Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Spare Change

Hey brother! How 'bout a dime?

I need to make a phone call and I don't have my credit card or my checks. My cell phone's busted and so's my computer. So how 'bout it?

Yo! You! You gotta carry spare change.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Viva La Revolution!!!

Y'all lily livered whippersnappers ain't gonna mess with me. You blasted old yellow bellied scoundrels ain't neither!!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Uranus and the Ludicrous

 I once read a definition of genius that said, "A genius is one who recognizes the folly of his time."

Yeah, I said. "Could be."

Uranus equals genius some say. Wacky Uranus, flip-sided, ludicrous, absurd.
You know, the Theater of the Absurd has some geniuses I've discovered. The Absurdists seem not to make sense in their well crafted scenarios, but do they really? Many people come to watch the performances, so there must be some logic. Right? Or is everybody wack-o?

Sometimes I do something or see something and  I say to myself, "This is ridiculous." Many times, frankly. I even feel like I'm off the hook. Judgement fails... What?

The ludicrous is fun in a weird sort of way, so maybe earthdwellers do it for kicks. Perhaps they're geniuses. 

Well, Uranus is an oddball, that's for sure.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Myrtle Rae Burnstein is Outraged! Again!

 Enough is too much! These damn politicians don't know their ears from their lily livers. What a bunch of cowardly jackasses! And you're letting them govern you?  Are you completely out of your minds?

And take those damn things off your faces! They don't belong there. They scare Mortimer, my parrot, and he's high strung. And Zelda, my chicken, will bite you!  

And what's with this constant cleansing, purging, canceling, whining, and what not people are doing? You're clean enough. You're good enough. Good lord!

I've lost my patience which is never voluminous.

Love you all!! Don't be scared of anyone!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Zelda Has Been Found!!

 Zelda, Myrtle Rae's Uranian chicken, is quite impossible to hold down. She behaves erratically and disrupts everything.

Mortimer, Myrtle's parrot, likes to watch TV so he can imitate all the voices. Zelda hates it! She calls in her favorite rooster to scramble the sound and it drives high strung Mortimer nuts. Myrtle Rae is pretty tough so she puts up with wild Zelda and everybody and gives them free rein..

When Zelda lays it's unpredictable. White ones, brown ones, brown and white ones, striped ones, floral ones, transparent ones, you name it. They taste fabulous though! Even crusty Mortimer loves them.

In these Aquarian days, Zelda will be right at home. She's a blast! Great to see ya Zel!!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Fresh Establishment

Do you remember Aunt Hildegarde, the Virgo, who tragically found a fly in her torte while lunching at La Porte Verte?

Well, because of her accompanying Libran graciousness, she found a group of very nice investors and has opened a restaurant of her own. She uses only the freshest ingredients and the establishment is spotless. It's called The Garden Herb.

Cultivating herbs is a great interest of Hildegarde's, as is typically so with Virgos, and she's joined this enthusiasm with her fine cooking and baking, resulting in some very lively dishes. 
Virgos like cleanliness, usually, so creeping, crawling, and flying pests are handled correctly and efficiently.

The dining room is bustling. The investors are quite happy.

Friday, January 15, 2021


I like President Trump. He makes me laugh.

I had a man for a long long time who was the funniest man on earth. Now that's a hard act to follow, and not many make me laugh these days, but Trump does. Not the diaphragm splitting laugh like I used to know, but laughter more of a mental kind. He has a way with words, as they say.

Laughing triggers warmth, tickles me in the central area, and activates my throat in a different way from talking. It's fun. A fun frolic through the body. I love to laugh, and so what about all the old age lines it makes.
Naturally, I like Trump.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Screaming Plutocrats

 Even those who pay no attention to politics can hear the sounds coming from the seat of government right now. The group is often hysterically inclined, though. Or maybe it's just the ordinary melodrama.

The United States has Pluto in Capricorn depicting a merger between wealthy entities and the governing body. Policy dictates legislation that preserves this wealth. Distribution can get lopsided. Politicians who go to Washington wind up exorbitantly rich. For them, it's a good deal.

The current president has his Sun, north node of the Moon, and Uranus conjunct in his 10th house. Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are in the Aquarian 11th. This particular man is the embodiment of Uranus.

So if they demolish him and install their Pluto ruled Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio man into the presidency, their wealth will be safe, right?

I'm not sure. I wouldn't bet my money on it. Maybe that's why the shrieks are so deafening.

Crazy Uranus is turning direct in the sign of Taurus in square aspect to expansive Jupiter in Aquarius. Taurus meaning money. Aquarius is air and dispersion. If money grows on trees, or even if it doesn't, money will be flying around the earth for awhile. It's difficult to say where it lands. Air currents are partly unpredictable, although grasping and clutching are predictable.  Will the plutocrats run around the world stuffing every coin and bill into their pockets? When money flies in the air, it's impossible to grab it all.

Uranus in Taurus is coming onstage now and distribution of wealth is the key. Pluto is still in Capricorn, but its ambassador, Saturn is in Aquarius, possibly tempering the chaos and adding a touch of prudence.

There are quite a few square aspects coming between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. To Taurus, money is spread around like fertilizer, and in Aquarius, to the many. With Pluto in Capricorn, money is often stolen, always hoarded, and distributed among the very few.

I think we have a conflict of interest, presidents aside. The screaming is not likely to help. I have ear protectors, fortunately.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Spectacular News!!

 Esteemed chemist, Dr.Brent D.Boron, has discovered a cure for Covid 19, also known as SARS-CoV-2, also known as The Coronavirus, also known as a car accident, also known as the most deadly microbe ever to attack the human race, also known as a cold.

It happened quite by accident. The Doctor was working on a new form of meatless meat when a virus flew into the room and up his nose. Dr. Boron coughed, which he never does, so he became alarmed.

He got his special virus net, caught the pest, and set to work. It took some time and experimentation but the pursuit turned out to be a wonderful success. The curative potion does not actually kill the viruses, it simply makes the bombarded body invincible.

Thank you Dr. Boron.I hope you get a big prize!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Winston Moonbat Returns to Earth

Hello, Hello you wonderful earthlings! It's been a long time and I decided to fly down to give you the latest astrobabble. Too much is happening, but for you big consumers, too much is not enough! Worry not. I just phoned Pluto and he said the constriction will continue for awhile, but Taurus will eventually relax the squeeze, and enough will be exactly enough.

With all the planets in Aquarius the circuits up here have been overloaded. The galactic waves are vibrating like crazy, so if you occasionally get a buzz, or even an extra hard tingle, that's normal. My best pal, Uranus, is impossible to tame, but he's got his finger on the button of one of the wildest amusement rides you can imagine.

Buckle up and have fun! Or anything you want. Too much is quite enough! 

See you soon! And best to keep your own fabulous fingers out of the sockets! Jupiter can overdo it.

Friday, January 08, 2021

Trouble in the Vicinity

 The United States' Pluto return in Capricorn is heading toward its conclusion. The plutocracy that governs the citizens is in trouble. The people's revolt has commenced.

Since February of 2020, Pluto has been digging into the country's Mercury in Cancer at 24 degrees. Mercury, the people's voice. Pluto has been squeezing steadily, forcing the life and breath out of the governed. Masks have been slapped on their mouths and censorship of speech has run rampant. The consent of the governed, a cornerstone of the republic, has been ignored. Pluto is on the 24th degree right now. The citizens are agitated. 

The theft of the people's election was broadcast before it took place and the evidence is there. People watched in real time. The plutocrats are masters of thievery, or maybe not. There has not been enough time to present the proof, but the body politic recognizes the situation.

While the politicians were cementing the theft, and no matter who was responsible, the seat of government was invaded on January 6th. The plutocrats ran for cover. They should have. The United States has the moon and its lunar south node in Aquarius, the sign of revolution. She has a history of rebellion.

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is turning direct at 6 degrees Taurus. Jupiter in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus will be there exactly at the turn. Saturn comes to square Uranus in February, meaning more rebellion against the established order.

In May, Saturn goes retrograde and squares Uranus again. The two great planets will square off several more times during the Saturn in Aquarius transit.

And believe it or not, good old Pluto will be turning retrograde direct in September - October 2021 exactly on USA Mercury again. Three and a half months!

It looks like it's going to be an unruly year. And Uranus and Aquarius are anything but normal. Forget the old "new normal." This one is from outer space! Distribution of wealth is up for consideration with Taurus square Aquarius, and Pluto in Capricorn is out in the cold, just trying to get to Aquarius. The money power loving governing entity has some health problems.

The invasion of the Capitol was a spontaneous eruption in part, although probably staged as well. The movement of wealth to the plutocrats has threatened the body politic's survival to an extent, along with the lockdowns and the obliteration of small businesses. Masks inhibit breath and experimental vaccines reduce natural immunity. When a creature is threatened, it reacts. It certainly can be troublesome.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

The Role of Uranus

    Uranus and Aquarius are tasked with job of breaking bonds, shattering barriers, and introducing the native to dimensions unlike those ever experienced before. It's like being estranged until one gets habituated to the new place. It can be uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, actually, and sometimes the path out is destructive, with wide variation.

    In Capricorn, ruled by planet Saturn, solid structures are built and protection is enforced through rigid enclosures. The planet, itself, is bound by an extended border. Human behavior is regulated by strict rules and sometimes inhibiting patterns of correctness. After this restriction, the person is eager to break out, to say the least. In comes Uranus.
Uranus breaks these barriers and the degree of force is influenced by the strength, density, tightness of the obstacles.

    Uranus can obliterate structures to smithereens when so inclined, which is unpredictable. People call on Uranus when they feel inexorably trapped in these strictures that block them from the expanse of the universe and the extension of their minds. At the same time, they often are extremely dependent on the protection and the length they go to, to preserve their entrapment, describes the quality of the Uranian break-up.

     While Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars were in Capricorn, Pluto had help squeezing things into his desired shape. But now his pals have moved on to Aquarius and he is alone. This changes the story a bit. While lingering authoritarian behavior  still seems to prevail, Uranian freedom is just getting its air. The conflict is presenting itself and it's easy to be unsure of what to do.

     But think about it, see if you agree. Pluto is coming to Aquarius in a few years. What a perfect opportunity now to get with the lay of the land, and practice some techniques regarding liberation. I'll be prepared.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The Rise of the Outraged

The combative planet, Mars, is exiting Aries after forming a square aspect with America's Pluto in Capricorn and transiting Pluto. The Mars motion was long and the urge for autonomy surged, even though it appears the populace was compliant with authority.

The long Aries transit also occurred square the big American stellium in Cancer - Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury - meaning the need for dependency and protection squared off against the battle for autonomy.

Included, as well, was an opposition to US Saturn in Libra, triggering a demand for justice.

Authority's squeeze has been unrelenting and the fight in people is strong. With nearly six months of pure Aries input, they are aroused, thinking about some self determination and feeling the desire to act.

Added to that is the celestial movement into Aquarius, Jupiter and Saturn, with its larger societal awareness and expanded urge for freedom.
Rebellious Uranus, the Aquarian ruler, is turning direct.

The bit of outrage amongst the citizens is an Aries jump start. Charge, spark, and ignite.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

The Rise of the Crybabies

The United States of America has four planets in the astrological sign of Cancer - Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury. Lately the crybabying has been building up to astronomical crescendos. It can be ear splitting. I hate you! is one common refrain when the kids get rattled. Or "I'm scared."  The meanies are here! You got cooties!!
When in Cancer, people like to stay protected from the cold, harsh world of earthly reality, choosing instead to indulge their feelings, and have their needs taken care of by bigger creatures. They are loathe to venture out of the maternal cave lest some danger overcomes them, and sometimes they are reluctant to grow up.
Across from the Cancer stellium sits Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Being Pluto, it, of course, presents a looming threat. The awful threat of maturity.
The convergence of all the big planets in Capricorn that just happened  occurred exactly opposite the people's Cancer Mercury, reflecting breath and speech. The squeeze was on. The crescendos ramped up. "I don't want to hear it!", many cried, along with the ever constant I hate you!  They put funny things on their faces and still the crying continued. The cacophony was maddening with the excited brats shouting all at once.
Well, I'll rest assured. In time, the baby evolves and acknowledges the outer world, takes it as it is, faces coming threats, even ventures out there to complete its development, take responsibility for itself, and fulfill its destiny.
It's possible. And there's that Pluto in Capricorn to bank on.