Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Taurus-Aquarius Square

In the sign of Taurus, the native gets comfortable on the earth plane and comes to revel in his sense of self and all the sensations life has to offer. After the hard survival efforts of Aries, one is ready to relax in contentment free from the personal entanglements that come later on. While the person becomes attached to objects and discovers the pleasures of possession, one is still relatively free of others. You can often observe Taurus in a group unbothered, doing its own thing. While the crowd  excitedly anticipates catastrophic comings, Taurus is largely unmoved.

At the end of the wheel comes Aquarius in square aspect to Taurus. This is where people part ways with their self centered focus and become part of the group. 
Oddly, Aquarius is associated with freedom, yet some personal freedom is traded for entanglement with the many in this sign.
Naturally, Taurus can become uncomfortable. Personal pleasures always remain a priority, but human evolution must go on. There are seven plus billion others to consider, which is a big big stretch for Taurus.

Well, unfortunately for Taurus, some high wire astrological vibrations are occurring in Aquarius these days. The natural self centered engagement is being attacked from the side. At the same time, to its dismay, airy impractical Aquarius is caught and held by substantial, feet planted on the ground, realistic Taurus. The progress of humanity does take time. Slow paced Taurus knows the value of incremental growth.

People sense opportunity and are racing to try social ideals out on the crowd, but it's still the beginning. Heavy footed Taurus might not comply completely, even when pushed. Stability is primary. Nonetheless, impossible, nervous, futuristic Aquarian ruler, Uranus, will surely rattle the Taurus floor. Unsettling Uranus upsets Taurean peace and contentment, but too much sedentary inaction can be problematic, so a jolt might be useful. Grounded Uranian electricity might be also.

The square aspect is tough. They are not  at all compatible, except by modality. In this case, both Aquarius and Taurus are of a fixed nature,  a setup for stubbornness. As far as the plot goes, will earthlings stay rooted in gravity or will they take flight into unknown realms of imaginary progress? With Uranus it's hard to predict. Some progress is likely, I would think. Something sensible.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Next Beginning

In astrology, the motions of the planets around the zodiac are called transits, and each transit mimics the astrological wheel itself.

It starts in Aries when the planet returns to its original place. Right before the return is the twelfth house phase. The dissolution. The end.

The United States Pluto return is in the 12th house phase. Things seem to disintegrate, they disappear, they dissolve. A disintegrating government, with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, makes perfect sense. At least the appearance of an unravelling is present.
Consolidation of forces, action, and forward motion to unexplored frontiers are being prepared for, but aren't yet ready to manifest. They will be soon. It's impossible to see the path within the fog of dissipation and the temporary blindness of the 12th house phase,  but there's always conjecture for those wishing to look ahead and maybe even contribute to shaping the outcome.

It's quite interesting, time wise. Pluto officially returns to start the new Aries cycle in February 2022, the beginning of next year. The complete return and the transition to the new Aries phase comes in October 2023.  It marks the next beginning in the logic of sequence when dissolution is complete. Some extension of time can be expected as adjustment to the next phase comes and Pluto leaves Capricorn altogether in 2024. 250 years is a long chapter to close and open anew.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Social Change

Now that's creative. Little Lulu is a clever gal. What a cutie. Can you imagine this scene in today's society? Smoking is not only frowned upon, but it's being taxed to  high heaven and holy hell and further.

Things really do change. We kids didn't think twice about Uncle Merle breathing toxic fumes in our laughing faces, or Aunt Dot dangling inch long ashes at the dinner table. You could always tell which butts were hers by the ruby red inprint of her lips. They didn't worry about their teeth back then before implants, they just got the in-the-glass variety when the originals wore out.

Humans have inhaled smoke, for whatever reason, since time can remember. In caves and everywhere. Teepees had a wonderfully positioned hole on top and peace was made among the bellicose through shared smoke.

Hand me that pipe, please. And stop banging those drums! It upsets the animals!

Societies are always finicky about something. Pleasures extolled, pleasures outlawed. Humans are somewhat indecisive. Or fickle. Or maybe its flexibility. Adaptation they call it.

A word of warning ...... snatch your pleasures while you can!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Pluto Stands Still

Pluto is stationary in the skies now getting ready to go backward. Changing direction is a bit of an effort. Like four months worth ..... you don't want to strip any gears. Stations are a time to gather forces, study information, reformulate plans, or to sit back and wait for the story to continue. The stations and retrogrades are as influential as forward motion. They add perspective.

As the US Pluto return nears its end, a look at the joining of government and corporate business conglomerates is occurring. Monopolistic tendencies are part of the country's business style. Great wealth is a priority.

The alliance of government and big business, while sometimes satisfactory to an extent, has been corrupted to an unhealthy degree in America. When citizens' small businesses are wiped out, and big businesses aid in the effort then swoop in to capitalize on the destruction, the effects of Pluto in Capricorn are seen. And when corporations purchase an inordinate amount of legislation, with only their interests in mind, there are threats to the health of the entire system. A good system is vibrant, bottom to top. The American people historically have rejected onerous governments, but there is wide diversity regarding the degree of awareness and aquiescence.

Consolidation of power can be extreme with Pluto in Capricorn but so can the powers of regeneration. The natal configuration reflects both the conditions for excess and destruction and the seed of reckoning and transformation.

As usual these days, American Mercury is involved the whole time, stationary and retrograde, stationary again, and direct. Four months on the degree at year's end. Merc can't get out of his grip. Good ol' Pluto.

M...Hey!!! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! Stop suffocating me you little non-planet!

P...Relax. You can take a deep breath. And then another one. It's just air. It's good for you.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Persona non Grata

This lovely family has been barred from entering the dining room even though they are hungry. The reason? They aren't masked. Never mind that the mouth is essential to the act of eating, and therefore to survival, but the steps to and from the table are apparently ultra hot zones of deadly microbes. One has to be terribly terribly careful. People can't see them, can't see how many of them there are, and don't know what they're up to. One  must watch every step and think twice or more about breathing. Covered up, frightened, and tip-toeing around the living is now the required way to proceed. Thankfully, a mask, made of paper, plastic, loosely woven cloth, or whatever, with gaps everywhere and dubious filtering capabilities, will do the trick to outsmart the little devils, so it's said. What a relief. Thank the good lord for intelligent life.

The persons responsible for delivering the food to the tables are appropriately masked at all times. But what goes on in the kitchen beyond the diners' sight? I don't think you really want to know.

Perhaps the family would be
better off picnicking in the meadows or mountains, weather permitting.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Don't Fence Me In

Oh give me land lots of land under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don't fence me in

Congress is unhappy. The People's House is pretty much in lockup. It's tough.. The Senate is petrified into stone. Loaded guns are everywhere just in case.

They're paranoid, and rightfully so, being in a weakened condition. Age and non-use have atrophied their political equipment. Their sinews have dissolved, not to mention their floppy muscles. The governed outside are springing, while the fossils behind the fence are going around and around saying odd things.

But more power to 'em! And stay inside that fence!  Stay! Sit!

Song by Cole Porter

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Pissed Off in Florida and Texas. Particularly Florida

OK. Let's count the planets in Aries these two states have. That comes to a total of six, three each.

The two frisky states have defied convention and refused to participate in the novel vaccine passport syndrome just starting to sweep the nation. For reasons known to their states, and very logical reasons I might add, the idea of freedom to move being purchased with the price of an injection into the body of a dubiously approved experimental substance is not in keeping with their philosophy. So the two states have made it clear -- no vaccine passports.

In pure democratic fashion, the states are perfectly willing to let those who wish to be injected, do so. 

However, Florida got into a scrap with the crowd, and got quite angry. Not yelling, banging, shooting, and those kinds of things, but steely statements of defiance, and perhaps a little bit of threat.

I don't think they'll stay this way, being the Sunshine State and all, but sometimes you just stick up for yourself with Aries poking.

Texas has a load of planets in Capricorn, so they're more reserved.

The states h
ave seven planets in Aquarius so defense of independence is a fact of life. I would tread cautiously.

Monday, April 05, 2021

The Perils of Antiquity

I love cars and I love to drive. Internal combustion suits me very well. I love the hum of the engine, the feel of the wheels on the road, the dashboard at night, and the sights of the world whizzing by.

It could be caused partly my Aries rising that relishes movement and independence. Plus, I enjoy being alone. Cruising in my car by myself offers me endless pleasure, until, of course, the inevitable breakdown. And do I love my mechanics? A resounding yes! 

So it was with great pride and joy, upon emerging from the gym last night, that I found a note under my windshield wiper which read as follows:


I love your car!

Are you willing to sell it? If so, please reach out to me! I am a very serious buyer.

Please reach out to me @ ##########


My heart leapt. I have one of the most admired cars in town. A 1986 Honda Prelude, one of the best cars ever made, and it's a wreck! It's held together by Bondo, everything leaks, it idles all over the place, the fuel pump doesn't engage sometimes when I start it so I have to jiggle the main relay, the rear light is partly taped, as is the front turn light, and many other things. But it is a beauty. All the guys want it.

My first car was an old red Rambler, which I drove and lent to my friends until the doors froze shut. Sometimes the linkage didn't work so I'd have to get out, lift the hood, and adjust it manually.

Another favorite was a very very old baby blue Ford station wagon I found permanently parked in a health food store lot. I named her Henrietta. She required so much oil I had to add some every time I filled the gas tank. She got lost somewhere in Mexico.

Then I had a 1970 Ford camper which I drove for about twenty years. A blizzard broke the frame and it made a huge racket, but it was sturdy and I could stand up in it!

And now, after twenty-five years, I still love my Honda. So I'm not selling!

Friday, April 02, 2021

A Nation of Little Plutos

The mythological god, Pluto, ruled over the underworld, and in order to disguise himself while on earth, he wore a mask. The facial covering rendered him invisible.

The return of mysterious planet, Pluto, to its natal position in America's chart is closing in after 250 years. C
urrently Pluto has been digging deep for a long time in Capricorn, across USA Mercury at 24 degrees Cancer, and will be there until the close of the year.

Mercury rules lungs, breath, and communication. Lung ailments and nose-mouth coverings have become the rage, along with a constrictor's squeeze on public speech. The human mouth, entryway for Cancer nourishment, has become a terrible threat and not just because there's an immeasurable number of microorganisms entering in and spilling out. That's quite normal. The nose is the first line of respiratory defense, so naturally, living creatures reject interference. P
luto is not mortal, so he could be built differently.

As the cosmic plumber, Pluto eliminates waste from life's activities. There's a lot of detritus extruding from the mouths of people, which is always the case, really. Will mouth coverings help? Or should people use Saturn type restraint and editing.  Or they might communicate something of value from Pluto's treasure cave.

Mercury in Cancer speaks from the emotional body, often from personal need and not altogether aware of the consequences. With Pluto opposite natally, mental manipulation of public perception by the government (Capricorn) can easily take hold. On the other hand, evidential reasoning and logical conclusions can occur through Capricorn's intelligent influence.  Maturity encourages people to think for themselves, eventually viewing the government as an administrative body, not as an omnipotent parent.

Mercury in Cancer also frequently clings to the past. Old ways of thinking and problem solving are being tested with Pluto in opposition. A break from the old guard slipped in for a moment and now an attempted return is underway as Plutonian transformation nears its completion. The pressure is heavy, but the squeeze on free expression is unlikely to stifle the underlying urge of the body politic in America to enjoy its first constitutional amendment.

The masked underworld entity strips pretense from circumstance in order to penetrate the superficial and grasp some unadorned truth.  Lies are being trumpeted from all directions, but somehow some potent truth is sneaking in. Or out.  Perhaps the disguises are not what they appear to be. They never were an impediment to the microbes among us. They are, however, an impediment to healthy pride, self expression, and dignity.

The world is full of pests, poisons, disasters, crawling or flying horrors, and all kinds of scary things. Pluto in Capricorn urges people to methodically and rationally study these threats and find workable techniques to handle them. Common sense, a great gift to humans, is an always reliable device.

A nation of little Plutos walking the earth with fearsome power or little humans cringing in abject fear? It could be one, the other, or both. Ideally, the little humans could abandon attempted lordship over the underworld, leave it to Pluto, accept his guidance, and take their rightful place on earth, unmasked, revealed, and free to breathe and speak. Invisibility isn't working quite as well as it does for the real Pluto. And muffling Mercury doesn't work either. A reasonable amount of honesty might be a good thing, though, when it's said and done.