here.

14/3/09 8:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What's involved and what is the success rate? I have a good feeling about it. Scorpios are perfect for surgery and drastic measures. Just build a new system! It would be beyond fantastic to have your hearing restored. I guess the frightening aspect is the uncertainty and I suppose the possibility of it ending up worse. But these people know what they're doing. Tell me more. That part of your trouble pie bothered me the most being a musician.

14/3/09 8:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It could be part of your Pluto transit - 8th house of crisis and surgery - and Jupiter for expansion. Capricorn being part of the hearing mechanism and Pluto fixing it for good. Then it would clear the way for your ascension as Pluto moves to the top of your chart.

14/3/09 8:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That part of your trouble pie bothered me the most being a musician.

Funny. I used the past tense.

14/3/09 8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's also funny is the word I used: "operative" :o)

I have only the most rudimentary knowledge of how it works, altho I know more now than I did a month ago. I have an appt. on the 26th to be assessed for how it would be done on me. I already know I am a good candidate, but the surgery involves more time off from work, and more time (6 weeks) spent totally deaf because of the internal trauma post-surgery. (the reason it happened last summer was another operation designed to clear a bone growth, if you remember) *sigh* The whole ordeal this past year has had me close to depression as I ever want to get. I'm just starting to come out of that and the prospect of doing it again is, well, depressing.

14/3/09 8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand it would have bothered you, being a musician. God, I miss being able to listen to music comfortably. Now it's just noise, usually, unless I know the song well.

I still think Chiron is involved somehow.

14/3/09 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the other thing, after it's all done and healed, I have to spend a lot of time training my brain how to interpret the sounds being gathered by the device. I dunno how long that takes. I would probably have to quit my job and try to find something else later on. Given the economy I wonder if it's even advisable to go thru with this now. I have more questions than anyone else, believe me! :o/

Phooey on Saturn anyway.

14/3/09 9:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah, I noticed the operative.

It's depressing no matter what. Interesting Capricorn and bone. You can do it any time so maybe you can wait until you feel up to it. It might not be like the last time, especially if you have confidence and a doctor you trust and like. Restored hearing would wipe away that depression like nothing else. Then you'd have the agony of hearing them to replace it!

14/3/09 9:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Now it's just noise, usually, unless I know the song well.

believe me, most of it's noise even with perfect hearing.

Well, considering Jupiter, you might have to throw caution to the wind. In fact, that might be part of your Saturn breakthrough.

14/3/09 9:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The economy might get worse, so maybe you strike while the iron's hot.

14/3/09 9:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The only problem I can see is the sounds themselves. Most people can't stand hearing aids and I wonder if the sounds are similar.

14/3/09 9:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Probably not. It's the outside interference that's bad with hearing aids, from what I can gather.

14/3/09 9:06 PM  
Blogger TaosJohn said...

The 29th degree of Pisces has a tendency to bring out the apocalyptic in people, along with the idea of some rapturous entrance into a transformed earthly environment, especially when Uranus moves ahead for good in 2012. That's normal. End times and all. It's unlikely that any hugely radical world will be birthed in the next years, although the hope will go up and down, as reality slowly settles in.

I don't know about Pisces, but I know my mother, the living embodiment of holy hell, even at age 87. I had an indirect encounter with the black vortex today and found myself waxing apocalyptic in all kinds of blog comments that never should have seen the light of day.

Funny how that works.

14/3/09 10:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

John, omg. All the love, hate, humor, desperation, anxiety, understanding, stuckness, and everything else we all feel for our families. What a mother. No wonder you're excitable at times!

People are amazing. I don't know how they're made like they are.

15/3/09 4:36 AM  

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