Friday, December 24, 2021

Crimes, Fantasies, and Farces

In that order. The public appetite for entertainment seems to follow that preference. I would include horror in the number one category. Oh there are always a few saps in between the lines who go for love stories, but hair-raising suspense, a palpitating heart, shivers, and terrifying screams are the favorites.

Fantasies come in at a close second, but they usually include some action packed frightful situations and sometimes queer and macabre characters. It can be spooky.

On occasion, they like a few laughs in their bizarre farces before heading quickly to the next crime. Some of the crowd likes to fall down and roll in the aisles observing the absurdity of the plots and characters, and fortunately their tastes are occasionally catered to, silly as they might be.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Underground Negotiations

People love to assume that unfathomable horrors are coming everybody's way. Those of an extremely powerful magnitude. The bearers of bad news are lauded and even occasionally believed.

Some people exclaim, "It's Pluto coming!"

But how do you know? He's invisible, I've been told..

Of course the end of civilization, western or otherwise, is a possibility, but it's not probable. The earth has settled down these days. It's no longer a boiling ball of muck adverse to life. 

I've often wondered why humans enjoy contemplating their future suffering, and I've concluded it must be a thousand reasons. At least.

And so people exclaim, "I can't wait until Pluto leaves!" 
But realistically, this purveyor of nightmares is always around, and he's not exactly what some say and think he is.

Oh yes, Pluto is Lord of the Underworld. I'll give you that. 
From what's been reported, though, there's a vast number of sub-worlds in this territory coming in all varieties. Some pretty nice. There's a place for everybody. I'm not sure who decides who goes where. Some say it's prearranged. Can it be negotiated, I wonder? 

So how much? 

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Zelda's Eggs

Myrtle Rae's Uranian chicken, Zelda, is known for laying some highly stimulating eggs. People in the vicinity say these creations add an exceptional kick to their holiday eggnog. Now that wild Uranus is squaring dour Saturn once again, I expect the eggs to add a lot of spirit to the holiday cheer.

Eggnog has its roots in the tradition of egg and wine punches, but evolved in colonial America to suit the available ingredients, most notably, rum. Rum was referred to as grog, thus egg and grog, shortened to egg 'n grog, then eggnog. Make it easy!

America's first President, George Washington, was quite fond of a very strong eggnog and the recipe is as follows:

"One quart cream, one quart milk, one dozen tablespoons sugar, one pint brandy, 1/2 pint rye whiskey, 1/2 pint Jamaica rum, 1/4 pint sherry -- mix liquor first, then separate yolks and whites of eggs, add sugar to beaten yolks, mix well. Add milk and cream, slowly beating. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold slowly into mixture. Let sit in cool place for several days. Taste frequently."

They were tough guys our founding Dads. The fellas could use a (some) stiff drink(s) after freezing in the Delaware River securing our independence.
