If you balance the weight and the ways of fate,
you'll find yourself in an equilibrium
If we had some ham we could have some ham 'n eggs if we had some eggs.
My uncle Arnold, an optimist. As far as I can tell, the good things offered by life equal the bad. Yet some people are optimistic and some are pessimistic. As Pluto leaves Sagittarius and butts philosophies against one another, this basic dichotomy is up for review. Sagittarius is traditionally associated with optimism, and I think this relates to the newfound discovery of cosmic connection and the freedom from previously perceived confines. The Sagittarian sees a great journey ahead. The anticipation of expanded dimensions fills her with enthusiasm. She packs her bag, her spirits are high. Yet the picture presented overall seems to be one of violence, hatred, and despair, according to the daily translators of human experience. Why is the upside of this experience downplayed? Oh you can go to the mall and find a Hallmark card that flows with positive emotion, but the pain seems to dominate overall. Pessimism can easily dominate too. There have been experiments concluding that the human brain is wired for the negative. Imagine this: place two pictures side by side, one of a garden paradise, the other of a bloody wreck of some kind. You can guess where the eye will go. Violence to the body is particularly fascinating. How many folks enjoy pictures of surgery? Just the sight of the masked physician excites the brain. There has to be sound reason for this. I would think it has to do with issues of survival and a propensity toward perceiving threat. Here is where we run into problems. Where and what is the real threat? I don't know the reason for the confusion. Why people kill people who are no threat at all.
The pessimist foresees a troubled future, and surely all futures hold difficulty. But this type singles this out and prepares to cope, expecting the worst and preparing, maybe. He guards againt disappointment and some see a bleak path ahead for mankind.
The optimist sees opportunity and pleasure in that future and anticipates with joy what is around the bend and over the mountain. High hopes abound and disappointment is very often the result. But this doesn't affect his outlook. He copes with an uncertain future by expecting the best. This propels him forward.
There is no way of knowing how these distinctions find homes in our personalities. Together they form the perfect balance. No need to tamper with the mechanism or fear the other point of view. They go together perfectly.
When Pluto hit the USA Ascendant in Sagittarius the Trade Towers blew and sunk the country into fear and despair. I attribute this to an awakening of spirit and optimism, an inherent characteristic of this country, as Pluto transits her 1st house for the 1st time in history, establishing identity. There is no doubt that this country is deeply depressed. The people have discovered the limitations of money in an attempt to purchase a joyous life. It was brought to my attention that progressed Saturn has recently gone retrograde and this might factor into this despair. Several years ago, when I joined the online community, there was a preponderance of negative predictions for our country's future. As Pluto is finishing, I sense a lightening of this despair. The terrorist attacks never came. People still have money in their pockets. The government is as confused as usual. And the earth is relatively stable. Some look at previous planetary cycles as indications of the future, but I've never seen this work. Each moment is too unique. So as we face an uncertain future, I think faith in what lies ahead and trust in the best guidance is the gift of Pluto through Sagittarius, especially for this young nation just recognizing herself. There will always be enough pessimists to form the perfect equilibrium.
Things aren't as bad as they are.