Shooting for the Stars.
Let Freedom Ring!
This is an important event. The last Full Moon in the sign of religion, philosophy, and exotic lands while Pluto is still in Sagittarius. And conjunct the ruler, Jupiter, no less. Next year at this time, Pluto will be at 0 Capricorn. New sign, new phase.
The Moon's position is especially significant for this country who has a 12 degree Sagittarius Ascendant according to the Sibly chart, just where this full Moon(10 degrees) with Jupiter(15) will occur. And so it appears that this nation is struggling for her independence again as she frees herself from European domination to establish her identity. The fall of Tony Blair and the recent visit of the Queen seem to be part of it. This is the first time Pluto has crossed the USA Ascendant in her history.
Let's go back a bit to September 11, 2001, as there are some very interesting connections. Saturn was at 14 degrees Gemini and Pluto, at 12 Sagittarius on the USA Ascendant, very close to these Full Moon and Jupiter degrees. The destruction of the World Trade Towers symbolizes just that. The end to the international trade relationship the USA had with the world. Appropriate for Sagittarius. But it gets even more interesting after a peek at some other factors. The NN was at 3 Cancer exactly conjoined with the USA Venus-Jupiter conjunction. The SN at 3 Capricorn was conjunct transiting Mars exactly opposite. Pluto and Jupiter rule big money deals, foreign investment included. Something has changed. The shift at the World Bank is telling.
The US, with her SN in the 2nd house, has a destiny of fighting fear of poverty, releasing her material grip, and learning the lessons of financial gain through sharing, cooperation, and ethical merging with others. The falling of the Towers, as the Tarot Card illustrates, was the end to the destructive bondage and the planting of seeds for a new trade relationship with the planet, and a transformation of our internal financial structure in the coming years. The Venus-Jupiter, along with the Sun and Mercury (ruler of commerce) in the 8th house, indicate healthy exchange and cooperation with other nations. The NN in Leo there is the true Ace, with America in its destined leadership role yet to be formed. The Saturn transit through Leo has been a step up. Right now we are witnessing what's wrong with our country, but eventually the people will see something right again.
Pluto will enter Capricorn soon and will be headed directly for the opposition to this Venus in Cancer and the start of the transformation of our material relationships, and release from our own bondage to ourselves and our collective greed. Wars of territory and resource control can't stop until all the people recognize the real source of the problem.
This beautiful moon is shining on the Sagittarius-Pisces square the planet is currently experiencing. Sagittarius is about judgement, moral right and wrong. In Pisces, judgement no longer applies. It all just is. So here we stand with our troubled world wondering who is to blame. Who done who wrong? Or the real question.
Is it really wrong?
My direction as this Full Moon illuminates is connected with the political story in America, as well as my personal faith and trust in the correctness of my life and its symbolic events. I was uninterested in politics for many years, but as Pluto came to my Moon-Jupiter in the 9th, I was drawn back in. These people make me very uncomfortable, but instead of running away from them, I've decided to stay in society and try to see them from a detached perspective. They do what they are supposed to do, and our evolution will proceed slowly as always. I'm not going to get trapped and pained by their brutality and lack of awareness. They simply can't help themselves. Nor can the society as a whole. What I've found is more good people than I had imagined, and this is where I will put my strength and energy as I contribute to my country and try to influence its positive development.
So there, Full Moon on my Moon-Jupiter in Sagittarius!
Illustration by Isabelle Bent