Monday, February 28, 2022

Birds of a Feather

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Drivers Shove Off

The American contingent of the Freedom Convoy, known as the People's Convoy, has begun its trip to Washington, D.C. under Mars exactly Conjunct Venus.

Equality baby!!!!

At 21 degrees, Mars and Venus in Capricorn form a quincunx with USA Mars at 20 Gemini. They talk to the government.

Speak up everybody! Raise your voices high!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

They Emerge From The Shelters

Looks like it's safe out there. We survived sugar cookie!

Traffic is surging, hours are extending, and movement is returning to the vessels of my town. The scares are gone, and the irresistible lures of lucious springtime are almost here. No time to waste.

"That was a rough one!" say they. "It's great to breathe the air and see the sun!"

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Of Presidents and Kings

The Full Moon in regal Leo is on February sixteenth. After two years of separation, people worldwide are converging, carried away from isolation in a tide of love. Leo governs the heart and love of self. Love of the other follows, as does pride.

So this caught my interest. The 27° Leo Moon on the sixteenth forms a precise quincunx with transiting Pluto, 27 Capricorn.

This Leo-Capricorn display is being exhibited before the current governments of the world, presidents, ministers, monarchs and otherwise. 
It represents the pinnacle of leadership.
Leo is the king and Capricorn is the superb administrator.

The quincunx to Capricorn reflects the reserve, decorum, discipline, composure, order, dignity, decency, maturity, and even modesty of the Freedom Convoy truckers as they take the stage before the world. The kings rise. The admiration pours in.

The truckers are magnificent. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Comforts of Revolution

The Freedom Convoy revolutionaries are setting up homesteads in Ottawa, Canada, complete with kitchens and mailboxes. They are cleaning up, shoveling  snow, and feeding everyone for free.

In astrology, Canada has its Sun (creativity) exactly conjoining Uranus (originality, the collective, revolution) in Cancer (the home). Oddballness and nourishment of the collective are natural to this bunch. They didn't waste a second. At home on the streets keeping cozy and hanging together. Why not enjoy the comforts of home when standing up for freedom? 

No wonder they aren't cold.

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Bouncy House Rebellion

"The bouncy houses are closed!" declares the prime Minister of Canada besieged by a terribly threatening band of disobedient citizens in revolt, armed with bouncy castles, music, dances, and highly dangerous jerry cans.

The revolutionaries' inflated fun houses have posed an awful threat to the frustrated leader of the country. He will not stand for it! Happiness and love are strictly forbidden!

Unfortunately for the miserable ruler, a full moon in heartfelt expressive children loving Leo is just ahead proving it virtually impossible to stem the tide. 

Bouncers of the world unite!!! The revolution will go down in history.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

The Night of the Jerry Can

A jerry can is a liquid container made from pressed steel, and more recently, high density polyethylene. It was designed in Germany for military use and holds 20 liters (5.3 gallons) of fuel. The name came from the slang term for Germans.
They are color coded: red for gasoline, yellow for diesel, and white for drinking water.

When the Canadian government threatened to confiscate the fuel of the Freedom Convoy's truckers, they being terrorists and insurrectionists in its view, the Convoy responded by asking anyone and everyone to come to Ottowa with jerry cans. They did. As you can well imagine, the cans quickly became instruments of percussion reverberating around the buildings and concrete streets.  Like well equipped missionaries they walk the avenues with determination and unique carriage.

What a surprisingly unusual revolt is going on up north. It could be that Sun-Uranus conjunction Canada has. That's a set-up for offbeat self expression. Or oddly onbeat, while the sun shines bright in Aquarius. Saturn is there too. That could account for their composure.

I agree with Ethel Waters, the singer. "She cehrtainly can can-can."

Monday, February 07, 2022

Oh Dear

"Trudeau Orders All Geese Rounded Up And Shot For Honking In Solidarity With Truckers,” write the satirists at the Babylon Bee. 

Horn honking has been banned in Ottowa. True.The logistics of enforcement are still being worked out.

Many have suggested alternatives such as drums, singing, pots and pans, sliding trombones, jerry cans, kazoos, and bagpipes! I go with kazoos. Truck them in immediately! The bagpipes would make the tormented wish for the horns back.

Over the weekend watching the live feed I observed something unbelievable. The truckers were doing call and response with their horns, organizing their pitches, and making melodies. Quite something. It caught my ear.

The nuts are trying to cancel music. Good luck you dumbheads!

The Honk heard round the world!!!